Aria Callaghan is not an easy person to come by, but at the same time she's very effective at what she's doing. However, due to her ways she meets on her way Chyler Toussaint, a quite by-the-book detective. Their cooperation seems impossible to be maintained in a good way, given different approaches both of them have, but a lot can change given what they have to face together. After Hellblades mob starts killing people in British Columbia, Aria and Chyler would have to move to Saskatchewan to investigate why Hellblades had gotten so bold. However, the killing mob is not the only problem they will encounter on their way.
"Goddamn fucking shit." Aria snarled, throwing the pile of papers forward and observing it spilling over the desk. There was nothing. NOTHING.
All the information about that one particular gang from Saskatchewan was nowhere to be found. Aria growled and she looked around, even though she was sure nothing had the right to be there even. She brought every single one folder she was ever in possession of, and then she had spent way too many hours in the archive than she would want to admit. At the same time she had the hint that there had to be something she had been missing. Like she knew something, and yet she had forgotten about that.
"Fuck my life, I hate feeling like that." She snarled in the moment her phone started vibrating with the call. She picked it up, not even looking who was that.
"Hitman agency 'Point and click'. To whom I'd be owing the pleasure?" she asked with a very morbid tone, and then hearing a snort of laughter on the other side.
"You're never going to change, are you."
"You know me, what is making you even think of asking that question." She shrugged, looking outside the window, since the documents were already making her want to puke. "Any particular reason you decided to interrupt my working hours or you just thought pissing me off would be a great idea to start the day?"
"I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go for lunch together. You know, to tell me how did it go with Mendez." Mia sighed, and Aria rolled her eyes, perfectly aware that her friend would not be able to see that. And that was the thing.
"How did it go, how did it go, I just put her in her damn place and moved on with my life, that's how it went." She huffed. "It went so well that our French gurl decided to come around and ask about it, as if I ain't got shit to do."
"She seems like..."
"Don't even finish that sentence if you want me not to hang up on you, bitch." Aria almost snarled. "We can have lunch, since, apart from those twelve cigarettes and a mug of this piss they call coffee, I haven't seen anything substantial."
"You know you can't..."
"I do what I want and how I want." She cut in again, looking at her watch. It was already past three and she had been actually fucking nowhere. Nothing she could find. Maybe, indeed, she needed something else than nicotine and caffeine in her system.
"Fine, whatever." Mia gave up knowing that she would not be able to win with her friend. "What are we having today then?"
"How about a burger." Aria offered, and then she heard a mumble that sounded like satisfied one. "Okay, twenty minutes, in the center."
And then she hang up, looking at the papers once again and groaning. It was haunting to have it somewhere on the back of her head, the thought that she could have missed something, that she had not thought about an essential thing. And she was pissed off because she knew she would probably have to ask about those in Saskatchewan itself.
"Or I can make Crème Brulée do that." She smirked. "She was so keen on being the superior. She can do it then."
Of course if Aria would be completely and utterly sure that there was nothing she had missed in the first place.