
Masters And Senpai

Lunch break has passed, and the Black Ops stall has successfully sold all of its loot and items, earning a total amount of 23S Gold coins.

It was a high income considering that the Black Ops is selling at the Open Market. Yet it's quite low compared to the 5L Gold coins that Vier could have earned easily if only Rozze and Mifumi didn't stop her from selling the Paintball Guns to Nerna.

However, that lost income is not what Vier is concerned about right now. What Vier, along with Rozze, are currently worried about is the look of excitement in the eyes of Mifumi and Felin.

"What is this feeling, Vier-chan, Rozze-chan? I'm really happy that we're able to sell all of our loot and items but that's not all of it, I feel... something different."

"Sell more... Earn more... Sell more stuff... Earn more money..."

"That's right, Felin-chan! I want to sell more things! I want to earn more money! But that is not all. I still want something else. I can't explain it but I know that if we keep selling and earning, I can have more of it!"

What Mifumi and Felin are feeling is the symptom of what Merchants call a Newbie Merchant Curse.

Both Mifumi and Felin are overwhelmed by the feeling of great accomplishment that comes from selling all of their loot and items and from earning their first income as Merchants.

That feeling of great accomplishment will make them want to sell more stuff and earn more money just so they can have more of that feeling.

Of course, feeling proud of yourself is not a bad thing. However, losing yourself from that feeling is a very dangerous thing and Vier and Rozze are familiar with all of it. After all, unknown to Mifumi and Felin, Vier and Rozze have experienced being a Merchant in the past.

"Let's keep selling more stuff that we don't need!"

"I want to sell more and earn more!"

...Yep, that's the Newbie Merchant Curse. We need to do something about this...

That's Vier and Rozze's thought as they look at each other trying to figure out how to stop Mifumi and Felin.

"But we don't have any more items to sell, Mifumi-sama, Felin."

"Vier's right. We should stop and rest for today."

"Then I will go back to the Mansion to get all the clothes that I don't use anymore. We can sell those, right?... Fufufu..."


"I will also go back to the Orphanage to get Swords and other weapons... Fufufu..."


Rozze is surprised at what Mifumi said, and Vier is confused about what Felin said.

...Wait, wait, wait... Stop!... Don't leave!...

Rozze grabbed Mifumi's hands while Vier held down Felin, who was already running towards the direction of the Orphanage.

"Stop!... You can't sell your old clothes, Mifumi-sama. Those are very expensive."

"Then what about my normal clothes? Those are not expensive. Right, Rozze-chan?"

"Even if they are expensive or not. The idea of some weird person buying your used clothes is something I don't want to think!"


As Mifumi's Retainer, Rozze did her best to stop her Lady from selling her used clothes even though Rozze's face has turned bright red saying all those things that Mifumi doesn't have any idea what it means.

Vier, on the other hand, is still confused as to why the Orphanage has a supply of Swords and other weapons.

"Felin, what do you mean by getting Swords and weapons at the Orphanage?"

"I'm gonna sell those, Vier!"

"That's not what I mean. What I want to know is why does the Orphanage have Swords and other weapons?"

"Hmm?... Why can't the Orphanage have Swords and weapons, Vier?"

"Either way, you can't sell those since it's the Orphanage's property, Felin."

...But we want to sell more and earn more!!...




Unable to stop Mifumi and Felin's desire to continue being a Merchant, Vier has led her friends to the place where they could get more items to sell.

After leaving their stall, the members of the Black Ops are now at Vier's Blacksmith Master, at the front of Berlin blacksmith shop.

Upon telling him what they needed, their Dwarf teacher gave them dozens of Swords, Daggers, and other weapons that Berlin's apprentices made. The Black Ops will sell it all with a 10 percent increase of the original price as their income.

While Mifumi, Felin, and Rozze are listing all the items that their Dwarf teacher gave to them, Vier takes her chance to ask her Master for help in remaking all of her Magic Items.

"Just leave the list of what you need, kid."

Following her Master's instruction, Vier listed all the Magic Items that she needed.

[Vier's Magic Items...

...Magic Item Guns: Shotgun, Revolver, Double-Barrel, Sniper Rifle, Flaregun, Grappling Gun...

...Magic Item Bullets: Iron Bullets, Mithril Bullets, Venom Bullets, Paralyzing Bullets, Flare Bullets..

...Magic Item Grenades: Sound Grenade, Scarlet Grenades, Fire Grenades, Flare Grenades, Poison Grenades, Explosion Grenades...

...Other Items: Aurichalcum Shield]

Looking at the list given by his apprentice, Berlin has a look of surprise on his face.

"Why do you need the old Double-Barrel when you already have a Shotgun, kid?"

"I'm using it for when I need to use Mithril Bullets."

"And what about this Sniper Rifle? You never made this one before, right?"

"Mhm!... That's why here is the design plan, Master."

Seeing a new design plan for a Relic Replica that Vier made, Berlin couldn't contain his excitement in trying to make it.

"It's really nice that you know a lot of Old World Relics, kid. Anyway, are you sure you have the money for all of these Magic Items?"

"Please give me a discount, Master!"




After leaving Berlin blacksmith shop, the members of the Black Ops are now heading towards Arenea alchemist shop.

When they arrive at Arenea's shop, Vier finds her Master Arenea and her Senpai Char standing outside the shop looking at the four giant spider cocoons that are hanging in front of the shop.

"Ohh!... Do you four need something from my shop?"

Arenea greeted the members of the Black Ops with her usual mischievous smile while Char immediately ran inside the shop the moment she saw Vier.

Vier understands Char's usual behavior, acting haughty towards everyone else, especially to her. Yet she doesn't dislike her Senpai for that. On the contrary, Vier finds Char acting like that kind of fun. However, completely ignoring her for unknown reasons kind of hurts Vier's feelings.

Noticing Vier's disappointed expression, Arenea tries to console her dear apprentice.

"Don't worry about Char's reaction towards you, Vier. She's just a little bit upset since you are about to leave our town soon."

"Is that really true, Master Arenea?"

"Of course, it is. After all, Char really likes you as her Kohai."

It may be unconvincing, but Vier decides to believe what her Master said. Unknown to Vier, Char's unusual reaction towards her is because Char is hiding Puro-III from Vier.

"Anyway, what does your group need from my shop."

"Please give us something to sell, Sensei!"

"We can sell some of your items at the Open Market on your behalf, Arenea-sensei!"

Felin and Mifumi consecutively told their plan to Arenea. However, Arenea doesn't like the idea of selling her Potions and Antidotes just to anyone especially those people who come outside the town.

Unlike Berlin, Arenea only has three apprentices so far. That includes Vier, Char, and a much older apprentice who is currently on the floating island of Liber.

Although, it is not like Arenea doesn't have anything to give to the Black Ops. With another fun and crazy idea running in her mind, Arenea gives her response to Mifumi and Felin's request.

"Then I have something I can give to your group and you can have the money for yourselves if you can sell it."

...Thank you, Arenea-sensei!!...

With a mischievous smile that clearly says this will be fun and a single snap of Arenea's fingers, the four giant spider cocoons that are hanging in front of the shop fall to the ground.


"You can have these four giant cocoons and sell them to your stall."

"Thank you, Arenea-sensei. But what is inside of these?"

"Is there a treasure inside, Sensei?"

Vier understands that her Master is planning something troublesome, and what is inside of those is definitely not a treasure like what Felin is thinking. But she can't reject those four giant cocoons after seeing Mifumi and Felin's enthusiasm for receiving a gift from her Master.

...Yep, this is gonna be troublesome...



"Stop thinking rude things about your Master, Vier!"




Before going back to their stall at the Open Market, the Black Ops went inside Arenea alchemist shop for Vier to talk to her Senpai.

"Good morning, Char-senpai."

"Good morning, Ms. Charlotte"

"Good morning, Charlotte."

"Good morning, Haughty-oneesan."

In response to the greetings of Vier, Mifumi, Rozze, and Felin, Char slammed her hands to the shop counter and gave a sharp glare towards Vier.


"You, brat!!!..."


"How dare you show your face here after not showing up at work for more than a week!"

"What do you mean, Char-senpai?"

"Because I have to replace you on days you're supposed to work in the shop, I now have less time to spend with Master!... You will pay for this, brat!!!..."

"But I told Master Arenea that I can't work anymore."

"You can't work anymore? What are you saying?... You, ungrateful brat!!!..."


"I only accepted you as Master's second apprentice, so there will be someone to work at the shop, and I can spend more time with Master. But now you're telling me you can't work anymore!... You, shameless brat!!!..."

Hearing Char's words, Mifumi and Rozze now understand where Felin learned her intrusive words. While the three of them stay silent, Vier and her Senpai's argument continues.

"Second? But I'm the third and you're the second, Char-senpai. Then there's the first apprentice, Ms. Penelope, right?"

"Shut up! I don't know who that person is! I'm the first and only true apprentice of Master... huh?... Gyahhhh!!!!"

Before Char can finish what she is saying, a dozen gray spider-weds appear from the ceiling, move towards her, then pull her up, suspending her in mid-air like how a spider-like monster would hang its victims.

"Haughty-oneesan got hanged again!"

"Shut up, you brat! I'm...hum!... hum!..."

"Sheesh... You are saying bad things about Pen again. Am I right, Char?"

"Hum!!!... Hummmm!!!..."

"Arenea-sensei, Ms. Charlotte won't be able to breathe if you cover her face like that."

"Don't worry, Mifumi. Char is a Daemon Elder kin, she won't die even if I left her like that for a day. Right, Vier?"

"Master Arenea, please don't be that strict on Char-senpai."

With her Senpai hanging in the ceiling, Vier said goodbye to her Master and Senpai. Then the Black Ops go back to their stall at the Open Market while each of them drags the four giant cocoons given by Arenea.




PoruShark Writer's Note:

Here are the characters' concept designs for Berlin, Arenea, and Char / Charlotte. Look at the comments.

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