
Richter, The Dragon

Richter was an ordinary guy. He had a standard job, a standard apartment, and he live alone. What was not so standard about him, though, was his death! He doesn’t remember very well, but it had something to do with a fidget spinner When he woke up from what he thought was his end, he quickly realized something. It was his end. But her beginning. “Wait, I’m a dragon!?” Follow Richt- I mean, Gilhaz as she discovers secrets and wreaks havoc on her enemies (basically everyone who isn’t related to dragons), and builds her fortress in this twisted, confusing, and incredibly enjoyable world!

XD_Jaeger · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Wait, I’m Dead!?

'Well shit'



'S H I T'

These were some of the thoughts that were going through Richter's mind right now.

At this moment, he was currently not having a pleasant time. No, what he was currently experiencing, some could describe it as 'unpleasant'.

He was dying. Normally, Richter would be indifferent about this fact. If it was doing something cool! Like, saving a kid from getting hit by a truck, or, taking a bullet for his (non-existent) best friend! No, he died in a very stupid way.

As he was walking home from a gas station, he found something on the edge of the sidewalk. A fidget spinner. Since he wasn't what you would call rich, he picked up the cursed thing and walked to his mildly depressing apartment, and went straight to bed. As he lay there, he started to play with his new trinket. After 3 minutes, it broke. To be fair, he wasn't expecting much. He literally found it on the street. But this isn't why he was angry. When it broke, one of the ball-bearings popped right out of the toy and into his throat.

Because he lived alone, there was no one to aggressively hug him from behind. As his life slowly faded away, he heard a robotic voice.

[Host Death Confirmed]

[Starting The Reincarnation System]

'Wait, I'm dead!? That doesn't make any sense! I can think! I can brea- oh. No never mind I can't breath. Where am I?'

[The Reincarnation System Has Been Successfully Started]

[Beginning Process]





[Process Completed! In 5. 4. 3. 2.]



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