

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
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101 Chs

plain sight

For Jessica's team,she opted to remain with Eleanor while Droyle and Amber raced to find Sryia.

After the initial attack barrage,the girls who chose to stay behind all got shot in fatal regions.

"Shit, we're all dead" Sofia muttered.

"Yep,killed in like twenty seconds" Mirai replied."We just have to leave our hopes in the girls we sent" She said dramatically.

"Shut up,let me fake die in peace" Jessica chuckled.

"Alright" Mirai murmured.

"You found her yet?" Dryle called out.

"No" Kit replied."We have to find her before the other team does"

"Yeah,I know" Dryle said breathlessly as she picked up the pace with kit by her side.

Instead of splitting up,they decided to check each room together. That way,they would stay together and still be able to attack the other team fiercely.

For Droyle and Amber,they were also facing the same problem,but they opted to split up to cover more ground.

"I haven't done this before" Droyle spoke."I'm so happy just staying in the shadows and letting you guys do all the fighting"

"Oh yeah?" Amber said.

"Yes but I get where Sryia's coming from. I don't just wanna get used to this" Droyle said as they moved on to another room.

"Where is she hiding?" Amber thought." She wouldn't just hide in a random place. She's smart,so I think she wants us to think like her. Where in this building looks like a good place for criminals to hide a hostage?" She mused."Go on without me" She said to Droyle.

"We splitting up already? I thought you wanted us to stick together for some time?"

"Yeah,change of plans. We should probably come up with a code name in case one of us finds her first. Uhm,how about chicken soup?"

"Chicken soup?" Droyle repeated."Sounds alright. Good luck then" She said before leaving Amber.

"Now,I just have to think like kidnappers. Where would they hide their victims?" Amber thought as she crouched in a corner.

Sryia,however, chose to hide in plain sight. She knew some of the girls would think she was hiding in a complicated spot,so this was a wake up call for them.

"Now,who's gonna think out of the box" Sryia thought. Earlier,she installed little cameras all over the building,so she could see their strengths and weaknesses.

"Taking time to think,Amber. Maybe you'll think of something" Sryia thought,looking at amber on her phone.

"Damn it" Dryle exclaimed after she saw no one was in the next room."This would be far easier if there were cameras around"

"Anything?" Kit asked

"No,without a clue,it's like we're going in blind" Dryle replied."I think we should go back to where the others are"

"Okay but why?"

"I think we should start there. It maybe she's hiding in that room"

"Yeah,hiding where we wouldn't think she'd hide" Kit gasped."Yeah,let's go" She said, racing to the room with Dryle at her side.

However,Amber had already arrived at the same conclusion.

"This way" Kit called out,moving to where Amber crouched.

"Shit" Amber thought as she quickly hid behind a rack of dumbbells."They already know"

She waited for them to leave where she was hiding before coming out.

"Gotta do this fast" She murmured before taking a deep breath."Chicken soup!!" Amber screamed.

Droyle heard the code word and raced towards the source.

"What's wrong? Found her?" Droyle asked.

"No,but I know where she is"


"Time's not in our favor. I'll answer your question later,come on"

"Uhm okay" Droyle replied hesitantly as she followed Amber.

At that same moment,Dryle and kit walked into the room where the others lay fake dead.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mirai asked.

"Shh,dead people don't talk" Kit said.

"Whatever" Mirai huffed.

"Come on,she's hiding around here" Dryle said,unsure of where Sryia was actually hiding. In the middle of the room was the obstacle course which was in plain sight."Can't be here" Dryle muttered.

Her gaze moved to the corners of the room,more specifically to the walls.

"Call out Sryia. We're here to save you" Dryle shouted.

"Why would you think she'd reply you?" Kit asked.

"Because that's what victims do" Dryle smirked. Sure enough,she was right as a muffled sound came from the left corner of the room.

"Hmm Hmm" Syria mumbled.

"Bingo" Dryle smiled.

"Unfortunately,you've met your end" Amber said,holding her paint gun behind them.

Dryle and kit turned ,but it was too late as Amber shot them both in the head.

"Bitches" Kit murmured.

Amber raced to the corner. She noticed a part of the wall didn't blend in with the others. She knocked on it ,and a hollow sound rang out.

"She's here" Amber said, opening the latch."You're safe,My lady"

"The winner is the Jessica team" Sryia announced as she rose.

"In your face" Jessica screamed, laughing cockily at the other team.

"That wasn't fair" Kit groaned.

"I'm sorry" Amber said."We didn't mean to steal your moment,but we're to treat this like an actual mission, which means anything goes"

"Nicely said,Amber" Sryia praised."Now y'all wash yourselves then come back here so I can give you a little constructive criticism"

"Sure" They all groaned,leaving the room.

"Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel after all" Sryia thought.

Elsewhere, the dawns were already starting to get used to their new home,but there was the occasional arguments on trivial matters

"The earlier we do this,the better" Threos said,moving into his room."I just want to go home and continue doing what I want" He thought. Threos knew that thee was going to be a whole lot of egos now that everyone was present,and Herman was the only one that could bring them all together or at least make them tolerate each other.

"I'm eager to see how he does it" Threos thought as he started unpacking.

"Sir?" Finley knocked.

"Come in,Finley" Herman replied.

"Sorry to disturb sir"

"It's okay. I'm just thinking how I can make the dawns' stay a little more comfortable"

"Yes sir,we have a match" Finley said.