
I am Not Weak!

Samuel would have paid with his soul to learn from Jermaine. But unfortunately, Jermaine wanted to kill Samuel. This alone made him unhappy. But he still needed to fight for his honor. He would not lose so easily.

"Third round, commence!" Silas said.

"If this is all you can do in a fight, then I am sorry to say this, But you are not even worthy of being a soldier in my battalion. I wasted my precious time on you."Jermaine smirked. He taunted Samuel to reveal his full power.

"I know you are stronger than me. I know that I cannot defeat you. I know that you don't think that I am even worthy of this fight." Samuel started muttering in a cold tune.

"Oh, so you accept that fact?" Jermaine said.

This time, Jermaine was the one to attack. He had used his speed to appear in front of Samuel in a split second. Then, He slashed diagonally from the right side, Aiming towards Samuel's Ribs.

"It was nice meeting you. I would have never thought that a person with such a low capability will be awarded a chance to fight me. You are weak to protect yourself. You are weaker to protect the princess. You are even more weaker to protect this kingdom. In short, You will never be able to defeat me. You will remain weak for you entire life."

But then, something unexpected happened. Samuel parried the attack. He parried an attack that was to fast for him. He was not even able to see the attack. But, When Jermaine took two steps back after the clash to protect himself, He heard a shout. That shout was in no way less fearsome than a silver lions roar(Gold class).


The roar was heard inside the entire palace. And no kidding, The palace had the same size as the half territory of victory town.

Samuel took his sword and attacked Jermaine, but Jermaine could see him coming. Surprisingly, Samuel was not using his dominating hand, His right one. The Sword was aimed at Jermaine's heart. But just as Jermaine was attacked by the sword, Samuel dropped the sword from his left hand. Surprised, Jermaine put his guard down for one second. And that second was the only chance that Samuel was going to get. He collected his sword with his right hand in the midway and used,

"Enlightening Square."

There was no way Jermaine could dodge this. His only way of surviving was, Parrying the attack. But the sword was looking unstoppable. And Jermaine was not even sure about whether he would be able to block this move in time.

That single second was taking longer than a day. The sword successfully reached the place where Samuel was about to strike. But then, All hell broke lose for Jermaine.

His sword broke.

Samuel continued with his strike towards Jermaine's torso.

"Stop!" A female voice startled Samuel. He stopped his sword just short of Jermaine's heart.

It was none other than Sarah.

"This match is considered a draw!"