

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


"Man,this is hardly a warm-up".Aevulis cackled.

The gang he was facing were about twenty in number.Ten of them were archers while the remaining excelled in close combat.

"How is he dodging them?".An archer shouted

"Some sort of reflex boost,perhaps".The African girl shouted

"Really?" Aevulis smirked "You think this is enough to make me use a potion?! Think again!"

Aevulis seemed to get mad as he lunged at the African girl who wouldn't stay down.She seemed to be quick on her feet but like all tall humans,they have a low centre of gravity.

Aevulis bent down and swept her legs

"Fuck!".She cursed as her head hit the floor.

A second hardly passed by before arrows started raining down on him.

"Don't give him time to recover!".He heard someone shout

"Amusing,Almost enough to get me interested".Aevulis smirked

The task at hand looked simple enough.He had a good laugh as he dodged their arrows.

"Come on".Aevulis urged them

He flipped backwards, sideways, frontwards.And miraculously,he was dodging each one of them

"Almost out of arrows!".A girl said

"The arrow technique!".One of them shouted.

Immediately,All of them shot their arrows simultaneously with one goal in mind—To bury him with arrows.

All of them,except one person—Mirai The remaining unleashed their arrows on Aevulis

"Not done,huh?" Aevulis smirked

He dodged the remaining without any hassle.

"You're getting tired,your accuracy is waning".Aevulis dodged an arrow casually

"Shut up!".Mirai pulled her last arrow backwards and let it fly.She noticed he was getting cocky which meant he wouldn't anticipate the attack.

"That's what we wanted,for you to get distracted".Mirai thought as she watched the arrow fly.

She knew her precision was spot on but what she didn't account for was his wit

Aevulis grabbed the arrow midair, flipped and landed in a kneeling position."I see,you wanted to get me distracted so I wouldn't anticipate your attack"

Aevulis stared at the arrow like it was some foreign object.

"Arrow technique huh? Sounds a little corny,don't you think? I can come up with a better name.How about—Let's see—The Single arrow ambush".Aevulis said

"That was more corny".Mirai frowned

"Whatever,What about your little archery friends?" Aevulis tilted his head to the girls on the floor."I didn't hit them,did I?"

"Just tired".Mirai looked around.Ninteen of her comrades lay before her,They were either groaning or unconscious.

"You have two males in your custody".Aevulis walked up to the groaning African girl on the floor.

"No".Mirai said

"Mirai?".Aevulis glanced at her

"How the fuck do you know my name?". Mirai snapped

"I know everything about you and this organization" Aevulis replied."Do you have two guys in your custody?"

"No".Mirai replied

"I hate lies.I find them boring".Aevulis grabbed the African girl's foot

"Mirai,This is the last time I'm going to ask".

"What do you want with her foot? Leave her alone!".Mirai felt helpless,her comrades were already battered enough and to make matters worse,she had no idea what this guy wanted "Yes,we do".Mirai admitted

"See,that wasn't so bad". Aevulis released her foot and stood up

"Just leave!".Mirai snapped

"You want me to leave? But aren't you supposed to be a member of the huriyu?" Aevulis asked."Isn't this the huriyu?".Aevulis waved his hand to the bodies around him

"Mark my words,You will beg me to kill you".Mirai clenched her jaw

"Wow,that's a nice joke". Aevulis chuckled "I'll leave".He said after gauging her expression for a little while.

"Bastard!".Mirai yelled as he turned to leave

"You really crack me up" Aevulis said."Tell your boss,I need the release of those guys or else..."

Aevulis didn't finish but Mirai knew what he meant.This whole encounter would happen again.

"Yeah,i get it".Mirai agreed

"Bye".Aevulis logged out of the game

"Finally," Mirai heaved a sigh of relief."He's gone guys".Mirai said to her comrades on the floor

They all stood up grudgingly,some had nasty bruises while others were just tired.

"Shit,Nice going Mirai" A girl said."Yeah,if it wasn't for your plan.We would be way worse than this"

"Yeah,I just told you guys to act unconscious" Mirai rose