
Rhodia River: In the Stream of Love

Monica Silva wants to be a famous writer. Célio das Graças wants to be a powerful person to help people, and wants to get involved in politics to achieve his goals. Both have known each other since childhood, but the long life has transformed friendship into love. But when the two put their life goals at the forefront, can the love survive? In the reign of Royal Hill, get to know the lives of the residents of this residential neighborhood called Rhodia River. In it, a group of single friends move to this peaceful neighborhood in search of dream fulfillment: career, independence from parents, family, love, happiness. Adventure, romance, joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, friendship, betrayal, all this and much more you will find in "Rhodia River".

Anderson_Jose · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Neighbours demand their rights

Miriam bounces on the chair and says in a tone of complaint, "Oh, Seu Aurélio, what a fright! Did you hear anything?"

"Was I supposed to hear or not hear something? I am very discreet."

Sandra orders in an authoritative tone, "Bring cheese and ham pastries, two! Today I'm hungry."

Monica gets into the snack bar, worried. 

Aurélio goes to her, "Can I wish you 'good morning'?"

"Oh, Seu Aurélio, I let you. I need it."

"Chicken patty always goes well in those hours. I imagine you want to talk about your friend Annie."

Monica gets surprised, "Has she told you yet?"

"Daughter, don't worry. A long-term friendship just doesn't end easily."

"She said she solved it with her boyfriend, but I felt that it was him who solved it."

Aurelio acts like a big daddy, "Well, Annie is also a girl, she needs to learn to defend herself and impose herself. Come, the pie awaits you."

Monica smiles yellowy and goes with him to the counter. 

Miriam disdains Monica, "She doesn't have a boyfriend and disrupts the dating of others... The best friend!"

"I had another vision of Monica..." Sandra laments.

"You see how things are. We better change the subject before she hears us."

But, Monica is eating her patty without even noticing Sandra and Miriam.


Annie enters. Jonas in three steps goes to her and gives her a bear hug, "Annie! By god, forgive me!"

"Jon, what happened?"

Jonas is being pathetic, "I can't lose you to him, Annie! I love you!"

Annie disengages from the hug, "Who is 'he'? There is no Big Richard on my back."

"I'm talking about Aurélio Malthus."

Annie speaks gently, "Oh, Jon, his shop is very good, but your bakery has advantages."

Jonas IS NOT talking about the snack bar. He smiles, "Let's fix yesterday's mistake! Sit down, miss!"

He pulls out a chair and Annie sits down, happy, thrilled.

Jonas wilts, "Oh, my father is here today..."

Annie puts her purse on the table, opens it, looks for it, and finds something. It's a credit card. 

Annie is smiling, "I called Daddy yesterday, and he allowed it to be used. Everything is for both of us, Jonas."

Jonas takes the credit card, leans over to Annie, and fills her cheek with kisses; a romantic moment between them.


Ed is in school uniform and backpack, crossing the square to go to school. Cássio approaches him on the way.

"We need to talk, partner!"

Ed exclaims disguisedly, "Cássio, how long ago!"

"Cut the bullshit, the chat here will be serious! Did you hear what Sandra and I said at the Malthus Snack Bar on Tuesday? Yesterday an outbreak Miriam appeared in the house, fearing that she has been the last in the contest."

Ed is evasive, "Well, I think I heard one or another thing because I was sitting with my back to you, but at first, I didn't even notice. I just wanted my cheese pastry."

"You must be the only person from Royal Hill who eats cheese pastries."

"Now, I didn't do it as a cover to spy on you. It happened."

"Okay, but what about Miriam?"

"I like her and thought she deserved to know, but I didn't count on explicitly accusing Carina."

"Of course, because Carina is slow."

Ed is being a jerk, "I'll tell her that, huh!"

"Stop being boring and stop being involved in adult intrigues."

"No way, if this is being an adult I rather stay forever a child."

"If you remain a child forever, you'll have to go to school forever."

Cássio walks away, laughing at him. Ed reacts confused and doesn't know what he prefers anymore.


Tito dumps more posters into Célio's arms, "There, champion, more posters."

"Seu Tito, some people are saying that it's not a meeting that is said, but an Extraordinary General Assembly."

Tito gets confused, "I'll try to find out. Meanwhile, you are spreading the seed."

"I thought they were posters."

Tito chuckles, "Way of saying, son."

Sandra erupts in the Association. First, she notices everything from top to bottom, thinking of herself as a lady, then going to the mayor.

"Seu Tito, we need to talk. I voted for you and demand action from you as a resident."

Célio asks, "Do you know if Cássio is coming, Sandra?"

Sandra answers Célio, "He said he's coming." She turns to Tito, "I was informed by the officer that the police station is neither prepared nor equipped to stop criminal gangs that are emerging in the neighborhood."

"No alarmism, miss! Gangs are not emerging just because Monica was mugged."

"An agreement is needed with police stations in other neighborhoods, such as Debora Park and Aurora Village! And the residents here need to contribute; after all, we are in Royal Hill and not in Serra!"

"It turns out, miss, we still don't have enough residents to help..."

"And those who can, how do they help?"

Total silence. Célio is still standing, listening.

Tito is in an embarrassed beat, "We're still getting organized..."

Sandra screams, "Get organized before I'm raped!"

Célio reacts, "Turn your mouth over there, Sandra! I know who can help us."

Sandra turns to him, "Who?"

"It's Carina Sousa."

Sandra got a pretty strong angry reaction to the pronounced name, "That dead-fly Carina, getting involved in public security matters? She trembles just because someone holds out a gun!"

"I'm not saying that she will be the next Wonder Woman, but she can help us with—" Célio cleared his throat, "Advertising. There is the software called Corel Draw, which she knows how to work like never before."

Tito says, "I've never heard of this girl, but if she can help, send her over tomorrow or today if you find her."

Célio is glad to help, "Leave it to me, Seu Tito!"

Cássio finally arrives, "And so, Célio, what job will be today?"

Sandra turns to him and smiles, "Good morning darling!"

Cássio barely blinks for Célio, he goes straight to the beloved girlfriend, "Little Sandra! Hi, my love, did you come to work too?"

Sandra almost has a stroke only with the hypothesis, "I came, as a citizen who pays taxes, to demand a fair return from the taxes with the government."

Cássio got frozen and understood nothing.

Célio is mocking him, "She came to ask Seu Tito to help the police station."

"Aaaaaahhh, okaaaaay. Anyway, I'm going to work. The bills keep coming and my dad doesn't answer the phone, I don't know why."

Célio rolls his eyes. He separates some posters and gives them to Cássio, and also the glue, "There, go ahead and paste it on Carijó Street."

Cássio is a joker, "The street where Monica lives, right, Don Juan?"

The machine gun gaze of Célio sends shivers down Cassio's spine and he leaves immediately. Sandra goes behind. 

Tito questions Célio, "How does this simple boy have the courage to go out with this girl so awful and troublemaker?"

"Midnight Mysteries, Seu Tito; and don't worry, I'll talk to Carina." 

After Célio left...


Carina, Monica, and Rosa are on the counter. Célio is with them, some posters in hand, and the conversation about the plan already started. Aurélio is on the other side of the counter. 

Carina is thankful, "Oh, thanks for remembering me, Célio. Of course, I'll agree to help. Mayor Tito deserves our support. And it's for our benefit too."

"You have a noble heart, Carina. You and Annie should be sisters." Aurélio mentions "Annie" looking at Monica. The hint was captured and she lowers her head.

Célio goes on, "As we are going to need from ads, nobody better than you with your gift to the arts. We'll use your talent to convince our neighbors to help."

"People who move from Greater Victoria to Royal Hill think that the police here are public services, but not. It's private. Only the high ranking that takes care of the interests of the Hiller crown is financed by public money."

"That's why the Debora Park and Aurora Village police stations work well. But here..."

Rosa says, "Yes, the people have to wake up. Yesterday Chief Roldão found a suspect gang on the sidewalk late at night. I thought I was going to be attacked."

Célio says, "They know that here we are still getting ready and want to enjoy it. Chief Roldão is there struggling with a computer that turns itself off and is Windows 3.0"

Carina notices the 'posters', "I just need better material. Chamex or A4 is not the best option. It's pretty easy to tear or fade in the rain. Good poster paper is couché."

Aurélio is astonished, "See how this girl knows everything?"

Rosa completes, "Take it easy, dear. There is in the stationery."

"You fell from heaven, Rosa!"

"I fell from Bluffington to here!"

Everyone's laughing. The door opens and Annie and Jonas pass in. Monica and Annie look at each other; they are embarrassed. Then, between Aurélio and Jonas, he greets the boy with the head, and Jonas suddenly hugs Annie sideways as if to say, "She's mine!"

"Let's sit there, love. The counter is full." Jonas says to her but glaring at Aurélio.

The two of them move further toward the corner. Célio perceives the mood and turns to Monica. Rosa and Carina keep converging.

"Is there a problem, Monica? You faded as soon as Annie came in, and you didn't even go to greet her."

"It's friend problems, Cé. It's not worth taking your time."

"Well, you are my friend too. If you want to talk..."

Monica disguises herself without being impolite, "Later, let's get back to your subject."

Célio laughs lightly, "My subject... As if the mayor were me..."

Monica thrills him, "Who knows, in a few years, I may not be voting for you as mayor of this neighborhood?"

Célio gets admired, "Really, Monica?"

"Of course! I said that you'll go far."

"I may even go, but I don't know if wanna go alone..."

Monica feels goosebumps on the back of her neck. Célio is not flirting; he speaks seriously and with his heart. They are impressed; and face each other for a few seconds. When Célio starts to take the courage to lean over and kiss Monica...

...Aurélio cut the romantic mood by hitting the cane juice cup on the counter! 

He says, "Your sugarcane juice, Monica!" 

Monica gets scared but smiles at Aurélio and picks up the glass to drink. Célio strafes him with his gaze, but Aurélio just smiles like a nut and walks away to see the other customers.

At Annie and Jonas's table, she is reading the menu and Jonas is looking at Aurélio in anger.

Annie asks, "Have you chosen, my love?"

"He interrupted their 'love' as if he were jealous!" Jonas replies, gritting his teeth.

"Whose is the love?" Annie looks up.

"Monica and Célio were about to kiss but he interrupted. Malthus did it."

Annie gets touched, "Oh, how beautiful! They really like each other."

Jonas was going to insist, but Aurélio approached them, "Have you already chosen?"

"The savories were very fresh yesterday, Seu Aurélio." Annie praises him sweetly.

But Aurélio is distant, "Someone said that it's necessary to change the oil."


Cássio is on the street, pasting the posters on the light pole in front of Ricardo's house. He emerges from the living room window and sees him. In a moment, he leaves the house and approaches him.

"What are you doing there, boy?"

Cássio reads, "'Special meeting with the residents of the Rhodia River Environmental Park this Saturday at 3 pm at the Residents' Association'. You are invited."

"This paper is not suitable for the poster, it has to be coated. And you don't say a meeting, you say 'assembly'. Other than that, it's good to know."

"You are invited."

Cássio moves away, surprising the neighbor a little. Ricardo remains reading the warning with a mysterious smile.