
Running late

Hello, My names Ria Rosè.I am 17 years old and I am currently a high school student at Rodshur High.Usually I'm not in a rush to get to school because as Student President, It is my job to be on time.Today…I am not so lucky.

I never was the one to try and fit in.I never thought I needed too.That is until I ended up with absolutely no friends, and no one to rely on.My mother used to tell me that they were just jealous, And probably scared to come up to me.But we both know that isn't true.I'm a complete dork and I can't even help it.

My first year into high school was absolutely THE worst.I was not only a crybaby and sensitive,But I was bullied.When I say I used to get bullied I don't mean mean just smacking books out of your hand, or just calling you names.I mean I was being beaten for some kiddy things.There was no reason behind all of the bullying.But after all those martial Art practices, I was more confident in sticking up for myself.

But enough of my backstory, Let's get back on track.I overslept and was currently waiting for my toast to flip up so I can grab 'em and rush out the door.Another big mistake.

No 1: If you are already late, your making it worse if you are even later.

My toast eventually flipped up and on BOTH sides they were burnt.

"Are you kidding me??" I said as I grew irritated,"And I'm already late so I can't make anymore."

"What a waste of food."

I'm rushing out of the door and and running as fast as possible.Can the day get any worser?


Well yes,Yes it can.

"I'm so sorry, I'm in a rush I didn't even-" I say trying to explain myself before I was rudely interrupted.

"Can you watch where you are going."This random boy says.

I was already annoyed,this puny boy just made it even worse.

"I'm sorry what?Don't you see me trying to apologize?"

"Honestly I don't care.Watch where you're going like I said." The boy says

Now he's done it.

"Listen here you ass, I don't like your attitude and I'm already going through it so I don't need your bullshit."I say,"I'm really not in the mood right now so you can get out of my way."

My shoulder bumps into his and I stomp away angrily.

I couldn't see much but I slightly turned around to see if I got him to react or anything but I think he may have been shocked cause his eyes were widened.


"And class-"


"Hi Mr.Lon I am so sorry for being late.I promise this will not happen a-" I say but is interrupted

"Ms.Rosè, give me your lateness excuse later on.You are interrupting my classroom.Now go have a seat." Mr.Lon says

"…yes sir" I reply.

"I cannot believe you were that late but what can you do.Anyways back to class-" Mr.Lon says but is interrupted


"Oh gosh who is it now."Mr.Lon turns his head,he is then frozen with a shocked face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "who's at the door?"

A boy walks in the class

"Oh my god." I say in disbelief, "why is HE here?"