
Rewriting Her Story

Her dream came true and now she's an actress. The love of her life promised her that they will get married as soon as she came back, but things don't go as they plan. Yang Jia caught her fiancé cheating on her and now she's thrown to bottom of the abyss, but wait who's that?... Her savior!! Liang Guozhi the man most feared in the entire country. Age twenty-three and the most handsome bachelor there is. No women could ever get to his heart except for that little girl in the forest. What would happen if one day, they were to meet again? Liang Guozhi: "I'll make you fall in love with me, if is the last thing I do" he approached her, their lips almost touching. Yang Jia: Chuckled "There is only one man in my heart" looked at Duke and glanced back at Liang Guozhi "Let's see what he'll say" Duke: Roared and looked at Liang Guozhi threatening. Liang Guozhi: Never taking his eyes off her "I won't loose without a fight" Yang Jia: Giggled "Let's see about that"

KatyCF · Urban
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62 Chs

Two peas in a pod

Yang Jia and Tang Xiu Ying got off the car and soon entered inside the mall.

At first, they planned to buy furniture for Tang Xiu Ying's new home, but they decided that they should do that later. Right now, Yang Jia planned to get Tang Xiu Ying a fair amount of clothes because she knew that Tang Xiu Ying only had one set of clothes. Which was the set that Tang Xiu Ying was wearing right now..

Tang Xiu Ying didn't know this, but Yang Jia also planned to get her a vehicle and she was also going to get one herself while she's at it. She had already been thinking on getting a car because she'd rather drive on her own than have a driver taking her everywhere.

It was still the morning, so Tang Xiu Ying and Yang Jia had plenty of time to buy what they needed for the day.

An hour flew by quickly, and Tang Xiu Ying and Yang Jia bought a few set of clothes for Tang Xiu Ying.

Tang Xiu Ying was impressed by Yang Jia's good taste in clothing. But what really surprised her is that Yang Jia observed the clothes's quality and texture to make sure that the clothes were comfortable to wear and that they were very durable. Clothes that get damaged and tear easily are the types of the clothes that weren't created well and had a bad quality cloth and texture, so Yang Jia wanted to make sure Tang Xiu Ying had the good quality kind.

'She told me that she's a designer, so it makes sense that she knows these kind of things" Tang Xiu Ying thought.

Not long after, Yang Jia and Tang Xiu Ying were famished after shopping for an hour in a half. They decided that they should go to a restuarant and eat now that they were already done shopping at the mall.

Tang Xiu Ying and Yang Jia walked towards the parking lot where the driver was already waiting for them. Just as Yang Jia and Tang Xiu Ying were going to enter the car, they heard a commotion. Both of them turned their heads toward the ruckus that was happening only to see a young boy being bullied by a few other boys.

The young boy looked awfully pale and clutched his stomach in pain. The young boy looked at the punks that were picking on him and wished he could punch each and every one of their faces until it bleeds, but the state he was in didn't allowed him to.

The one who seemed the leader of the group of bullies asked in a ill-mannered tone "Why is a trash like you here?"

The young boy didn't answer and just glared at him.

Chen Duyi, the leader, looked at the shopping bags that the young boy was holding and snatched it away from him. He looked inside the bag only to see school utensils, such as pencils, journals, and books.

He glared back at the young boy and shouted at him not caring about of his image in front of the onlookers "Didn't I told you to get out of my school. That place doesn't need a good for nothing like you"

The young boy glared at him and retorted "You don't own that school"

"So what? I'm the one who rules over it" Chen Duyi shouted in anger.

The young boy, Wu Aang, refused to back down "What makes you think I will listen to you? You're not my boss, nor my parents. You have no right to force me into doing something I don't want to"

Wu Aang's words made Chen Duyi unable to retort. Irritated, that he couldn't say anything, he decided to use his fists. "Boys!! Give him a lesson he will never forget!" he shouted.

The boys immediately rushed towards Wu Aang, ready to give him a beating, but before they could do anything, a smooth but firm voice was heard from afar.

"Stop!" Yang Jia said in a loud, but clear voice.

The boys and Chen Duyi froze in their spots and they turned towards the lady who screamed.

Chen Duyi's jaw dropped when he noticed a beautiful lady walking towards him.

Yang Jia walked directly towards them while Tang Xiu Ying stayed beside the car, and observed what Yang Jia was planning to do.

Yang Jia wasn't planning on interrupting them, but when she saw the young boy being bullied. She just couldn't tolerate it any longer and had to put a STOP to this.

"This is a public area, ruckuses like this one you're creating are not permitted" Yang Jia said to Chen Duyi.

Chen Duyi snapped out of his daze when he noticed that Yang Jia was reprimanding him. Her attitude caused his anger to boil. He scoffed "Who are you? The security guard?"

"Nope, I'm just putting you in your place" Yang Jia said calmly without missing a beat.

Chen Duyi clenched his fists in anger and shouted "You!... How dare you insult me?!.. Me!... The young master of the prestigious Chen family"

Yang Jia squinted her eyes and so did Tang Xiu Ying. 'The Chen family?' they both thought.

Yang Jia observed Chen Duyi's features. 'Definitely, this kid looks like him. Could they be?...' She thought. She chuckled at the possibility.

Chen Duyi saw her laughing and a cold shiver ran down his back by just looking at her. "What?... What are you laughing about?" He asked rudely, trying to regain his composure.

Yang Jia glared at him before she said. "Do you know that a person is a representative to their family? Which technically means, your behavior represents your family... Yes, your family might be "Prestigious" as you said. But you just proved to me that the Chen family is an, arrogant, selfish, uncivil, audacious and impertinent family. A family that doesn't respect others and only takes advantage to those who are below them"

Chen Duyi stuttered, not knowing what to say "Y-you how dar-"

Yang Jia interrupted him "Yes... you're right, how dare of me? But guess what? I'm not scared"

Chen Duyi heaved in anger and pointed a finger at her "Just wait until my dad finds out"

Yang Jia acted as if she was scared and gasped "Your dad? But isn't he in the hospital?"

Chen Duyi was aghast "H-how do you k-know he's in the h-hospital?"

Yang Jia chuckled slightly and said "Ha, what a coincidence, just like two peas in a pod...I met your father just last night before his fingers were broken."

"What!?" Chen Duyi said stupefied.

Yang Jia nodded "Yes... Sadly, our conversation ended on a low note. The last thing I remember before I left was that he was screaming in pain"

"Y-you were t-the one who h-hurt my father?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"What? I think you're misunderstanding here. Mr. Chen was the one who hurt himself" 'It was his fault I broke his fingers. If he didn't approach us to cause some trouble, he wouldn't have been hurt.' She inwardly thought.

Jia:"Okay, spill it out. Why are sobbing?"

Katy:"Sobs, my baby Toby doesn't love me"

Jia:Tilts her head in confusion "I don't understad"

Katy:"sniff, Toby gets excited when he sees everyone, but when he sees me. He doesn't react at all. He just sits there staring at me"

Jia:In thought"Uff, now that is a tough nut to crack. I have no idea how to help you with that"

Katy:Sobs again "Now I'm certain that won't be able to regain his love"

KatyCFcreators' thoughts