

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
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101 Chs


Sofia sat in her office pondering on what she could do to make her magic better.Right now,she could only manifest it as a ball that changed colours.

"Oh,you could try to make shapes with it".Mirai suggested

"That wouldn't work". Samantha rolled her eyes.

They both ended up getting caught peeping on Sofia while she was practicing.

"Why?".Mirai frowned."You said it was like a pulsating ball right?".She turned to Sofia

"Yeah something like that".Sofia replied

"Well then try it".Mirai urged on

"Fine".Sofia sighed and readied herself.She concentrated and activated her power.The stirring feeling already familiar to her.She beckoned it to her palms and it appeared.

Spinning infinitely and violently,it fit into her palms.This time it appeared with a brown hue

"Wow".Mirai rose."Try it"

"Ok".Sofia said as she first imagined the ball like a balloon.Then,she tried to change the shape but faced resistance

"What's wrong?". Samantha noticed the sweat beads on Sofia's face.

"It's resisting".Sofia groaned

'Well, can't you overpower it?.Mirai asked

"I'm trying".Sofia concentrated more.She could feel its yielding point,She was close,just a little more. After a while,the ball started expanding from all sides until it lay flat like a sheet of paper.

"I did it".Sofia said in excitement.She glanced down at her achievement.

She turned the ball flat but it was still spinning.

"Well done ma'am". Samantha approached her.

"Yes,nice work". Mirai grinned as she patted her shoulder.

"Thank you".She said without lifting her head.

She felt weak all of a sudden,and she collapsed.Her eyes threatened to close

"Ma'am". Samantha rushed to her side

"It's okay".Sofia smiled softly."Looks like I used all my energy"

"Ma'am,you should really be careful". Samantha warned

"I know Samantha".Sofia muttered.She felt accomplished.After all this time,she could finally fight.Fight for all of them

"You need to log out and get some rest".Mirai frowned

"Can't I just take a potion?".Sofia didn't want to log out.She wanted to keep trying

"No".Mirai said grimly."I've learnt that the body in real life and the one we see are connected.Injuries in rheurym can be cured in rheurym but those to the mind or body can not"

"What are you saying?".Sofia asked.

"You're weak because you exerted a lot of mental strength and that's not something you can fix in rheurym".

"I understand".Sofia said as she beckoned on them to help her up.

"We'll take care of any problems". Samantha waved as Sofia logged out.

"I think she's pushing herself too much".Mirai commented

"Yeah". Samantha nodded

"Sir?".Finley looked anxiously at Herman

"I see". Herman said."This Isn't good news".He said gravely

"But isn't this what you wanted?".Finley pointed to the footage of Sofia holding the ball in her hand.

"Certainly but not under these circumstances".

"What circumstances?"

"Kyle has asked Aevulis to look for fourth".Herman said

Finley's face went dark."It can't be.Why would he do that?"

"They are a strange bunch, aren't they?".Herman rose

"Where are you going sir?".Finley trailed behind him

"To see Kyle"

Herman took his private elevator straight to the underground parking lot.His personal driver stood in front of the car

"Sir".The driver bowed as he opened the door for him

"To second's".Herman aptly said.He couldn't say any of the dawns' real names for fear

The driver slammed the gas pedal and they were off.

"Kyle".Herman barged into his house

"I had a feeling you were coming".Kyle smiled

"Why are you looking for fourth?".Herman said making himself comfortable.

"Isn't it obvious".He rolled his eyes.Herman glared at him because he stole his favorite phrase."You told me that I would never be bored if I joined the dawns.I hate to say it,but I've been bored.Really bored.So I've decided to put matters in my own hands and look for the person who's certain to give me the entertainment I desire"

"He's a mad man".Herman sat up

"No,no.An interesting mad man".Kyle corrected

"There's no guarantee he'd join us.You know how many times he left the dawns only to rejoin hours later?"

"Yes, Two hundred and six".Kyle recalled."And, everyone was interesting to say the least"

"But,why did you have to get Aevulis involved?"

"He owed me a favor"

"There's no changing your mind?".Herman asked, hoping Kyle would say yes

"I'm afraid not".Kyle turned his head away from Herman

"Ok then".Herman said sadly as he rose.

"Wait,".Kyle called."Why do you object? Isn't it the same excitement that we all seek? Why are you against it?"

"Because,no one knows the true intention of that man".Kyle shouted.He was frustrated that Kyle didn't want to listen to reason."I've stared into that man's eyes and I know he would do anything to alleviate his boredom"

"So would we".Kyle smirked

"Yes but we have limits,We have moral standings no matter how small they are.But,he has none".Herman said gravely."He's crazier than third and sneakier than seventh"

"You don't still get it".Kyle shook his head solemnly as he wheeled away

Utrius walked into the room after kyle left and said."You made kyle sad"

"He also made me sad".Herman muttered before leaving.

He hastily got into the car and the driver drove off.On their way back,he saw someone holding the rheurym game

"Be careful,that game may be your downfall".He murmured

He sat down in the car with a lot on his mind.Kyle didn't seem the type to do things without thinking.Yet,it looked like he was deadset on proceeding.The game could go either way depending on what side fourth will pick.

"Sir?".Finley opened the door

Herman responded with a nod and walked to his office.

"Sir,I take it your outing didn't go as planned?".Finley asked

Herman stopped and stared at Finley."Yes,we must prepare"

"Prepare what,Sir?"

"For war among us".Herman opened the door to his office.He grabbed a large glass of vodka and downed it in seconds.

"I don't understand sir".Finley said after a while

"Neither do I"