
Chapter 1

Bang bang bang 3 shots of gun going off.

" everyone get on fucking floor , this a bank robbery . Move an inch of your body I blow up your brains " Niko

Zic went to the counter with a bag " put every cent in this bag if not  , you know what I can do with a gun "

The girl on the counter fastly puts the money on the bag while shaking and being scared for her life . Thinking she wouldn't die for the bank . She then gave the money to smalls .

Smalls while smiling " good girl . You being this beautiful imagine if I Shot your brains out . Bang , bang , bang your family would be crying while I celebrate your death . Dying for the bank while the bank doesn't  care about your life".

While Smalls was talking ,Niko went to him and whispered " let's go " .

" everyone here after 10 minutes you can stand up . Stand before that 10 minutes our sniper right there will do you a  favour by making you go meet Jesus early " Zic .

Whistle Whistle

3 guys were running to the car . You may think where is the fourth guy , but there was no sniper the guys were lying .