
RFA: Thorns of Journey

Turpis wakes up in an unknown and terrifying cave with nothing but his phone. The stench of death and decay assails his senses as he struggles to get up. As he explores his surroundings, he encounters scenes of unimaginable horror - torture, mutilation, and death are commonplace, and the sounds of screams and growls echo through the darkness. As Turpis journeys deeper into this new environment he encounters monstrous creatures that he never thought existed. With every passing day, Turpis becomes more desperate to escape this nightmare. Will Turpis be able to overcome the horrors he faces and find a way back home?

Chupaghett1 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 20

Turpis was aching for some action, as he stopped beside Melfroy he expects that Melfroy would use his power to teleport somewhere, but to his expectation melfroy just glare at him.

"What?" Turpis blurted out, his confusion evident in his voice. The momentary sense of pride that had shone in Melfroy's eyes began to fade, replaced by a hint of irritation, 'Did I spoil this brat too much?' Melfroy thought as he was beginning to get annoyed by Turpis glare.


Melfroy's patience wore thin, and in a moment of frustration, he delivered a sharp smack to Turpis' head. His voice trembled with anger as he exclaimed, "What are you waiting for!?" The anger in Melfroy's tone was evident as he continued, "Did you expect me to hold your hand during the hunt!?"

Turpis, taken aback by the blow, felt a mix of surprise and disappointment. Turpis, accustomed to Melfroy's strict nature when teaching, barely flinched when Melfroy delivered a firm smack to his head. It was a gesture they had come to understand between them—a way for Melfroy to get his point across, albeit unorthodox.

With a annoyed face, Turpis took a step back, acknowledging what Melfroy wants for him to do. He understood that Melfroy's strictness stemmed from a deep belief in his abilities and a desire to push him beyond his limits.

As Turpis moved away from their chamber, his head slightly throbbing, he heard Melfroy's voice echoing in the cave. "Just go straight ahead, and you'll find suitable prey," Melfroy's words rang in his ears, carrying a hint of amusement and expectation.

Melfroy observed Turpis's reaction, a mixture of pride and amusement in his expression.


As Turpis ventured through the labyrinthine passages of the cave, he encountered numerous forks and diverging paths.'What straight!?' Turpis thought in frustration as he knew that Melfroy's advice earlier is just a joke. However he did expect this, and to ensure he wouldn't lose his way, Turpis devised a clever solution. He carried a small pouch made of some animal skin and filled it with glowing mushrooms, their ethereal radiance casting a magical glow in the darkness.

Whenever Turpis reached a divergent path, he would carefully plucked one of the luminescent mushrooms from his pouch and plant it to the ground. The mushroom emitted a soft, comforting glow, illuminating both paths before him. It served as a visual marker, ensuring that he could find his way back and avoid wandering aimlessly in the maze-like cave system.

Back when he had free time during his training and lesson Turpis had always curious about this mushroom, so he ask Melfroy about it, but the elf just told him to explore it himself, therefore driving him to conduct various experiments with the peculiar mushrooms that they had discovered. This was the first time he had encountered such a species, and its magical appearance fascinated him. Initially, he speculated that uprooting the mushroom would cause it to lose its glow. To his surprise, however, the mushroom's luminescence only intensified when it was plucked from the ground.

Turpis delved deeper into his exploration, studying the properties of the mushrooms. He learned that once uprooted, the glow would reach its peak brightness, casting a captivating radiance. However, this enhanced luminosity was temporary, lasting only for about six hours.

After the passage of six hours, the once vibrant glow of the mushroom began to dim. Turpis had observed with intrigue as tiny cracks appeared on its surface, marking the onset of its decomposition. Time wore on, and the cracks grew more and more, gradually transforming the mushroom into a fragile shell of its former self. Eventually, with the passing of time, the mushroom disintegrated into a fine dust, leaving no trace of its existence.

This unique decomposition process fascinated Turpis. It was the first time he had witnessed an organism decay in such a manner. Eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding the mushroom, he embarked on a series of experiments. Although lacking the necessary equipment, Turpis's determination and resourcefulness fueled his pursuit of knowledge.

Through trial and error, Turpis made remarkable discoveries. He found that by carefully replanting the mushroom before the initial six hours had elapsed, its life could be prolonged. The mushroom would regain its vitality and continue to thrive for approximately a week. This revelation sparked a new wave of curiosity within Turpis, driving him to delve deeper into the intricacies of the mushroom's life cycle.

Turpis's labor bore fruit as he meticulously documented his findings, forming a growing understanding of the mushroom's lifecycle. He recognized the significance of his discoveries, not only in the context of survival within the cave but also in the broader realm of scientific inquiry.

Turpis's excitement bubbled over as he made a significant discovery. Unable to contain his enthusiasm, he eagerly shared the newfound knowledge with Melfroy, hoping to spark a conversation about the mushrooms' significance. However, Melfroy's irritation flared up in response, his patience waning.

In an impulsive moment, fueled by annoyance, Melfroy seized one of the mushrooms and forcefully placed it into Turpis's mouth. The bitter taste instantly assaulted Turpis's senses, and he instinctively resisted swallowing it. But amidst the chaos, the mushroom slipped down his throat, leaving Turpis stunned.

Realization washed over Turpis as he comprehended the consequences of consuming the mushroom. His complexion paled, a mixture of fear and concern etched on his face. He had unwittingly ingested something unknown, and anxiety coursed through his veins.

Soon after Turpis realize that this mushroom can satiate his hunger but after six hours his stomach would ache and his excrement would be full of water.


As Turpis continued to explore the depths of the cave, he carried with him a newfound respect for the glowing mushrooms and their existence.

After an unknown time of traversing the winding cave, Turpis's ears perked up as he caught faint sounds echoing in the distance. His heart skipped a beat, and a surge of anticipation coursed through his veins. With cautious steps, he followed the source of the sound, desperately hoping it wasn't the ominous presence of an orc. While Turpis had gained newfound power and honed his soul manipulation abilities, he was well aware that he was still no match for the formidable strength of an orc.

As Turpis drew closer to the origin of the sound, his heart raced with anticipation. Finally, he sees a spacious chamber in the distance. Aware of the potential dangers that lurked within, Turpis proceeded cautiously, lowering himself into a crouched position to stealthily approach the chamber's entrance.

Peering through the opening, Turpis's eyes widened in surprise and relief. The source of the sound was nothing more than a peaceful scene—a lizard resting upon what appeared to be its nest.

However, as Turpis's eyes adjusted to the dim light of the chamber, his frown deepened. The creature resting in the nest, resembling a komodo dragon, possessed an unnaturally massive size. Its length stretched to an astonishing 5 meters and a height of 1 meter, far beyond what Turpis had ever encountered or heard of before.

'Isn't that unusually big for a komodo dragon?' he wondered, his thoughts audible in the oppressive silence of the chamber. His mind raced, questioning the creature's origins and the implications of its enormous size.

Shaking off his unease, Turpis shifted his attention to the surroundings, the dim light of the luminescent mushrooms casting eerie shadows on the chamber walls. The cavernous expanse seemed to stretch infinitely, with winding passages leading off into the unknown.

The air grew dense with a moist, earthy scent, tinged with a hint of decay. The occasional drip of water echoed throughout the chamber, and the sound tge reptile would make as it move now and then.

Turpis swiftly sprang into action, his senses heightened and his instincts guiding his every move. Before entering the chamber, he meticulously prepared himself, ensuring that his pouch and any equipment not essential for battle were safely stowed away. His focus was solely on the impending encounter with the colossal reptile that lay before him.

Gripping his sword with unwavering determination, Turpis advanced into the chamber, his steps cautious and deliberate. He moved silently, channeling his inner stealth, fully aware that a creature as formidable as the komodo dragon possessed a keen sense of smell.

As he closed the distance between himself and the massive reptile, Turpis's heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging through his veins. With each calculated step, he aimed to position himself advantageously, taking note of the lizard's movements, searching for any possible opening.

The moment the reptile shifted, Turpis seized the opportunity. He unleashed a swift and powerful charge, his sword slicing through the air as it targeted one of the creature's hind legs.

Turpis's eyes widened as he took in the sheer size of the komodo dragon's legs. Their colossal diameter, measuring a staggering 12 inches, emphasized the immense power and strength possessed by the reptile. He understood that landing a significant blow with his first strike was crucial, and he was determined to make it count.



The komodo dragon awakened from its momentary shock and let out a thunderous growl, its primal instincts flaring as pain coursed through its severed leg. Turpis wasted no time and swiftly moved to capitalize on his advantage. With a resolute determination, he plunged his sword deep into the creature's back, further intensifying its injury.

As Turpis executed his attack, the komodo dragon's massive tail swung ferociously towards him in a desperate attempt to ward off the threat. Turpis, relying on his honed reflexes, adeptly evaded the incoming strike, narrowly escaping the brute force that could have sent him sprawling.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the reptile's momentary vulnerability, Turpis maneuvered swiftly towards its head. Drawing upon the footwork techniques imparted by Melfroy, he demonstrated remarkable agility, propelling himself forward with startling speed, but nonetheless the reptile tried to fight back trying to bite Turpis.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Turpis narrowly evaded the reptile's vicious bite, feeling the wind of its deadly strike brush against his skin. Sensing an opening, he seized the moment to launch a decisive counterattack. Channeling all his strength, Turpis delivered a swift and powerful strike that found its mark, piercing deep into the reptiles head.

The reptile squirmed and writhed, its growls echoing through the chamber as it desperately tried to escape the clutches of its impending demise. Its once formidable movements grew weaker with each passing second, the life force slowly ebbing away. Turpis stood firm, his eyes fixed upon the fading creature, his heart pounding with a relief.

As the final moments of the battle unfolded, the komodo dragon's struggles diminished, its strength waning. The growls transformed into feeble gasps, its movements becoming mere twitches. Turpis watched intently, his breath steady, as the life force within the reptile gradually faded away, leaving behind only stillness and the faint echoes of its former vitality.
