

BDNSW · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Sebune Kart walked into a dimly lit meeting room, where a solitary figure stood in the shadows. The figure stepped forward, revealing a sharp, angular face and piercing eyes that glinted in the low light. It was Jin Kizaraki, one of the most feared and respected intelligence officers of G.O.A.T Earth.

Sebune felt a chill run down his spine as he looked into Kizaraki's eyes. He knew that the man before him was not to be trifled with.

"Sebune, I've been waiting for you," Kizaraki said in a voice that was low and smooth as silk.

Sebune swallowed hard, his nerves getting the best of him. He knew why Kizaraki had summoned him here. He had news about the Paparito Machua, and Kizaraki was the man in charge of dealing with the terrorist group.

"I have some news about the hyper blaster," Sebune said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kizaraki's eyes narrowed. "Tell me everything."

Sebune went on to explain his prediction theory and the Machua's plan to blast the walls of the G.O.A.T Earth base. He spoke of the troops that would be sent into sector 45, and how they would skip sectors 45 to 48 and enter sector 33 through a drainage.

Kizaraki listened intently, his face was expressionless. When Sebune finished, he didn't say anything for a few moments. Then he finally spoke.

"I see," Kizaraki said slowly. "And what do you propose we do about this?"

Sebune knew this was the moment of truth. He took a deep breath and began to outline his plan. He spoke of creating a mind game, of diverting the Machua's troops to sector 36 instead of 33, and of not disturbing the G.O.A.T superheros, whom he had a backup plan for.

Kizaraki listened carefully, his eyes never leaving Sebune's face. When Sebune finished, Kizaraki nodded slowly.

"It's a risky plan," Kizaraki said, "but it just might work."

Sebune felt a wave of relief wash over him. He knew that if Kizaraki approved of the plan, then it had a good chance of succeeding.

"But we need to be careful," Kizaraki continued. "The Machua are a formidable enemy, and we can't afford to underestimate them."

Sebune nodded in agreement. He knew that the stakes were high, and that failure was not an option

Kizaraki walked back into the room, his piercing eyes fixed on Sebune. "You kept something from me before," he said in a deep, gruff voice. "What was it?"

Sebune hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. "Kyrolkar," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Kizaraki's face remained impassive, but Sebune could sense the tension in the air.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the room, and both men quickly turned their heads. Sigma Team had arrived, descending from their airship and landing in the underground base of GOAT Earth Headquarters. Raptor, one of the members of Sigma Team, was carrying some important boxes and placing them down carefully. He looked up and saw a massive screen displaying the sky above the glass ceiling.

Sigma turned to Raptor and asked, "Why are there no Helping robots in GOAT? It's such a high-tech place."

Sigma's response was quick and direct. "It's due to high confidentiality and no trust in AI," he explained.

Raptor kept a weird expression on his face after hearing this, but when he was suddenly carrying a box, he looked up and saw a bright orange star. He stood there like a statue, and saw it with a serious look.

Sigma suddenly shouted at Raptor, snapping him out of his trance. Mikey, another member of Sigma Team, watched Raptor's strange behavior and gazed at the star with a serious look on his face.

Meanwhile, Raptor's mind drifted back to a flashback of his childhood.

"Ravi stood in front of the school gate, looking at the bustling crowd of kids. He was waiting for his best friend, Adam, to show up. They had been inseparable since they were kids, and Ravi didn't want to imagine a life without Adam.

Finally, he saw Adam's mop of curly hair bobbing through the sea of children. "Hey, Ravi!" Adam shouted as he approached, "Guess what? My family's moving to GOAT!"

Ravi looked at him with confusion. "What's GOAT?"

Adam grinned, "It's the most advanced city in the world, with the coolest technology and superheroes! I'm gonna be living in the heart of it all."

Ravi's face fell. "But what about me? Who am I gonna play with?"

Adam's grin turned into a frown. "I don't know, Ravi. But we'll always be friends, no matter how far apart we are."

Ravi sighed. "I don't want you to go."

Adam put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know, buddy. But sometimes, we have to make sacrifices for the greater good. And who knows? Maybe you'll come to GOAT one day too."

Ravi smiled weakly, "Maybe."

The memory faded away, and Raptor came back to the present. He couldn't believe that he was now part of the organization that Adam had talked about so long ago. He couldn't shake the feeling that his friend's move to GOAT was somehow connected to the strange events that were unfolding.

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