

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
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101 Chs


"What happened?".Livius asked as Threos came out of the office fuming.

"That Fucktard's gonna regret that".Threos ignored her and entered the elevator.

"What's wrong with him?".Livius turned to Kyle

"No idea".Kyle shrugged

Threos grabbed his keys from Aevulis and zoomed off.He needed something to calm him down.

"Fuck!".He banged the steering wheel."I need a brothel or a bar or something".He murmured,looking left and right for any establishment of that nature.

"One would think brothels would be on every street in New York but no single one in sight".Threos sighed and parked on the side of the road. He spotted a videogame store and purchased Rheurym.

"Welcome back my Love".Threos caressed the box.

He entered a nearby hotel.

"Welcome sir,How may I help you".The receptionist smiled.

"I need your laptop".Threos glanced at her laptop.

"This is for work purposes,I'm afraid I can't give you".The receptionist replied,placing a hand protectively on her laptop.

"But I want it".Threos pressed on.

"Sir,I'll have to call security"

"Call them".Threos smirked.Maybe he didn't need a banging lady."It'd be nice to stretch my muscles"

The receptionist stared at Threos."Is this man serious"

"Come on".Threos laughed.

The receptionist pressed a button under her desk and three men ran in.

"Please take him outside".The receptionist ordered.

"Please follow our orders and leave".One man spoke.He seemed to be the leader.

"Or what".Threos smiled.

"Or we will use force".The leader replied as the group brought out batons.

"Now we're talking".Threos said, lunging at them.He punched the first one close to him.

"You bastard! Attack!".

Threos grabbed his attacker's hand and used his momentum to execute a throw.He stomped on his chest and grabbed his baton.

"Now it's even".Threos laughed.He threw the baton at the leader's face, stunning him.Then he grabbed the laptop and ran away.

"Just like old times".Threos laughed as he got into his car and zoomed off.

He parked at a rundown warehouse which, fortunately for him,had a power outlet.

"Time to play".Threos placed the headset over his head.

"Hello Fourth".The system greeted.

"Hey".Threos replied,walking around in the common room.He couldn't remember the last time he was here.A lot had changed.

"There's supposed to be a war right?"

"In the near future".The system replied.

"Recommend a high ranked quest"

"Searching..".The system said."Battle with the horny dryads"

"Details".Threos looked to the screen.

It read:The Dryads are a group of small winged humans made of mostly females.They mate with the trees to give birth and change size depending on their mood.Their level of growth is determined by the hormone oestrogen".This group of dryads are horny: They've grown to about five feet and will keep on growing if they are not satisfied"

"How many are they?"

"Five in total"

"What happens if they're not satisfied?"

"They grow into ravenous beasts and lose all sense of reasoning.Their bite contains venom which transfers it to the next person bitten"

"Alright,I accept".Threos said, obviously pleased with the level of difficulty.

A whooshing sound echoed throughout the common room and two figures appeared.

"Uh! Male scum".Mirai exclaimed in disgust.

"Calm down Mirai.Maybe the man's lost"

"Well,Are you?".Mirai stepped forward.She had never seen this man before.His beard and hair were huge and tangled.He had a wild expression in his eyes,almost like the third dawn but his was a lot wilder.

"Nah,Love".Threos smiled."You see,I was just about to go fuck some horny dryads but I have a feeling you lot would do nicely"

"Sex! What all men care about". Samantha shook her head.

"We'll make sure to hang you by your dick".Mirai snapped.She glanced at Samantha and moved back slightly.

"Don't be quick to write off my rod of pleasure"

"You're a dawn?". Samantha asked

"Yeah".Threos replied.

Samantha gave a deep sigh.She wanted to beat the shit out of him.But if he was a dawn then there was no use trying.

"Come on Mirai".Samantha called.

"Fine".Mirai sighed.She turned to Threos and said."This is not over"

"Oh,it's not over until you two are full with my cum"

"Yuck!". Samantha made a gagging sound before disappearing with Mirai.

"Who are they?".Threos asked the system.


"Of what?"

"The girl gang that wants to kill off all the males"

"Well,I'd like to see them try".Threos smirked fiercely as he transported to his quest's location.

"Hello".Threos waved.

Before Threos were five dryads all clothed in various shades of green.Their hair seemed to reflect the trees they've mated with.Most of them had yellow or brown hair with leaves and vines curling around them.They all sported a loose robe just barely covering their nether regions.

Their eyes and skin were a bright green.

"What do you want?".The tallest spoke.

She was the horniest because,unlike her comrades,she couldn't stop touching herself.

She was about Threos' height

"To satisfy you and your girlfriends".Threos replied.

The dryads didn't take his words seriously as they started laughing and turned their attention away from him.They were better off pleasing each other.

"That's the second time I've been ignored".Threos seethed as he tapped a button on his wrist."Enlarging potion and stamina boost"

"Thirty-five Skylers".The system replied.


A bright light appeared in front of him then dimmed quickly.The light left a cylindrical container and a small purple vial.

Threos poured the contents of the vial into the cylindrical container and gulped it down.

He strode fiercely to where the tallest stood.Her back faced him so he decided to capitalize on the opportunity.

"How do you like me now?".Threos grunted thrusting his now sixteen inch rod into her ass.

"Ahh!".The dryad released a moan.

"You're already wet!".Threos said as he thrust in again.He scanned the forest and saw the remaining dryads looking at him with lust in their eyes."Come on".He beckoned to the rest."I have all the energy in the world"

The dryads responded happily as they untied their robes and went to him.

"There it is".Threos grabbed a nearby dryad's boobs.His rod was still in one and he had his mouth on another's nipples.

After a few minutes of rotating positions,Threos grabbed two dryad and roughly shoved them to the floor.

"Suck".He ordered

They knew what he meant and eagerly wrapped their lips on his throbbing rod.

He dragged another girl to him and started fingering her whilst kissing the last.