
Rewriting Kakashi's Destiny

In this story, a person, finds himself in a new reality, as a skilled shinobi named Kakashi Hatake, through a transmigration. As he navigates this world, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Along the way, he reconnects with his past, honing his abilities and creating new jutsu along the way. Through training, camaraderie, and introspection, Kakashi overcomes his past sorrows and finds renewed purpose and determination. Follow us along with anticipation as we witness the birth of a renewed era in the Naruto world. 1ch/day

Hungry_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

2 days of relaxation

Kakashi, while lying down exhausted, asked, 'Hey, can any of you ANBU please take the Scroll of Sealing back to Lord Third?'.

An ANBU immediately entered Kakashi's vision, simply taking the scroll, thanking Kakashi and disappearing again. ANBU often avoid speaking if they don't have to, it was one of their habits that they often use.

After meticulously documenting the newly created jutsu and jotting down helpful notes in an empty scroll and tying a bow around it, Kakashi turned his attention to tidying up the training room. With meticulous care, he methodically cleaned every corner, ensuring that not even a speck of dust remained.

When he finally stepped back and surveyed the room, a faint smile graced his face. The training room was left in a state of pristine cleanliness, even better than it had been when he first entered. Every surface gleamed, a testament to Kakashi's meticulousness and attention to detail.

Leaving the Hokage's building behind, Kakashi made his way home, his stomach growling in anticipation of a proper meal. He had been sustaining himself on shinobi food pills and other supplies, a quick but unsatisfying solution that lacked both nutritional value and flavor.

Arriving at his home, Kakashi wasted no time in preparing a well-deserved, wholesome meal. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, tantalizing his senses. With each delicious bite, he relished the taste and savored the nourishment, appreciating the stark contrast to the blandness of the shinobi rations.

Rejuvenated by the satisfying meal, Kakashi felt a renewed energy and contentment. It served as a reminder of the importance of taking care of himself, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. From that day forward, he made a vow to prioritize his well-being and indulge in the simple pleasures that life had to offer, including enjoying good food.

Since Kakashi had 2 days to relax until the inauguration, he planned to make that vow come true.

Kakashi found himself standing before a grand building, steam billowing from the windows and from the rear. It was the renowned bathhouse featured in the manga, infamous for the incident involving Jiraiya's peeping antics. However, Kakashi, far from being foolish, proceeded directly to the men's side without a second thought.

Entering the soothing warmth of the hot spring, Kakashi settled into the water, a hidden smile adorning his face beneath his mask. 'Finally, I can experience the pleasure of a hot spring. Neither the original Kakashi nor myself has ever truly indulged in this delightful sensation before. I can't help but be captivated by the tranquil ambiance and the soothing embrace of the hot water.', kakashi mumbled.

With a newfound appreciation, Kakashi made a silent promise to himself. "I should do this more often, in between my regular missions,". Kakashi resolved himself, recognizing the importance of taking these moments of relaxation and self-care.