
Starting Point of American Dream

It was seven o'clock in the evening when Catherine returned home.

Although she wants to go back to school when she thinks about what happened last night, Catherine wants to be quiet.

In her spare time, Catherine sat on her desk and began to write the fourth book of Harry Potter.

But the storyline has been modified by Catherine so, to prevent BUG from appearing, she will check it out and make some "run pens" at the same time.

"Pairing Harry and Hermione... seems really good."

Actually, in Catherine's mind, Harry Potter and Hermione were originally a pair but they didn't expect to be cuckolded by Ron.

Or this was Aunt Rowling's original intention but Catherine thought for a while but didn't know whether she should modify it or not.

But thinking about it, another thought suddenly appeared in her mind.


Why didn't I make Harry Potter a game by myself?

Since everyone likes Hermione and Harry so much, why not let them chase them in person?


That's it!

Kate was excited all of a sudden.

Later Harry Potter was adapted into various computer games, why can't I do this?

Of course, computer games are out of play. Catherine thought of the TRPG project that had been aborted.

If it's a TRPG, maybe it's all right!

The so-called TRPG is a tabletop role-playing game in which people act as characters in the game and they are judged by dice and referees. Dungeons and Dragons is one of the most famous representatives of this type of game. And this game will be adapted into a computer game in the future.

Why don't I develop in this direction?


Catherine became excited.

If you have a tabletop game, it will be much more convenient if you want to launch the same type of electronic game in the future. And DND doesn't know how much it made by selling game copyrights. Why don't I do it?

It is not only this aspect, even its own clothing design shop can design a piece of COSPLAY clothing for these enthusiasts.

You must know that Americans are not less enthusiastic about COSPLAY than Japan and what they are most particular about is the reality that COSPLAY must play.

The idea is very good but there is a big problem in front of me——

That is the copyright that I gave to the paper book company. It is a buyout. Although there are only the first three, it is ultimately a bit inconvenient to use.

If it can be changed to authorization, that would be great.

Catherine thought for a while, then picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is Robert."

There was a familiar voice over there.

"For the next four books of Harry Potter, I consider continuing to let the Paper Book Publishing House be responsible for publishing... But I hope to amend the contract..."

Fortunately, although she had already started to write the fourth volume before this, she did not discuss the issue of signing the paper book. Although the price of the paper book was very high, she always felt that it was a little inappropriate at the beginning. The matter was temporarily put down, only to tell the paper book company that she still has a few novels but for the time being, she has no plans to write--in fact she is almost writing it.

And now, I finally have a bargaining chip.

Although Robert is just a stunned boy, the other party is very diligent. At least the content of his conversation with the other party today will reach the editor's ears in ten minutes.

She guessed correctly, and soon she got a call from the Paper Book Publishing House.

The other party agrees to turn the buyout copyright into Catherine's exclusive authorization, but they require that the authorized publishing house can only have one paper book publishing house, and it cannot be authorized to other publishing houses within 5 years. If she wants to publish in the other parts of Europe, she must give priority to the branch of the paper book publishing house.

Moreover, the paper book publishing house will insert an advertisement in the hardcover edition, which is a teaser advertisement for a tabletop game.

"Harry Potter" is a slow-moving novel, the first two sales are very good, but this is not its glorious period. It's just that the paper book publishing house is not looking at the future. Although it saw the business opportunities of "Harry Potter", it cannot expect that it would be so popular.

Paper Book Publishing House is the largest publishing house. Later, million-dollar writers would begin to appear from Paper Book Publishing House. Paper Book Publishing House is very visionary and uses high remuneration and high returns to attract a group of writers.

For example, the paper book publishing house is a bit like a 21st-century Chinese novel website. First, high-cost authors appeared and then formed a scale effect, and then led the pack.

Although the differences in the country and the system caused the two to follow a different path, the perspective of the paper book publishing house cannot be underestimated.

Now they temporarily decided on the agreement through the phone, and then as long as they sign another contract, the matter will be settled. Of course, Catherine's contract will also have the signature of the guardian.

"Okay, there is only one question next."

The question is to make a popular rule.

This rule, Catherine first targeted those middle class who bought the hardcover edition.

In fact, only the middle class and above are those who have spare time playing table games.

Catherine suddenly thought of another group.


Many things in the United States have been "bombed" when its target was a child. Like Barbie, Transformers, etc.

Some people say that the reason why Americans are so "nostalgic" is also because these things have given them strong hints like brainwashing since they were young.

In any case, if you capture the hearts of the children, it is considered a success.

Moreover, there is the sentence: "Whoever can boldly underestimate the IQ of Americans will be able to succeed."

Catherine does not have the twenty years of dormancy like Dungeons and Dragons.

She wants a blockbuster.

Therefore, the rules of the game must be simple and easy to use. In this case, the complexity must be reduced on a large scale.

Catherine just considered whether to introduce two sets of rules. One set for adults and one set for children.

But now, her mind has changed. The rules are still two sets, but they have become a "popular version" and a "professional version". And the model design also needs two sets, one for the Q version for children and one for adults.

The popular version is a simplified rule, while the professional version is similar to the DND rule that appeared later. Although many Americans are very slow, smart Americans will make every rule-maker a headache, and this is the usual feature of Jewish ancestry.

The former has a lot of freedom allowing everyone to have fun while the latter is more focused on role-playing.

Even though she already has a clear plan, it took Catherine more than a month to complete the basic rules.

After all, the original Harry Potter plot is not suitable for making a game because there is no "upgrade".

So Catherine went to revise the plot for this, highlighting the power system a little bit, to make the plot of the story reasonable and the setting of this power system made Catherine very troubled. In the end, she finally came up with a playable version.

As for the model design, it is relatively simple. Catherine's infrequent drawing skills finally came into play again.

Various sketches of human settings were drawn by Catherine, but it would take some time to make real objects.

Time is gradually moving towards June and Catherine's second signing is also coming soon.

For this signing, Catherine gave high hopes. It's not just the hype of tabletop games and Blair the Witch but Catherine has a hunch that this will be the starting point of her American dream.

A real starting point.