


I groaned for what seemed Like the hundredth time and the cabinet members closer looked at me in a funny way to which I glared. They all turned away in fear and I smiled to myself.

It wasn't enough that my breakfast was interrupted and I was dragged here totally unprepared, I had to sit here for hours, with these people giving me strange stares like I was a wild beast on loose who could pound on them anytime soon?

I tapped my feet against the floor impatiently, scratching my jaw from time to time. This was frustrating! I don't want to be here!

Why was I here in the first place?

I was about asking the man sitting next to me what I was doing there when I felt a gentle pressure on my knee. Looking up from the hand to the face,

"Relax... they're watching you. Juuuust keep calm.. deep breaths.."

She whispered to me through clinched teeth and forced smile. I did as she said, took deep breaths in and out.