
Rhesus: The Erethreal Gladiator

Rhesus, a rebellious gladiator slave starts a revolt against his master. In its aftermath, he finds out the supernatural is real. Manius is furious after escaping the onslaught and vows revenge on Rhesus with help from the powerful witch Sergia, but will she help him, or Rhesus?

Mel_McPix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 10

Manius walked up to the gladiator, who had his wrists bound with a rusty chain above his head to a thick iron ring mounted on the stucco wall. He was palpably exuding excitement from his own sinister thoughts.

"I should be thanking you really, for getting rid of Iulia." he paused, smiling and tapping a short sword gently against his own leg.

"Of course, I do have to kill you for it." he asserted, only to cause a reaction.

The gladiator didn't respond, verbally, or via body language. This displeased Manius, and his expression changed from a grin to a scowl. He hoped to make the gladiator beg for his life before taking it. However, the three house slaves shackled to the same wall were watching and trembling with terror. Manius did like the thought of causing them deep fear and trauma over the thought of their impending deaths. He would take it slow. He wanted to enjoy it.

The training arena was no stranger to blood. There was plenty of dried blood staining the walls in the training Ludus. Plenty of ill skilled gladiators in training had been cut while learning how to maneuver in the arena. Manius felt that was the quickest way to train a gladiator. If they were cut in training, they learned from the experience not to let it happen again.

Manius now took a dagger from his belt. without saying a word, he grabbed the gladiator by the hair throwing his head back against the wall and quickly sliced off his nose. The gladiator seethed pain through clenched teeth while panting intensely, cheeks bloating as he gasped. Blood projected itself all over Manius, it's warmth and wetness hitting his face, arms, and legs.

The house slaves began shrieking and crying in fear.

"Well, it certainly seems like I have your attention now." Manius chided while wiping blood from his face. "What shall we do next?" he gloated, happy with the reaction from both the gladiator and the house slaves.

The gladiator was now blanketed in blood. Manius grabbed the man by the hair again, this time claiming an ear. The gladiator let out a deeply pained cry, as his blood made a new stream down the side of his body. Seconds later he passed out.

Manius waited a moment for him to rouse. When he didn't, Manius punched him in the gut, bringing him hurling back to reality. The gladiator vomited involuntarily.

Manius again grabbed the man by the hair, but now the man begged, "Please. Please no!"

Manius ignored the man and ruggedly sliced of the second ear with a sawing motion.

Once again, the now grotesquely mutilated gladiator passed out. The house slaves said nothing, whimpering to themselves while trying to look away from the scene.

Manius was satisfied with the carnage and decided to get back to the villa to get cleaned up before Mintha and Calliope arrived with his market order.

"I'll be back in the morning to finish." He announced, and turned away from them, walking towards the Ludus housing area.

He went to his spare room in the Ludus, took off his tunic, and used it to wipe as much blood as he could from his arms legs, and face, then put a fresh tunic on.

Then, he flagged down a cart passing by and asked for a fare to his villa.

Once he arrived at the villa he instructed one of his new house slaves to bath him. She was about 20 years in age with long dark curly hair and soft skin. She was new to being a slave, he could tell.

He decided it would be good to get his demons of arousal under control before the market cart arrived with his order. While in the bath he instructed the house slave to get in the water and bend over. She hesitated, which angered him. He slapped her across the face and yelled, "Do as I say. I am not going to tolerate disobedience from you." Holding her cheek, which was red and throbbing, while crying, she got in the bath and bent over as he instructed.

He stuck his swollen manhood in her and began to dominate her while firmly grabbing her brown locks and holding her head under the water. It was so much more satisfying to torture her while assaulting her. He would occasionally allow her head up for a quick and desperate breath but kept submerging her face under the water until he was finished. When he finally did finish, he pushed her away, ordering her "Get out and go prepare my clothing."

The traumatized woman, in shock, ran off crying, to do as she was told.

He got out of the bath, dried himself, got dressed in the clothes laid out by the house slave, and decided to rest so he would be refreshed when Mintha arrived. As he lay in his bed, at first he thought about Mintha, but then began to wonder where Rhesus might be. He wondered if there would be sun in the morning and if he would feel a pull towards Rhesus if the sun did shine. He also wondered if Rhesus somehow knew they were connected to one another. Soon after, his mind stopped pondering and he drifted off to sleep.

A short time later, the same house slave he violated before woke him, "Your market order waiting. The vendor is at the door" she announced.

"Well, let them in you incompetent girl," he shouted.

"Right away" as she quickly turned and left the room, not wanting to anger him again.

Manius greeted Mintha and Calliope in the atrium, "Welcome."

"Thank you again for the generous purchase." Calliope returned.

"My pleasure." He grinned.

"Your villa is beautiful, but it looks like there was a disturbance here," Mintha spoke up, looking around and seeing several marble statues with absent portions and a few cracked tiles on the floor.

"Yes, there was a disturbance here, but not to worry, the Roman guards have taken care of the situation," he reassured.

"Are you hungry after being in the market all day? I can have a plate brought to the table." He offered, gesturing with his hand to the next room where the table was located.

"We could not impose," Calliope said.

"You would be doing me a favor. It would be delightful to have two beautiful women as dinner guests tonight." he declared, making both Mintha and Calliope blush.

"I suppose we could stay for a small meal, I am admittedly a little hungry, " Calliope confirmed.

"Wonderful!" as Manius stood between them and ushered them towards the table, putting his hand on the small of Mintha's back while nodding at the house slave to get food for them.

Manius pulled out a seat for each of the women, making sure Mintha was sitting close to him.

"Let's eat," Manius said.

The slave placed a plate with grapes, bread, and cheese on the newly replaced red and yellow mosaic triclinium table, which was low to the ground and had sofa benches on three sides for relaxing while eating. Then she filled their wine glasses and waited for Manius to dismiss her, which he did with an annoyed look on his face.

"You would be welcome to stay at my villa tonight if you have a long journey ahead. I have plenty of guest rooms." he offered, staring at Mintha and undressing her in his mind.

"It is a very generous offer, however …" Calliope started before she was interrupted by Mintha.

"Mother and I have to return to our farm. There are animals waiting to be fed and watered, and my father will be tired after his long journey home. It would be cruel if we put all the responsibility on him." Mintha cleverly stated.

Manius let out a sigh of disapproval. He hated having to be nice to get what he wanted, but he really wanted Mintha. Even if it could not be today.

"I understand," he nodded "you are most kind to think of your father."

They made light conversation as they ate, and when they were finished, the women prepared to leave. Manius ordered 2 house slaves to unload the market cart, and the women were on their way.

Manius ordered one of the house slaves to follow the women, so he could know where they lived.

That night, Manius slept well. He felt as though he was blessed with good fortune.

In the morning, by the time he opened his eyes, the sun had already breached the sky. Then he felt it. He felt Rhesus and knew what direction to go to find him. It was as if he had Rhesus on a leash. He smiled, ear to ear. "Yes, I am definitely blessed with good fortune," he susurrated confidently.