

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Arm throw

"Yes" Jessica frowned."Not only that but you're twisted"

"Yeah,but that's your opinion" Mirai said to Jessica dryly."Sofia doesn't think that, right" She turned to Sofia.

"Uhm, let's listen to sryia for now" Sofia said,changing the subject.

"Yes,listen to me as this is not a matter to be taken lightly" Sryia said seriously.

"Ma'am" Mirai raised up her hand.

"What is it,Mirai?"

"Why is this a serious matter?"

"Because we can't tell if the guys we attacked saw our faces or not"

"Ma'am" Mirai rose her hand again.

"What is it this time?"

"When is the teaching going to begin" Mirai asked, folding her arms.

"Ugh" Sryia groaned,massaging her temples."It was supposed to have started ,but you kept disturbing me with questions"

"Ma'am" Mirai's hand shot up.

"Alright! That's it,no more questions from you" Sryia pointed to Mirai who feigned hurt and sat on the mat.

Sryia turned to the rest of the girls who were giggling silently."If you could take your seat"

"Where?" Jessica asked.

"There's no chair or sofa here ,so the next best thing is the floor,Jessica" Sryia said pointedly.

"The art of self-defense requires a long time to master,and frankly,we don't have time to learn all techniques"

"So..?" Sofia spoke.

"So I'm gonna teach you all two basic moves. The leg sweep and the arm throw". Sryia started."When facing an opponent,you should try to use his or her momentum against him. That's where the arm throw comes in.Also,our legs are our support system .Take it down ,and we're more like snakes grovelling on the ground"

"Question" Mirai's hand shot up.

"If you ask a stupid question,you'll be our test subject for today"

"Nah,never mind" Mirai flinched.

"So,uhm group yourselves in threes and wait. I'll be right back" Sryia said, exiting the room.

"Isn't this exciting guys?" Jessica said excitedly.

"More like nerve-wracking" Phoebe whispered.

"Come on guys,this is where we begin our journey. We have to be strong" Sofia said.

"Alright,some of you are wearing gowns and long skirts which is frankly stupid ,so I got some joggers and tank tops for the stupid ones" Sryia said after she returned as she glared at Mirai and two others.

They reluctantly changed clothes and came back ready for anything.

"Phoebe, Eleanor,and Jessica,please step forward" Sryia said seriously.

"Now,I want to show you the leg sweep first. There are various techniques of executing this maneuver,but I say you should go with whichever is best for you.The key is to monitor the person's balance,predict when he or she is gonna be unbalanced and take the legs"

"What if the person always keeps his balance"

"That's not happening. It may be a slight thing,but his centre of gravity won't stay at the same point forever. I'll show you an example" Sryia said,facing Jessica."Punch me hard" She told Jessica.

"Are you sure? I throw a pretty good punch"

"I know; that's why I said so" Sryia said, assuming a fighting stance.

Abruptly, Jessica threw a punch but it didn't connect.What connected, however, was Jessica's face on the floor.

"Did you see that?" Mirai whispered to Sofia."That was so fast"

"Ouch! Couldn't you do your move a little less painful" Jessica groaned.

"Oh sorry,I needed to show the rest how effective this move was. This is the arm throw, I've decided to teach you guys this one first." Sryia said,extending her hand to Jessica."You see it? Despite the fact that she's taller than me,I was still able to get her on the floor" Sryia addressed the rest.

"Question" Sofia raised her hand.

"At least it's not Mirai this time,what is it?" She replied sofia.

"Can you show us the move slowly?"

"Alright,but this is the last time" Sryia said."Again Jessica,but slowly this time"

Jessica complied as she threw the punch in slow motion. Sryia grabbed her arm,turned and crouched before throwing Jessica on the floor."It's pretty simple if you master the steps: Catch,twist and crouch then yank"

"She's says it like we're ninjas or something" Mirai muttered.

"I'm gonna ignore that" Sryia turned to Mirai before leaving the room.

"Is she mad?" Mirai asked no one in particular.

"You better learn that move before I return" Sryia shouted from outside the room.

Cesar just had a revelation: the girls had seemed to leave rheurym.He would stay in the common room for more than ten minutes ,and nothing would happen.

"They've finally gone" He said with a broad smile on his face."I have to tell other males"

However,the smile soon wiped off his face as he realized he didn't know anyone playing rheurym in the real world.

"Any advertisment I make in rheurym won't be seen in the real world. Maybe I can ask that first dawn dude for some help?" He thought, logging into rheurym.

"Welcome to Rheurym" The system greeted.

"Uhm,you wouldn't happen to know how I can talk to that first dawn dude?"

"I do. You can just say you want to talk to him" The system replied.

"I don't understand. Who should I say it to?" Cesar asked, looking around. The only thing moving was the rheurym weather as it switched from sunny to starry.

"To him, he's always listening"

"But he's not here"

"Yes,not physically but he can hear you" The system said.

Cesar groaned as he realized how stupid what he was about to do was."Uhm, Mr first dawn guy,I would like to speak with you if you're listening or whatever" Cesar said."What now" He addressed the system.

"You wait. As the dawns are busy with crucial matters, issues relating with players are somewhat beneath their level"

"Why so rude?" Cesar thought.

"My,my,no need to be rude" Herman said to the system as he logged in.

"I apologize,sir" The system said.

"Uhm,I requested for you" Cesar said, stepping forward.

"I know. I see you've developed your magic" Herman said,looking at him with a wry smile.

"Uhm thanks,anyway, I think those girls have finally given up ,so let's call the males back"

"Yes,it seems the girls are no more,but is there any reason for males to return to Rheurym"

"What do you mean?"

"Bringing the males back would simply be boring"