
Rice's Daily Chuckles

Step into the world of mirth and merriment with "Rice Joke's," a side-splitting joke book that guarantees endless laughter for readers of all ages! Packed with an assortment of rib-ticklers, puns, one-liners, and witty wordplay, this collection promises to bring joy and cheer to anyone who flips its pages. Join us on a hilarious journey as we traverse through various topics and settings, from the groan-worthy to the sidesplittingly funny. Each chapter focuses on a different theme, ranging from animals, food, and technology to everyday life, school shenanigans, and beyond. Discover clever jokes that will have readers grinning from ear to ear, and cleverly crafted puns that are sure to elicit groans and guffaws alike. The novel also features delightful riddles and clever brain teasers that will challenge readers while keeping them entertained. Whether you're looking to brighten up a dull day or impress friends with your wit, "Rice Joke's" has got you covered. Ideal for parties, family gatherings, and social events, these jokes will surely be the talk of the town! So, if you're ready to embark on a laughter-filled journey, follow "Rice Joke's" and get ready to laugh your way through this joyous compilation of the finest jokes ever penned. Warning: Excessive giggling and unforgettable punchlines may occur. Reader discretion is not advised!

xRicex · Fantasy
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501 Chs

Wife Response

Dear Ex-Husband

Nothing has made my day more

than receiving your letter. Its

true you & I have been married

for 7 years, although a good

man is a far cry from what

you've been.

I watch my soaps so much

because they drown out your

constant whining & griping

Too bad that didn't work.

I DID notice when you got a

haircut last week, but the 1st

the thing that came to mind was

'You look just like a girl!' since

my mother raised me not to say

anything if you can't say

something nice, I didn't


And when you cooked my

favorite meal, you must have

gotten me confused with MY

SISTER, because I stopped

eating pork 7 years ago.

About those new silk boxers: I

turned away from you because

the 49.99 price tag was still on

them, & I prayed it was a

coincidence that my sister had

just borrowed $50 from me that


After all of this, I still loved you

& felt we could work it out. So

when I hit the lotto for 10

million dollars, I quit my job &

bought us 2 tickets to jamaica

But when I got home you were


Everything happens for a

reason, I guess. I hope you

have the fulfilling life you

always wanted.

My lawyer said that the letter

you wrote ensures you won't

get a dime from me. SO take


Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As

Hell & Free!

P.S. I don't know if I ever told

you this, but my sister Carla

was born Carl. I hope that's not

a problem