

A cute young girl in the daytime, a renowned assassin at night, Shaira shows no mercy to those who exploit others or treat others inhumanly. A ruthless billionaire in the daytime and the most feared boss of the underworld at night, Andrea's interest shifts to the renowned assassin who no one, not even his men, is yet to uncover her identity. All that is known to him is that the renowned assassin 'Ridder' is a woman and she is his alone.

Bolwajai · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter Four

Second POV

Warmth pulses in the room with closed windows as the sun peaks through the drawn curtains. Bothered by the heat, you push off the remaining duvet still intact, and sit up abruptly. Rubbing the residue sleep off your eyes, you jump up as you realize it is daybreak.

"Oh no, I woke up late," grabbing a fistful of your hair, you lament. Not wasting any more time, you immediately put off your nightgown and hurriedly put on the first clothes you see which happen to be what you like wearing, a big and comfy pullover and three-quarter shorts.

'If not for those idiots chasing after me yesterday, I wouldn't have been this tired. But come to think of it, nobody has come to break down my door, I hope it is not a sign of calm before the storm because truth be told those beatings hurt even though I am used to it and I have received much more pains during training and missions.' You mused.

Tiptoeing down the stairs in hope that the whole household might still be sleeping, you are halfway down the stairs when cackles of ugly laughter reach your ears. 'Sh*t, they are awake and from the voices I am hearing, it seems there is a guest.'

Running down the stairs with light steps and in a rush to avoid those sitting in the living room from seeing you, you stop at the entrance to the kitchen with your second leg raised to step into the safe place when you heard a strange word but from the voice that undoubtedly belongs to your stepmother.

"Shaira darling, come over here for a minute."

Turning around slowly with a face full of shock, you see the brightest smile you have never seen which surprisingly belongs to your stepmother who stretches out her hand beckoning you to come closer.

'There is definitely something up this woman's sleeve for her to change overnight. No problem, I will play it by ear.' Making your way toward everyone seated, you made up your mind to act according to circumstances.

"You can see how beautiful and hardworking she is Mr. Serf. Knowing you were coming, she woke up early to make the sumptuous breakfast we just had and she was just going to start lunch as we saw her entering the kitchen just now..."

You tune out while thinking hard, 'why is she saying things I did not do?'

'But it is obvious she is trying to paint me good in front of her guest.' A small crease appears on your face but you quickly wipe it off so as not to attract any further punishment that may accrue from any unacceptable action. This is because you have learnt the lesson the hard way.

Finding the Persian rug spread wide in the middle of the living room of great interest, you lower your head pretending to scrutinize the patterns on the rug whereas the side of your eyes is focused on the interactions between the people seated.

"Oh, yes yes, I can see that. In fact, I will be adding more to what I promised because what I am seeing is more than what I expected." With a lit-up face in excitement, the fat on his face shakes while he claps his hands in joy.

'Oh-oh, so this is what they are aiming at, he will not even know how he dies.' You smirk as you thought of ways to deal with the idiot.

"Shaira, Shaira, Shaira darling," you felt a hand on your shoulder while lost in thought of ways to deal with him. Upon looking up into your aunt's eyes, you saw the anger in her eyes as a result of your absent-mindedness which made her call you calmly.

"You better behave yourself or else..." Not wanting to receive any beating for the day, you tremble a bit to soothe her anger because you planned on going out at night.

"Pardon me for my unruliness. I was a bit lost in thought." With your face back down to look at the rugs, your soft voice rings out.

Sitting on the edge of the chair, Mr. Serf thought to himself, 'how I wish I can touch her soft skin, kiss her pink lips, and hear her soft voice call my name lovingly.'

Seeing the look on his face from the corner of your eyes, your hidden face is filled with determination, 'I will make sure you scream my name in agony by the time I start with you and when I finish with you, ...' You stop your thought as a deadly smile flash across your face with the unsaid words promising darkness unbeknownst to the victim to be.

Sitting back on the couch, you heard that annoying voice your aunt has taken pleasure in using, "Mr. Serf, I am sorry for her attitude, she is just a shy little thing, and as you can also see that she is very docile and obedient."

"I am not angry at all, rather, I am very pleased." He says gleefully. "How about we move the wedding date forward but I will transfer the fund a week before the date." Leaning closely to your stepmother, he whispers but it flitters to your hearing.

"Oh, oh, I have no problem with that, and I am sure she is excited too." They have made the decision but none of them asks for your opinion nor glances at you to determine if you are willing or not.

'All I know is that the both of you will not know what hits you by the time I am finished with you." You smirked.

"You can go back to what you want to do. Just make sure the food is delicious." Your stepmother smiled at you.

"Alright." You say as you walk swiftly back to the kitchen.



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