
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

Someone's here

"Do you sense something?"asked Andre.

"No, I don't."said Zack.

"Oh God this place is real spooky."

"Yeah, I agree."

They walked alongside a road which was surrounded by bulidings. Just then they heard something from a nearby building. Zack looked at Andre and insisted her to follow him. The door was opened and it had blood stains all over it. He kicked the door from outside and the door opened with a creepy noise. It was so dark inside so Andre took hold of her torch and gave one to Zack too. Zack asked Andre to split up and to shoot whenever you see something moving. They two go split up into two different direction with their weapons. As Andre walked, she continued to hear noises from her sideways and she loaded her gun and straightened her mind to hear every single noise from her surroundings.Just then she heard something from behind and she shot at it without further a due.

"Don't shoot, it's me for God's sake."said Zack while he jumped off from the shot.

"I'm sorry."said Andre.

"You do have a hell of an aim."

"Yeah, I know."

"Come on."

"To where?"

"Outside, there's nothing here."

"Then what about the sound?"

"It might be a rat.Come on let's go."

As they walked to the door they saw that the door was closed and it was locked from outside. He knocked on it for someone to open but it gained no win. He tried to kick it, smash it and everything but it never opened, it was closed shut.

"What do you think is happening?"asked Andre.

"Maybe someone closed it from the outside or maybe someone doesn't want us to go outside."said Zack.

"Yeah, the second one really creeps me out."

"Yeah, I know let's look around see if there's something else to get us out."said Zack and he walked big steps with his sword fully ready to slay anything that comes on his way. They walked straight and they found themselves in a hallway surrounded by rooms. Each room had it's own number written on it and it had some kind of stain on it too.

"Come on."said Zack as he moved front. Just then he heard something from one of the rooms and he stopped for a moment. He tried to sense if there's something around but every time he did that, his mind get's blocked by something, some kind of power. They heard the noise coming from one of the rooms and they slowly tried to get inside. They opened the door slowly and it made this kind of creepy sound and all. Just then some rats came running under their legs just crawling all around.

"Oh.... It's just rats."said Zack. He tried to walk away from the room and he asked Andre to follow him. But there was no answer. He looked behind, but Andre was not to be seen. She was missing.

"Andre?..... Andre?.... This is not a game, Where are you?... Shit."

He looked all around and he saw her torch lying on the ground infront of a hallway. He decided to follow the traits that she left and he found himself at the basement, fully dark everywhere. He looked everywhere but she was not to be found. He started calling her name out loudly but it never did anything. Just then he heard something from behind and he turned around with his sword and he found Andre lying on the ground unconscious. He ran towards her and took her up and tried to wake her up. She woke up screaming and with a heavy breath she looked at Zack.

"It's okay, I'm here. What happened?"asked Zack.

"I don't know, something grabbed my hand and that was it, I don't remember anything at all.Something's here Zack and it doesn't want us to leave.Zack?"called out Andre as she saw something behind him, Zack took her gun and shot at the thing but it never got hit at it. He helped her get up and run as fast a possible. Something got hit at them on the way, some kind of power which forced them to hit the ground. When they got up, they realised that they were in a room which was utterly dark. Zack turned up his torch and he saw dead bodies just lying around all over the room.

"OH MY GOD."screamed Zack while he covered up Andre. Something moved from it and it walked towards them, Zack couldn't get his sword or his gun cause they were moving past from the damn thing. It moved so quickly and it was some kind of a devil sort of thing. Zack jumped up over to it and forced it stay on the ground. He took the gun from the ground and shot at it like hell. The devil was dead and it looked more like a zombie sort of thing.

"What the hell is that?"asked Andre.

"I don't know. We should be careful. There might be more of them inside."said Zack and he helped Andre get up. They continued to walk for a way out and they entered into some sort of 'Details room'. It had all these computers just lying around and some of it was still working and some had blood stains all over it.

"Oh, God there's blood all over."said Andre.

"Looks like someone's hungry."

"Oh God I'm gonna throw up."

"The radio is dead, the satellite is dead, everything's dead over here."

"Even people."

"What people?"asked Zack. Andre pointed towards something and it was a dead body of man sitting on a chair. His body was covered in blood.

"Oh, God.... Andre stop looking at it."said Zack and he went towards it.He kinda investigated the body to know what attacked it and it was sure that it was no good thing that attacked him. A communication satellite phone was lying on his table and he took it and he tried to hear something from it but it said nothing, just some radiation sound.He saw a radio just near it and it was confusing as it was like if someone answered it but everyone's dead now. He played the audio and it had this man's voice which said like this :

"There's.... there's a devil.... here..... please... help us.... It's eating... people alive.... Please... help us.... Help.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

and then some noises of something attacking the caller and eating it.

"Zack, I have a really bad feeling about this."

"Yeah. Me too."