
ReWrite System

His fate is not his. His memories are not real. And his soul is not his own. Reincarnated into an another world, while meeting new people and learning new things, Vayne adjusts and tries to enjoy his new life as much as he can. The Rewrite System had come to change his fate. He had been brought by the goddess who felt touched by his past deed. He never thought of it with much importance, but that turned out to be a mistake. The more he explored, the more he learned of the so called "fate". Wanting to break the chains of damnation and create his own destiny, he must thrive to gain strength and keep his "real" self safe. -------------------- author note: he-ho! author here, this is my first novel that actually took form in a platform so if there's mistakes in spelling or tense do tell me since English not my first language and even my first language have many problems... so yeah that's that. oh also the cover took a while to put up because many people suggest I should when I was so lazy to even care before haha. anyway it's there now, deal with it. the cover is not mine and all credit of it belongs to the rightful artist and creator. I think her pen name, or whatever the term is, was Willhem Lourage and her IG is rudou_akumari. so yeah go check out the original artist somewhere and give support *double thumbs up* ---------- Also HUGE shout-out to Cailinmatthews and Lostinfictions for the new synopsis ( ╹▽╹ ) do give their books a read and don't be shy to talk to them on discord.

Crowley_Black · Fantasy
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The prelude to chaos (end)

Reaching the warehouse, Lucas run towards the front rather than the underground entrance. If his mother is preparing a warp gate, then the spacious empty warehouse would be ideal for it.

Rushing through the front, he almost ran into a wall. no, not a wall, but a man and Lucas recognize him right away. He is Jericho one of the upper echelons of the guild, his class is "Protector" and his main weapon is a Lance and a full body shield. then again with his bear-like build, two and a half meter height, quiet personality, and full plated armor, he guess the man is in a sense a wall.

"Jericho have you seen my mother?" he ask quickly, anxiousness clear in his voice. The man, Jericho, only gesture him towards the back with his head before returning his full attention towards the double door.

Knowing he won't get more out of the man, Lucas decide to head in through the cloth acting as a door behind him. The warehouse are separate into four sectors, namely the front, the center, the granary, and the armory. All of them are separated by build in wooden walls and cloth doors since nothing of value are really keep here at topside and the armory and granary are empty most of the time.

Once he enter, he could see the usually empty and dusty center section of the warehouse now look spotless clean and has a large magic pentagram in the middle of it with a line extending out from each corner onto inscribed circles. direct links to transfer the mana as to counter the formation still looming above them.

On top of each circle are mages chanting in unison as their mana being directed onto the grand spell. his mother stood at one side, using her magic staff as support, with her back against him.

"Lucas, you're here." his mother said as she look over her shoulder, "We can handle the casting here, but we are running out of mana so I'd like you to fetch some from the storage below. truth be told, I had sent Elea for this but he hasn't come back yet so I would like you to find him as well."

Finishing her words, she returns her attention towards the mages then cast some buffs towards them, replenishing their much needed mana and reducing some of the mental strain from such a massive spell.

Lucas know she won't see it but he nod anyway to her word and quickly left. He move towards and into the underground passage as quickly as he could, not just because the sound of fighting on top of the walls intensifies by a large margin but because he have an inkling what might have happens to his friend.

It doesn't take much time for him to find Elea as he and a few older teen are in the main passage straight from the entrance.

"Why are you being so stubborn girl, haven't you heard what's out there? we're gonna die so why not enjoy ourselves first!" one of the guy said.

"Yeah yeah! Khiel is right and girl I assure you, he can make you reach heaven in seven minutes, hahaha!" chime a disheveled girl hugging the first guy arm before she kisses him deeply.

Lucas couldn't see Elea's expression from his position but he can pretty much feel the annoyance and disgust pouring out if him and he couldn't help but have cold sweat. for as long as he knows the guy, none that confront him with impure motive have ever left with intact nuts.

While Lucas are being worried about insignificant matter, Elea on the other hand are ready to burst. The group in front of him are not the first group to mistook him today, there are many, ranging from young adult to kids his age, that mistook him as female in their intoxicated state.

And even after giving them some lessons, it still irks him how endless these people are and how they are here indulging themselves instead of helping out there.

"Listen, I'm in a hurry and I am late enough as is. move or I won't give you mercy." his voice icy and the temperature in the passage drops by a few notches but the group doesn't seem to realize this as they continue their attempt.

"Common beautiful, whatever delivery it is can wait. come have fun with us, I'm sure my excalibur can satisfy you." one of the other teen said as he stretch his hand to grab Elea.

The guy pauses when he felt something cold passes his arm. when he pull his hand, his face contort in fear as he scream as the pain registered by his brain. but the scream quickly change from him to his friends when his head separate from his body as it slumped to the ground.

"I told you, I won't have mercy." stomping forward, Elea let out a series of quick slashes and the passage turn silent as bodies and heads fall into the ground.

"You got the package?" Lucas ask his friend while the other party dispell the single edge ice blade in his hand. there was no need for them to discuss about this as both will agree that Elea had done the right thing. there are no need to keep such rotten eggs in the ranks.

"Let's just go, I'm late enough as is."

Returning to deliver the box of mana potions, Samantha, Lucas's mother, told them to deliver the excess mana potions and the unneeded healing potions to the people fighting above.

Heeding the command, they both start distributing potions to every front that needed it. The battle at the wall had turn much worse than what Lucas imagine, the risen, now dubbed "ghoul" by the guards, had proven to be quite troublesome to deal with.

Other than beheading or charring them to ashes there are just no stopping him, not to mention they are nimble movements and quick reflexes make it hard to lock on to them and at some cases result in friendly fire. Lastly their claws, even just a scrape from it will cause bleeding and it can't be healed until the curse put by it is dispelled by the healers or cutting away the infected flesh.

Other than the ghouls they also have to deal with newly en massed wave after wave of crazed civilians from outside the walls that now have regain bits of intelligence, enough to equip ranged weapons and cast spells.

The one Lucas and Elea had to supply the most are the earth mages that keeps replenishing the walls durability, making them have to run back and forth all around the walls and often delayed by ghouls that reached the top.

It wasn't until around evening a green sphere flew out from the warehouse, indicating that the warp gate are open.

Seeing the signal, the commander of each wall section ordered their men to slowly retreat. Lucas and Elea follow suit while giving as much range support as they could, the retreat went smoothly as not many ghouls are left. Knowing the dead crazies out there will rise if they are dead, the people of golden mole had opted to disable them rather than killing them.

Forming up just outside the front door of the warehouse along with the rest, the commander start to tally the losses from each group before sending them one legion at a time through the gate inside.

Just as the last legion about to set foot onto the gate, the bell like sound rang once more from the formation above them.

Above, the formation now encircled by seven layer of inscribed circles and the formation let out a crimson glow.

"Quick, through the gate before something happens!" the commander shouted as his men rush towards the warp gate but as soon as the first row of men step through, they were shredded to pieces as the gate suddenly fluctuate then close with a pop.

As for the mages maintaining it, they suddenly choke and start to bleed through every one of their pores before laying lifeless on their own pool of blood.

The six upper echelons, whom stayed to hold off the enemies as everyone evacuates, look at the scene in horror. they know such symptoms all too well, it was mana deficiency, but how did they ran out of mana when they keep chugging potions as their life depends on it.

"The mana.. it's.. gone.." a whisper draw everyone attention, it was Samantha who are being supported by Ruby, Elea's mother, as her staff had shattered into splinters.

"What do you mean by gone?" Mitchell asked as he gesture for Jericho to barricade the doors.

"I.. I don't know what to say, it was there then it's just.. gone.." she said then stretch an arm with palm up. "I can't use magic, there are no mana to command."

Hearing her words, the rest tried their own magic or skills, none of them work. They all had a look of disbelief as it is almost impossible to completely remove mana. as long as a living organism exist, they will naturally produce mana even by just a tiny bit.

It was after a few moments did they notice something amiss. it is silent, too silent. there are no mad laughter, no growls from the ghouls, no rat squeaks, no sound of wind blowing.

Then the silent was broke by knocks, it was a polite knock coming from the front door before an all too hateful voice sounded.

"Excuse me, I noticed you people had survived. May I come in to talk?" the voice asked politely but none of those inside answer it. with a few hand gestures from Mitchell, the legion and the upper echelons moves into formation.

"You won't let me in? alright then, I'll guess I'll have to get you out." the group tenses up upon hearing it and prepare for a fight, but instead of the door bursting to splinters, the entire warehouse just up and away as it turns into dust and got blown away by a sudden gust.

When the group open their eyes once more, they are shocked at what they see. The once prosperous city was no more, there are no brick walls, no plated roads, no dead bodies nor blood. there was nothing but a grayish and somewhat decaying wasteland as far as the eyes can see. Hell, even the sky had lost its color leaving nothing but a gray painted clear sky.

In this gray world they, the ones with colors, seem so out of place. the man in front of them who are most likely responsible for all that happened, spread his arms to the side and he look at them with interest.

"As what you all can see, there shouldn't be anything left but somehow you all and your building still stands. so I am curious, how is it that you survive?" he said with genuine interest, his eyes run over everyone one by one.

"No one? not a single answer?" he question but all that answer him was an arrow that stop just before it hit him dead between the eyes.

"Alright then, if you won't answer the easy way then let's do it the hard way."

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Somewhere out in the human territory.

Disengaging from the row after row of men, Lucas and Elea approach the group of discussing upper echelons.

"Mark, have you heard anything about our next course of action?" he ask one of them, an old man with thick red beard and stout stature.

"Ah yes young master, the leader instruct us to head towards north of here to the city of Vermilion to rest and reorganize our troops before setting out to Kynera temple. but problem is we haven't seen the leader ever since we cross the gate." he replied as he stroke his beard

"What do you mean you haven't seen him? shouldn't everyone had crossed for the gate to close?" from what have been told to him, his mother and father never left anyone whenever they had to use a gate to retreat.

"Normally it is, unless.. unless something happens on the other side." the man said as he stop stroking his beard.

"What are you implying?" Lucas know what the old man are saying, but he wants to hear it for himself than assume anything.

"*sigh* Let's not worry too much and move out, it is the leader we're talking about so it'll probably be fine." the old man change the topic as the others just nod and they return to their discussion over the map.

"Pops.. Ma.." Lucas mumbled as he look towards the distance where he assume the capital is.

"Don't worry Lucas, my parents are with them as well. Just what can't they beat when all four of them are together. Cheer up okay." Elea tried to confirm him and pat his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right no one would be able to beat those monsters. I won't worry so much anymore." he's right, those bunch are just too monstrous when they band together. He should focus on his current situation first.

Looking into the distance once more, he gave one last prayer before he returns to the rest of the people to assure them.

yo Birdy here, I'm not sure how y'all are on supplies but I'm having the time of my life with snacks lmao XD tho I do have a bit of complain for pricing and the damn lockdown. my net will die soon ya see hahaha XD.

well whatever, I'll take care of it when I'm not being a lazy bird haha well I hope y'all stay healthy and stay safe, enjoy the little things and you won't be too stressed out ^~^

Birdy out

Crowley_Blackcreators' thoughts