
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 12

"Rey, Rey! we got an offer of a lifetime!" - Akuv.

"Let me guess, it's another offer to be a cheap, exploited workforce by some noble, isn't it?" - Rey.

"No it's even better, we will be sailing through the seas!" - Akuv.

"Sailing!?! Akuv are you out of your mind? well that's nothing new but are you crazy? Why would we ever do that?" - Rey.

"For money?" - Akuv.

"How much money they'll even pay for this journey?" - Rey.

"A heck tonne of money! We will be loaded with money if we survive the sailing and venturing to new lands!" - Akuv.

"....survive? could you tell us the nature of our job?" - Rey.

"Well, it says we should expect violent waves, whale attacks, shipwrecks, potential attacks by whoever dominates the other sides of the landfall, and uhhh, risks of diseases, not being able to come back home in one piece, mental scarification and uhhh that's about it!"

"And you agreed to this idea!?!" - Rey.

"Yeah! We would get paid really well!" - Akuv.

"If we survive, Akuv, if we ever survive." - Rey.

"Don't be so pessimistic Rey! the worst that could happen is for us to become food for the sharks!" - Akuv.

"I sometimes wonder why my life is written to be with an Idiot like you." - Rey.

"What's that?" - Akuv.

"Nothing. So when are we expected to leave?" - Rey.

"Like uhhh, in an hour?" - Akuv.

"IN AN HOUR?!" - Rey.

"Oh stop being dramatic! Come on, let's get to the port of Shanga!" - Akuv.

"I got a real bad feeling about this." - Rey.

The duo made their way to the port of Shanga. It was a vibrant port filled with Bedens, Dhows, and Mtepe's with a vibrant cast of merchants originating from the nearby, Azari coasts to the west, to the Northern and Eastern traders who brought luxurious silks and spices from their homelands to trade.

Akuv led Rey to a docked Mtepe, It's crewmates were ready to set the sail, until their captain noticed the duo.

"Hey! I was waiting for you lads! Come aboard the boat! We are about to get sailing!" - The Captain.

"Aye aye captain!" - Akuv.

Rey and Akuv hopped aboard the boat. The crew released the sails and departed from the docks of Shanga, heading into the Seas. The crew wasn't a large lot, it numbered around 9 people, including Rey and Akuv. There was the captain, sailors, and about two guards, and all of them seemed very experience.

"Aye boys, it's good to have you on board, to be honest, we could use some extra hands, although it wasn't much, just in case things turn out ugly! Y'all know how to fight, right?" - The Captain.

"Uh.....I do." - Rey.

"I can knock the teeth out of their skull, cap'n!" - Akuv.

"That's the spirit boys!" - The Captain.

"Just curious, Captain, may I know where are we heading and what is our purpose?" - Rey.

"Has your friend not informed you? We are going on to raid a small pirate base!" - The Captain.

"Raid!?!" - Rey.

"Yes! I believe he might've told you that, No?" - The Captain.

"Akuv you did NOT tell me about us doing some fighting!" - Rey.

"Hey I thought you'd like the surprise! Well, that's alright, we can always get out if you don't want to join the crew." - Akuv.

"To where, Get out where?" - Rey.

"Off the boat!" - Akuv.

"And where are we right now Akuv?" - Rey.

Akuv glanced around his surroundings and saw that there was no land in sight, just an endless expanse of water.

"Oh." - Akuv.

"Yeah, idiot." - Rey.

"Aw come on boys, it won't be long, besides, you'll get some share of the BOOTY!" - The Captain.

"Fine, but it's gotta be worth it." - Rey.

The crew set sail to the pirate base that is situated somewhere that Rey and Akuv are not sure of. It was gonna be one hell of a ride, but regardless, they aren't prepared for it.