
Chapter:10 University

Alice's face and immediately said, "Alice, what do you think of this bag? Are you researching luxury goods?"

Alice looked at Danny and smiled slightly before saying, "I've been wanting to buy that bag for a long time, it's too expensive..."

Danny immediately replied, "Alice dear, I will buy you something like that for your birthday! I just don't have eight or nine thousand dollars. Besides, I know the people who work at the Hermes boutique store opposite our university."

Alice said nothing but smiled at Danny.

Even though he didn't know Danny personally, he had heard things about Danny and knew that he was a playboy.

Unexpectedly, he is brave and generous.

Alice couldn't help but be slightly impressed with Danny in those moments.

After that, the head of Gerald's dormitory and his companions gave their gifts to Naomi one by one.

Their gifts were not as expensive as Danny's gift but their gifts still cost three to four hundred dollars.

Gerald does not return to interrupt and plans to give his gift after all.

But at that moment, Danny looked at the red plastic bag in Gerald's hand before grinning and said, "Gerald, show us what you bought for Naomi. Just look at the plastic bag you are holding! So festive!"

"Can you shut up Danny? I'm happy with whatever Danny gives me."

Naomi warns Danny again.

But, Naomi was hopeful as she looked at Gerald.

Gerald regretted what he had done.

Since he was in a hurry, he didn't want to wait half an hour to pack the bag.

He thought it was just a simple party with Naomi's close friends. He didn't think that shameless Danny was here too!"

"Naomi, I also bought you a bag."

Gerald said as he took out the bag from the plastic bag he was holding.

Alice frowned at that moment because she couldn't believe what she saw.

That person is very difficult! Unbelievable.

"Wow!" Danny shouted as Gerald took out the bag.

"Think of that! Gerald also bought Naomi a Hermes bag! He also bought Naomi a luxury item!"

"Gerald, where did you buy that bag from? Is it cheap?"

The women immediately laughed at Danny's words.

Alice shook her head at that moment.

He thought that even though Gerald was poor, he was probably still a good friend.

But now, he looked down on Gerald even more.

"This is the limited edition collector's Hermes bag that was released on their 200th anniversary. There are only 200 units of this bag worldwide and each one costs fifty-five thousand dollars!"

Alice immediately recognized the bag.

"There are too many imitations on the internet and the fakes haven't crossed one hundred dollars yet! But no matter how vain a person is, they won't buy the imitation because it's too embarrassing to use a fake high-end product!"

Alice said nothing disrespectfully as her eyes glared at Gerald. He was sick of these kinds of people!

Naomi thought that he would buy her gadgets but she did not expect that Gerald would buy her a fake item.

However, Naomi still smiled and said, "Thank you Gerald. Thank you very much and I'm happy no matter what you give me but you don't have to spend so much next time. One hundred dollars is no joke to you!"