
Signing Her Death Warrant

“You know what happens to people who lie to me. Right, Maxie?”

“Uhn?” Maxwell murmured incomprehensibly as he rubbed his hands on his face and sat up in bed.

The voice registered as silence greeted his incoherent mumble.

The phone ring had woken him from a troubled sleep he had only fallen into a few minutes ago.

Maxwell removed the phone from his ear to look at the unrecognised number again.

In his subconsciousness, he had automatically picked the call thinking it was Reyona.

It would teach him to look closely at caller ID before picking up calls, drowsy state or not.

Why was he calling him so early in the morning?

Maxwell looked at the time on the phone and saw that it was 4: 37am.

“Don,” he stated more than asked.

The silence on the other end made him realise that Donald-turned-Serena, Aka Don, was waiting for a response to his first question. “Yeah, I know that,” Maxwell answered, as he instantly became fully awake.

“Where is your step-sister, Maxie?”