
All I Have

A hot slap jerked Reyona awake.

The pain sang through her body, clearing her fuzzy head for a moment.

She tried to reach for her stinging face and found out that she couldn’t lift her hand.

She started panicking before she realised that her hands were tied to the iron chair she was sitting on.


She blinked hard in the dark room as she tried to remove her hands from the tight bounds.

“When you are done with your drama, let me know.” a rough voice said close to her ears.

Reyona jolted and tried to talk.

Her mouth was also tightly gagged and all that came out was just an incoherent muffle.

“I am going to release one of your hands, then you will make the transfer. After that, you will be allowed to see the girl. Nod if you understand me.”

Reyona quickly nodded as tears squeezed out of her eyes.

She had never been more terrified in her life.