
Rhihamma. The Romance

Chapter 1

l walked quickly past the Human resources offices. I had just resigned. Surprised by how quickly the whole process had been handled, l wondered if it had been planned even before l announced it. Perhaps most staffers had not been amused by my being recalled after resigning a few years back. The peck l had negotiated and received; even the most senior manager at the time could not match, hence it was sweet news when under pressure l threw in the towel. Zac, Titus and Willis who had been on the forefront of the smearing campaign were branded heroes. Joseph, the architect successfully remained in the shadows.

l took the steps down as quickly as l could, avoiding meeting my sympathizers. Walked past the car park. The engine of the pick-up truck l had just surrendered still hot. l pated it as if saying goodbye to a soul. We had enjoyed the short life together. Past the blooming jacaranda trees, out of the gate l went. The gardener who was pruning the old trees saw me. He was neither a sympathizer or a foe. ''Your knapsack is open. Why are you in such a hurry?'' he asked as sweat run down his overalls. ''I am going away'', l tried a smile,' I am rather late''. ''Is something wrong. You don't look well?'' he probed. l thought he knew something and decided to open up a little. ''Actually, I am not coming back. Resigned again.'' ''The story was already making rounds yesterday. Many thought you would try and ride the crest.'' said the gardener. ''News travel fast in this part of the world. What were they saying happened? No, forget it. Whatever they said is true. I will be seeing you.'' ''I am sorry.''

They say its cold out there. I bet they have no idea. It is said if you want to see a smile, you have to give a smile. It is easy to shift a blame to someone overtime things don't go your way than take responsibility. I was not going to be one. My name is Raymond Katema. I am married to Zanele and have three grown daughters. Two of them married and the other in school. I am 45years old and works for the government as an under cover operative. Two years ago, I was assigned to this private firm to unearth underhand dealings that were meant to discredit the government on the international scene by its bosses. I had been here twice before. I never liked it here. But not till l met Rhahimma. I had a crush on her as soon as l saw her. She was such a beauty. Chocolate skin, slim and tall, she was really my type even her nails excited me. She had accidentally held my hand one day and l felt all my lions come alive. She could have felt the animal magnetism and the chemistry that manifested then, as she looked into my eyes. We held like that for a moment. I had to break the impasse, because she is married. I did not want to cause trouble then. Mission first.

My marriage with Zanele was not going well. Though It had given us three beautiful children, my assignments affected the relationship. Most of the times I would be called for briefings in the middle of the night. I could not tell her about the job. Keeping her out like this was for her safety. I reasoned. I had seen how the families of people like me end up embodied in nasty cases from movies. I didn't want to be a hero.

When that was over, I quit the job to the detrimental of my detractors. A lot were not sure what had happened. Rhahimma was astounded. She felt depressed. For three weeks, I watched her from a distance. I knew I wanted her, but she was married and my own marriage was on the rocks.