
Riches and Power

What would life be if you only pursued wealth, fame and power? When you aren't supposed to pursue love and enjoy life the way you want to. In a world of angel like creatures — Belinda was born into a society where she was raised to be successful, wealthy and with power. She lived the so called perfect life for 18 years until an unexpected disturbance comes... !!! NOTE: the start of the story may seem like a human average business woman story- but PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY EVERYTHING WILL MAKE MORE SENSE AND BECOME OBVIOUS LATER!!! All the non human elements will start appearing a few more chapters in and also there’s NO MARRIAGES OR ROMANCE!!!

fading_flower · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Character Profiles


Age: 20

Angel blood % : ??

Lucas Phillips

Age: 14

Angel blood %: ??

Family: mother- Emma Phillips


Age: over 50

Angel blood % :

Job: Housekeeper

Just something I've done for fun and also I'll update and add new stuff this as the story goes all along.