
Chapter 8

On the other hand, during their breaks Ricky was clever, funny and had a wonderful grasp of people and their feelings. Dave liked this guy more and more everyday. Sometimes he would just sit and listen to him and think how lucky he was to have found such a friend.

* * * *

At the end of the week Dave roused his courage, repressed his hesitations based on Ralph’s comments, and asked Ricky , “How about going out for a pizza tonight?”


“How…about…going…out…for…a…pizza…tonight? Is that slow enough for you?” Dave immediately regretted joking with Ricky that way.

He was about to apologize when Ricky came back with, “I…would…like…that…very…much! Capish?”

They laughed, arranged to meet at Pete’s, the local pizzeria, and said goodbye.