
Rewriting Kakashi's Destiny

In this story, a person, finds himself in a new reality, as a skilled shinobi named Kakashi Hatake, through a transmigration. As he navigates this world, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Along the way, he reconnects with his past, honing his abilities and creating new jutsu along the way. Through training, camaraderie, and introspection, Kakashi overcomes his past sorrows and finds renewed purpose and determination. Follow us along with anticipation as we witness the birth of a renewed era in the Naruto world. 1ch/day

Hungry_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Hard working

With the aid of Minato-sensei's notes and explanations on the enhanced version of the Flying Thunder God technique, Kakashi diligently practiced and studied. Remarkably, within just two weeks, he managed to grasp the fundamentals of the technique, thanks to his future knowledge.

This feat was exceptional, as learning an S-rank jutsu, particularly the Flying Thunder God technique, at such a rapid pace was almost unheard of.

However, Kakashi humbly acknowledged that despite learning the technique, he still had a long way to go before becoming proficient, let alone mastering it. The Second Hokage and Minato-sensei were thousands of times more skilled and possessed a deep understanding of its intricacies, utilizing it effortlessly in battle.

After taking a moment to rest, Kakashi's grin widened. 'I can finally begin creating the Flying Thunder God technique: Guiding Thunder Barrier Amplification,' he whispered to himself. 'It may not be the most creative name, but it will suffice for now. If Sensei desires, he can change the name as it is his gift.'

An anticipation-filled smile spread across Kakashi's face as he envisioned Minato-sensei's reaction upon receiving this gift for his inauguration as the Fourth Hokage. It would be a moment where the student had surpassed the teacher in a certain way, an accomplishment that brought Kakashi immense satisfaction.

'Aside from the excitement, his reaction will surely bring some joy,' Kakashi contemplated aloud. 'Perhaps it will make him more happy, knowing that I moved past my own sorrow and can present him with this newly created jutsu as a gift.'

For the remaining two weeks, Kakashi dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the creation of the jutsu. He immersed himself in the intricate process, fine-tuning and refining the Flying Thunder God technique: Guiding Thunder Barrier Amplification. With each passing day, his expertise grew, and his understanding of the jutsu deepened.

He meticulously crafted every aspect, drawing from his knowledge and incorporating his own unique insights. Kakashi's determination and focus were unwavering as he worked tirelessly to ensure that the gift for Minato's inauguration as the Fourth Hokage would be nothing short of extraordinary.

As the final day of Kakashi's creation of the Flying Thunder God technique: Guiding Thunder Barrier Amplification approached, a mix of anticipation and a touch of melancholy filled the air. After weeks of meticulous work, the jutsu was nearing completion.

Kakashi poured his heart and soul into this creation, channeling his immense dedication and passion. It had been an arduous journey, filled with countless hours of focus and unwavering determination.

With a deep breath and a sense of reverence, Kakashi put the finishing touches on the Flying Thunder God technique: Guiding Thunder Barrier Amplification, knowing that the time had come to present his sensei with this meaningful and symbolic gift.

'I can finally take a bit of rest, the jutsu is complete. Besides the fact that the last couple of weeks gave me a lot of insight into the Flying Thunder God technique.

Furthermore, it has also given me a whole new perspective on creating and merging techniques since the only other technique I have created so far is the Chidori.' 'I can honestly say that I did not expect these four weeks to be this fruitful. I'll write this new jutsu down on one of my empty scroll and jot down some extra notes on it for sensei.'