
Reynolds Hamsworth ( tbate fanfic)

Adam was a history enthusiast who loved to think about the past and fantasize about the day-to-day life of the people. But, this enthusiasm of his didn't stem from academics as most would think. It came from reading comics, mangas, Manhwas, and the sort. He was fascinated by how the past times were pictured in them. He soon grew a passion for them and started to tour all around the world to see those relics of the past for himself. It was on a journey such as this that his life came to an abrupt end. But, contrary to his belief, it did not end rather, it was a new beginning. It was the beginning after the end. ____________________________________________ I do not own 'The beginning after the end'. It is owned by TurtleMe. It is just a fanfic that I have written to realize my own fantasies. I only own my OC characters. I am also not a native English speaker and this is my first time writing so please pardon the writing quality. Also, the picture for the cover page does not belong to me, all the credit goes to the artist. Other than that, enjoy!

Trinath_Mukherjee · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Future plans, A happy family

[Reynold's POV]

It's been 3 weeks since I was reborn to my new parents. They are good people and don't shy away from helping others. My father, Raymond Hamsworth, who seems to be in his mid-twenties, is a man with a strong build and a jolly personality. Black, short hair and black, but bright eyes, a sharp jawline that exudes masculinity. One can say, he is quite handsome. He is an augmenter of Earth attribute a solid yellow mana core.

My mother, Darlene Hamsworth, who is in her early twenties, is a conjurer mage with a light yellow mana core and water attribute. she is a lovely person with a kind and caring personality. She has Prussian blue hair that falls to her waist and sparkling grey eyes full of love. She has a stunning face, a pointed nose, and red, cherry lips. She is a beauty of the highest order.

And finally me, Reynolds Hamsworth. It was a bizarre experience, getting reborn as a child and being called by a new name at first, but I adapted to my new surroundings fairly quickly. But, it was still a shock when I first saw myself in the mirror. I didn't know something so cute could exist. It was a surprise, but a welcome surprise. I mean, who wouldn't like to look good.

In the mirror, I was greeted by a face that exuded pure adorableness, cheeks puffed up like plums, thanks to the baby fats. Unique black and blue hair, inter-mingling among themselves. An inheritance from both of my parents. But, what was even more unique was my eyes, bright golden yellow eyes that were brimming with life and innocence. And a perfect, spotless, pale skin, that alleviated my cuteness to even greater heights. It seems I have inherited most of the good points from my parents which feels really good. Now, all the bragging aside, there is a fact that I am excited as well as concerned about. It seems I got reincarnated into the world of 'The beginning after the end'

I am excited because it was one of my favorite stories that integrated both history and magic but concerned as well because of how bad things got for Dicathen. It will really be an insufferable experience if I am not strong, strong enough to crush god-level beings. That itself sounds impossible, let alone making it a reality.

I was born on February 16th and Arthur will be born on May 29th, three months later. So, I roughly have 16 to 17 years to prepare for the war and get stronger. but, I will not rush it, I am still a baby, if I started training like a madman this early on, it will do more harm than good. Maybe I will try to create my mana core, at least before Arthur did, and do some light exercises but that will be it....


"Baby! are you still asleep?"


Not managing to keep my surprise down, I shit myself.....

" Awww~ did my boy just did a poo poo~? don't worry! Mommy will clean it right up!"

"Abbabboo! buubbbba!"

Not really pleased with what I just did, I tried to express my disapproval, but all that came out was baby gibberish.

" Hehe~ my baby is so adorable when he tries to speak! you are the cutest!"

I don't know why and it should no be the case, but I love the way she treats me. Maybe because most of my childhood memories were erased when I was in that place, I really crave her attention and my father's acknowledgment. In a way, this is my first childhood, and can really see myself as their son. The parents of my past life are just that, parents. All my attachments related to them are gone or rather erased, right now they are a little more than just strangers. In fact, most of the people that I had ties with are nothing but strangers now, and I am sure that there are some whom I don't even remember anymore. It's sad to think about, but I don't feel anything, and that makes it even more uncomfortable.

*Screech* *snap!*

"Done! all cleaned up!"

Mother was done changing my diaper, 'damn that's embarrassing to think about'

" It seems like you are done sleeping, do you want to play with us now? Daddy said he would take you outside today!"

"Abbah! Buuuuuu~!"

Now, this was an exciting news, it was always fun playing with them, but more than that, I was going out for the first time in this life today. Just thinking about how I will be able to see the historical lifestyle of the people with my own eyes made me feel giddy.

I have noticed that in this life, I have a strong urge to go out for adventure and I think I know where this stems from. I have heard my parents talking about how my paternal ancestors were a bunch of wandering nomads. They were people with adventurous spirits who moved from one place to another. They used to do this to preserve their traditional culture that dated back to the beast era when the three races used to be nomads. It was only after my father was born, that my grandfather decided to settle down in this village.

As I was thinking about this, my mother picked me up from the cradle and headed towards the door, moving me downstairs for a family bonding session.

Honestly, these were my most favorite times of the day.

The 3rd chapter is out!

I would like to address a few things here. Our MC is different from Arthur, whose fate was altered. He was meant to die back then and had undergone a "would-be" normal rebirth, had it not been for a random anomaly that erased the majority of his childhood memories instead of all of his memories. And that anomaly is what will give him a unique power in the future. So stay tuned for that!

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