

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
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101 Chs


"This fight just got slightly more interesting" Cesar said,raising his head to look at the monstrous beasts before him. From where he stood,they looked even more bigger than the monster Rita faced the other day.

"Zola,you go inside the tent and stay there. Don't come out until we say it's safe to do so" Cesar ordered.

"But what about you guys? Won't you get hurt fighting them alone?" Zola frowned.

"Don't worry about us. We'll be fine" Rita said reassuringly."Come on,you really think these bony dicks and their pets can take us down?"

"No" Zola said, chuckling slightly."Good luck" She said before rushing to the tent.

"That was a really good line. I kinda believed it myself" Cesar smirked after Zola left.

"Well,it might happen. It's just that the chances are getting lower by the second"

"Well then" Cesar smiled lightly."It's time"

"Roger that" Rita said as both her daggers appeared in each palm.

"You go low;I'll go high" Cesar said as he lunged towards the first creature. The scorpion reacted exactly how he thought it would: bringing its stinger down with full force and precision.

"Don't forget the plan" Rita thought as she went in for the scorpion's legs.

Cesar dodged the first blow and quickly got on the creature's back. That way,he could do a lot of damage without a lot of risk.

Rita on the other hand wasn't accounting for any risk. She seemed to be having fun as she sliced both of the creature's legs cleanly.

"Rita! Rita!" Cesar called out.

"What?" Rita answered amidst the slicing frenzy she was in.

"Be careful. I'm on the creature's back" Cesar warned.

"Well,that's your problem"Rita smirked as she moved to cut another leg.

The zombies,who didn't move since Rita and Cesar started attacking, finally did something.

"Ryuk gyi maup" one said, outstretching his arms.

"What again?" Cesar thought as he looked around for any surprise attacks.

The other monsters ,who appeared to be lifeless, simultaneously lifted their stingers and struck the creature Cesar was on.

"Rita! Watch out" Cesar called out as he jumped off.

"Oh my God!" Rita gasped."They're even going to kill their own pet. These guys are serious"

"Woah,they've taken this to an entire new level" Cesar muttered,staring at the fallen creature. It lay on the ground as it thrashed violently for a bit before succumbing to the venom.

"Guess we also have to take our game up a notch. We have to attack all of them at the same time" Rita said,eyes fixated on the zombies who were some distance away."And we have to close the gap somehow"

"Right ahead of ya" Cesar breathed."You think they gonna be interested in some magic?"

"Heck yeah" Rita smiled."But my magic not your weird dildo- turning one" She chuckled.

"It happened just one time. Just once" Cesar murmured, shaking his head.

"Now,how about some fire balls to fry them up" Rita smirked as a dozen fireballs appeared next to her."Go!" She shouted violently, pointing to the creatures ahead.

With a blazing dash,the fireballs hit their targets in mere seconds as their screeches filled the air.

"Yeah,take it in" Rita said dramatically as she breathed in deeply."The sound of victory"

"I wouldn't be so sure" Cesar said with trepidation after the flames died down."I think they're immune to flames"

"You've got to be kidding me. Why did they screech in pain then?" Rita asked.

"I think it had something to do with them" Cesar said, pointing to the zombies,who looked relaxed and even seemed to be laughing.

"Fuckers,they're toying with us" Rita seethed."They're gonna regret this"

"And they will" Cesar started,calming Rita down."We just have to be smart about this. I doubt they can withstand all four elements"

"Yeah,but I can't do air yet" Rita frowned.

"Yeah,I know that. We just have to make them think you're stupid" Cesar said. He sent a wink Rita's way before stepping forward."Follow my lead" He shouted before running head first to where the creatures stood.

"Such a dumb ass" Rita chuckled."But he's a smart dumb ass"

Cesar's plan was to distract the scorpions while Rita aimed to take out the ones controlling them:the zombies

And the plan got off to a great start.

"Let's get this meeting started,so we can end it now" Threos groaned."I never expected to be here again"

"Same here" Aevulis seconded.

"Oh,third,you look unwell. Are you feeling under the weather?" Seventh asked concernedly.

"Nope,I'm perfectly fine. I don't need your concern" Aevulis growled.

"Oh,your face reminds me of a wild animal I saw recently. It had an ugly scowl similar to yours" She said.

"Make her shut up or I end the video call" Aevulis said.

"Fine" Herman said."Let's get to the meeting,seventh"

"Yeah sure" Seventh huffed."You said you needed help on your Netflix proposal"

"Yeah" Herman said.

"What help could you possibly need again? I outlined every major step" Seventh frowned.

"I know. I just think there's a way to make the proposal even more better. We could maybe do a prize giveaway or free video game console for the person who signs up first"

"To think you would arrive at this plan even after I offered you the best possible one" Seventh said, shaking her head briefly.

"Is something wrong with it? I kinda like the plan" Aevulis said.

"Same here" Threos huffed.

"Of course y'all would like it. You seem to be on the same wavelength:the dumb one"

"Please,let me end it" Aevulis smirked.

"No,we need her input" Herman frowned."If you could explain how my plan is bad,it would be most appreciated" Herman said with a fake smile. He knew what buttons to push to make her talk.

"There is only one problem with your plan,and that is it makes us seem desperate."

"What? How?"

"Giving prizes away,giving video game consoles for free. That spells desperate in my book. We have to make the whole world see that we are confident,bold,and just looking to expand and not to gain"

"Is there a difference between the two?" Fourth asked.

"Yes,there's a huge difference. One is for the rich and goal oriented while the other is for the poor and upcoming" Seventh said, glancing at the three men in front of her.

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