

Farrel, a famous shaman from Earth, is the one who you’ll look for when you have a spiritual problem. Got a scary ghost following you around? Having trouble sleeping with all the unknown cries and knocks you hear at 3 AM? Or do you have an ex-lover trying to hex you? Call Farrel and he will kick the ghost out of your life permanently! However, with his powers to command ghosts, Farrel didn’t just sit still knowing a child was abused by their parents or a politician making people’s lives miserable. Those abusers would either end up vomiting nails or finding themselves awake every midnight with a ghost sitting on top of their bodies! And what would happen if Farrel’s soul traveled to another world where he could do so much more than just sending nails and sleep-paralyzing his victims? “I’m sorry master, I could do what now?” “Yes, child. You now can materialize ghosts and command an army of ghosts!”

Invidentia · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Snared (1)

Channeling his energy, Farrel called open the connection that he had created to his blood prior to being splattered onto the man's suit.

With himself and the drops of blood connected, Farrel did something that any other shaman wouldn't count as a proper attack.

Farrel made it as if the drops of blood that were sticking onto the man's suit were a part of his own body, and by doing that, it would be easier than flipping his own palms to send all the ghosts that had been following him all this time to surround the drops of blood.

With a single command that came from his thoughts, the tens, dozens of ghosts that resided either within him or around him had all abruptly moved towards the direction of the blood, which was none other than the man's direction.

And for someone who had never had to deal with ghosts before to suddenly be surrounded by dozens of them at the same time, of course, the man would be caught off guard no matter how experienced he was in fighting.

It wasn't a proper attack, but for his current opponent, it was the perfect one that Farrel could think up to create even bigger gaps in his opponent's defense.

Feeling the air around him suddenly turned heavy and hot, the man couldn't help taking several steps back as he tried to assess the situation he was currently in.

The more he observed himself, the more he realized that his whole body had suddenly become heavier than before.

His back felt heavy as if there was a person clinging onto it and his head felt like exploding as voices that didn't belong to himself filled it with all kinds of incomprehensible words.

And while the man was still disorganized with all the changes suddenly happening to him and his surroundings, he suddenly felt a very strong killing intent coming from behind him, threatening to take his life.

It was a given thing for someone of his caliber to trust his instinct.

And right now, it was screaming at him to get away from whatever it was coming from behind him.

With one quick movement, the man turned his body around before jumping backward.

And his instinct turned out to be right. There was something that looked life-threatening behind him.

The same black giant ghost that he saw earlier that froze his and his colleagues' movements appeared on his back.

But instead of just appearing and standing still like before, the man could now see the giant ghost bending forward, its deep black eyes staring at the depths of the man's soul.

Just like before, with the sudden appearance of the huge presence, the man was frozen in place due to the overwhelming aura that Bahuwirya exuded.

However, the blessed item on his hand proved to be just as effective as before in dealing with hexes and dark spells as the man quickly regained control back of his body in just under two seconds.

The same scene where the man released himself from Farrel's hex and got out scot-free was almost repeated again.

Unfortunately for the man, right now, Farrel already knew about the knife and he wasted no time capitalizing on the gap that he had painstakingly created by drawing his own blood.

When the man's senses were overwhelmed and there was nothing in his world other than Bahuwirya's towering figure, Ferrel called back the ghosts that he had sent to his blood to activate a spell that lightened his body.

With his human body becoming as light as a feather, it took Farrel just one second to close the gap between himself and the man who had dared to show his back to him.

Although his body had become several times lighter than before, Farrel's step was still heard by the man when he kicked his feet against the ground.

And for the trained man, it was more than enough for him to notice the sound that was coming in his direction.

So the moment he was freed from Bahuwirya's overwhelming presence, the man quickly tried to turn his body backward, once again facing in Farrel's direction.

But before the man could make a full turn, Farrel's lightened body had already arrived directly behind the man, his wind-up fist already on its way to delivering another bone-breaking punch.

Farrel could target the man's heart from behind, killing him in that one instance with his overwhelming power.

However, he had other plans.

Instead of aiming for the heart or the head which would result in an instant kill, Farrel aimed toward the man's right shoulder.

The second his fist hit the man's shoulder, the man's arm was instantly dislocated from the broken shoulder joint, making the man's right arm hanging limply on the side of his body.

And not only that, with the man losing control of his whole right arm, that also means the man's fist who was holding on to the knife like his life depended on it also couldn't maintain the closed fist anymore.

The blessed knife that Farrel dreaded then dropped on the floor, away from the man's arm that wanted to harm Farrel.

Realizing what it would mean if he lost his leverage against the dangerous shaman, the man tried to reach out for the knife with his other hand.

But Farrel already expected it would happen and quickly raised his foot and released a powerful kick that sent the man flying.

"This is the last chance I will give you." Farrel had purposely not killed the man and only incapacitated him because he still needed the man to do something.

In cases like this, Farrel needed to make sure that his enemy knew what they would be dealing with if they ever decided to mess with him again.

And comparing a situation where all the men you sent disappeared and only one returned with a death threat to send you, the latter would give more impact compared to the former.

"Return to your employer and tell him what I told you or I will take your soul and keep it here forever."