

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Thousand fold

Aevulis barely got any excitement from his mission but anything to alleviate boredom.Despite the fact he waited until they were all present,it was relatively easy to bust them out of there

"I'm the best!".Aevulis laughed loudly.He was running in the woods with two guys over his shoulder.

"Uhm.. Mister,can you set us down?".Driyo asked.He was getting dizzy from all the running and he was sure they were far past the girls' base.

"Oh,you sure?"

Driyo nodded his head."Yes"

Aevulis set them down roughly

"Thank you".Driyo said sarcastically

"You're welcome".Aevulis laughed

"What's wrong with him?".Driyo pointed to Cesar

"I think he's dying"

"What do you mean by that?".Driyo moved to Cesar's side.

"He hasn't eaten or drank anything in days.He has barely enough energy to breathe in the real world"

"Can't we do something?"

"I don't know.Anything we do in rheurym can't affect the situation in the real world"

"Then why do we do any of this?".Driyo looked around."Why the war between genders?"

Aevulis's face paled for a second before returning back to its cheerful state.

"Take your buddy for example".Aevulis pointed at Cesar."He got captured by the girls and he's on the verge of death.If the outside world hears of this,no male would want to play rheurym and females that have a grudge against males would flock to purchase rheurym."

"Then why do you play?".Driyo glanced at him

"You ask a lot of questions".Aevulis said."Come on,you can log out of the game now"

Driyo didn't know whether he chose to ignore his question or just didn't know the answer.

"What about Cesar?".Driyo pointed to Cesar who was already glowing blue."Why is that happening?"

"He's dying"

"Didn't you say that earlier.I mean why is he blue?"

"When a player dies in real life,his or her consciousness becomes trapped in the game but the body is dead so there's no brain activity and that person just glows blue then fades away"

"Why blue?".Driyo examined the colour of Cesar's skin.It seemed to get brighter with every passing second.

"No idea.Why are you still here anyway? You're free to log out"

Driyo didn't need to think before answering."I can't just watch someone die"

"Hmm".Aevulis looked upwards like he just caught a glimpse of the future."That's deep"

Driyo facepalmed himself.He couldn't believe this dude,he knew he was up for some crazy shit when the dude appeared out of thin air to get them out.

"Wait,I have a plan"

"What's that?".Driyo asked with renewed hope

"We can send one of them to his house"

"One of who? Why would we even do that?"

Aevulis ignored his first question."Right now,he can't log out of the game but If someone goes over and administers some fluids.He should have enough energy to log out of this game"

"Okay but there's no one here".Driyo looked around just to be safe

"Correct but there are people watching.Kyle,Herman,I know you guys are watching this". Aevulis stared at a nearby tree

Driyo couldn't keep up with this guy's antics."He's finally lost it".

"Come on Kyle.Do this for the dude".Aevulis pointed to Cesar laying on the ground.Nothing happened but for a second,the tree seemed to nod

"Thanks dude".Aevulis clasped his hands together like he was praying.

"So what now?".Driyo faced him

"We wait".Aevulis replied before he started walking around in circles.

"Is there anything wrong?".Driyo frowned

"I'm bored!".Aevulis shouted loudly

"You can log out".Driyo meant it as a joke but Aevulis took it seriously.

"I didn't think of that,see ya".Aevulis waved before logging out.

"Crazy weirdo".Driyo muttered after he left.

"Come on,don't give up".Driyo shook him.The bluish hue on his skin had definitely gotten brighter.He could barely feel his pulse.Cesar somehow made his life in that dungeon brighter and a little bit more fun.He couldn't afford to let him die.

The wind blew in all directions.In rheurym,there was no specific path to anything.Driyo noticed something different. Cesar's body was getting warm ,He could make out his faint heartbeat.

"Cesar!".Driyo slapped his cheeks gently."Come on, bro."

His pulse increased gradually and Driyo could now hear the sound of him breathing.

"Driyo".Cesar muttered.His eyes fluttered open as he glanced around him.

He was in some sort of forest in rheurym.

"Can you move your hand?". Aevulis asked

Cesar nodded."Yeah"

"Ok good.Log out and get some rest or you'll collapse again".

Cesar put his hands in front of him like he was praying.He then bowed—A sign for thank you

"You're welcome".Driyo logged out

Cesar followed suit.He got to his room and didn't realize how much time he was gone.His room looked like he hadn't slept there for weeks.The air was stale and stuffy and he felt paralysed.

"Hmm".Pain flared all the way to his spine

"Sit still".A female voice ordered

"Who are you?".He turned

"I was sent by the second dawn. I'm a nurse"

"Oh".Cesar looked at her face before falling back to sleep.He slept for about two hours before waking up.

"Are you in pain?".The nurse asked

"Yes".He nodded

"That's good".The nurse sat and continued reading her magazine.Cesar hadn't been to the hospital in a long time but he was sure this wasn't the way nurses were supposed to act.

He fell in and out of slumber a couple of times and he always woke up to the same face with the same question.

"Are you in pain?".She asked after he woke up for the third time

"Why are you asking me this if you already know the answer?"

The nurse shrugged and continued reading her magazine.Cesar wasn't sure much time had passed until the nurse stood to go home.

"Don't you leave this bed or you die and don't even think of removing that".She pointed to the drip on his wrist.

"What If I need to go to the bathroom?".Cesar sat up but the pain was unbearable

"Sit still".The nurse barked."You have no idea how lucky you are to be alive.And don't worry about going to the bathroom,I took care of that".She smirked before leaving

Cesar's worries increased by a thousand fold after she left.what did she mean?

The past few days had been crazy to the say the least but he was glad to be back home.

"I see why males are avoiding that game".Cesar thought."You can actually die in real life"