

After single-handedly dragging himself and his sister out of poverty, Calle was finally able to live and enjoy his life, having everything that he and his sister could ever want. However, what would happen if suddenly a god-like existence that had just saved his life told him that the world that he was currently living in was about to completely change? Strength will become the absolute ruler of the world and the weak wouldn't even have the privilege to have a will of their own. "But fret not, I will give you the strength to destroy those rules. The strong will bend their knees to you and the weak will worship you." The god-like existence said while looking at Calle straight in his eyes. Calle who had worked his blood and tears to make himself and his sister live a comfortable and joyful life, of course, refused to let his life be dictated by others and accepted the offer. But who would've known that the power that was given to him was the absolute power that all the rulers of the universe coveted. He was given the power to conquer dungeons and later call upon the monsters inside to do his bidding. He would raise his right hand and hundreds of monsters would raise their swords for him. His left hand soon followed and hundreds of beasts would bare their fangs against his enemies. His mouth would open and hundreds of gates would open as mythical creatures from the legends walked out and stood by his side and obeyed his command. Whenever he goes, his armies would be with him. Follow Calle's journey as he conquered dungeons and use them to fight against gods and higher existences alike as he became the strongest existence in the universe. ====== The start will be quite slow to get you to know more about the characters, but as the story progresses, the pace will pick itself up. And in my opinion, it will definitely be a story worthy of your time. ====== **Cover art is not mine, if you are the owner and want me to take it down, please contact me.

darran_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

I Can Use Magic…?


Name: Edric

Rank: H (Peak)

Status: Infant


Hardened Skin

Enhanced Strength

Dragon's Eyes

Absolute Mana Control


Calle looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar screen that floated in front of his eyes. It was almost transparent that he could still see the circular room around him, but it was still clear enough to make out what words were written on it. It was unfamiliar since Calle had never seen anything like that in real life, yet it was familiar since it looked very similar to a status panel in MMORPG games.

However, when he looked at the status screen, other than the name and infant status, Calle didn't know what the other words really meant. Of course, he knew what skills were, but what he didn't know was what the list of skills does. He could guess what hardened skin and enhanced strength skills did since their names were quite self-explanatory and the fact that he could jump higher than the world record without even trying and landed back on the ground fine without breaking his legs was probably caused by the two respective skills.

But he didn't know what dragon's eyes and absolute mana control were. Just by reading their names, the two skills sounded powerful, considering they had the word 'dragon' and 'absolute' in their names. However, he still needed to find out more about them to know whether they were really as powerful as their names.

There was also the rank, Calle also didn't know whether rank H is considered high or low, and what it meant by '(peak)'. So of course, just like any sensible human being that was thrown into an unknown situation, Calle decided to ask the unknown voice that suddenly appeared in his head out of nowhere.

"Umm… So… Unknown voice in my head, can you please help me and explain what these mean?"

[Just call me system like those things that you humans had in your literary works, Calle.]

"Alright, system, can you please tell me what those abilities and rank mean?"

[Gladly.] It replied with the same cold mechanical tone of voice.

[I have already analyzed the four abilities. And the first two were self-explanatory, I'm sure you are able to figure them out on your own. Now for the latter 2, I will tell you what I know about them.]

[The dragon's eyes will enable you to see mana with your own eyes. While absolute mana control will enable you to easily control your mana.]

"Mana? Does that mean I can use magic…? In the real world…?"

Calle played a mage class character in his virtual reality games and using magic wasn't a completely foreign concept for him. But reality and virtual reality games were certainly different and Calle didn't want to assume anything yet. But when he heard the system's answer,

[Certainly, you can use magic if you can control mana.]

Calle couldn't help but want to jump in excitement, only realizing that he should probably not do that if he didn't want his head to crash against the empty void that was the ceiling of the room.

So he compromised with his celebration and decided to bring the creature above his head to his chest and hugged the little white dragon as hard as he could.

If it was before Calle did the dungeon sovereign contract with Edric, the little white dragon won't even feel a thing if Calle tried to hug him as hard as he could, but now that Edric's skill was also shared with Calle, of course, Calle's powerful hug with the enhanced strength skill was enough to be felt by the little dragon.

Edric was comfortably closing his eyes after the second phase of the contract was finished since it was quite taxing for the newly born baby dragon to feel a constant amount of pain for quite some time, and he wanted to regain his lost stamina by closing his eyes for a while. But Calle's powerful hug quickly startled the little dragon, waking him up from his attempt to sleep.

Calle was still busy hugging the little creature with both of his hands that he was startled beyond belief when he suddenly heard a little boy's voice coming from his chest.

"It hurts, Calle!!"

Releasing the powerful hug, Calle propped Edric with both of his hands. And while still holding him in his arms,

"You can speak now, Edric…?" He asked the little white dragon.

"Yes, Calle! I have also learned a few other things from your memories, but I can't access them now since I'm still tired from seeing a lot of memories." The little dragon answered innocently.

"Wait, what? You can see through all of my memories?? System! Can he not do that!? I don't want him to see my embarrassing memories!"

[Of course, Calle. You can just block the memories that you don't want to share with your contracted creatures.]

"I don't know how to do that! Can you do it for me? Please!"

[Yes, so, should I block all memories from being shared with Edric?]

"Umm… you can keep sharing the memories regarding languages, reading, writing, and other common senses. For the rest, please block them first!"

[I understand.]

After Calle gave the command to the system, Edric was quickly cut off from the memories that Calle had prohibited him to see. But since Calle kept sharing the memories regarding basic knowledge, Edric was still able to communicate with him just fine.

"Calle, what are you trying to hide from me?" Edric asked while tilting his head and staring at Calle with confused eyes.

"It's nothing, Edric. It's not important for you, and it will only fill your minds with useless stuff. I don't want to burden your head with unnecessary memories."

"But I want to know more about you, Calle!" Edric said.

Calle then stopped blinking for a few seconds as he looked at the little dragon that was still cradled in his arms. He then hugged the little dragon once again, this time with less force to make sure that it wasn't hurt.

"Don't worry, Edric. We will have a lot of time to get to know each other better."

Calle then placed back the little dragon to perch on his head and asked the system, "So can you also teach me how to control mana and use magic?"

[Of course, I'm here to help you clear this tower after all. And there's no way you would be able to do it without using mana.]

"Great! Now, teach me please. System sensei!"

[Don't worry, sensei will definitely teach you properly.] The voice replied with its cold mechanical tone. As he heard this, Calle began to question who was the one responsible for creating the system's voice as it clearly didn't match its personality.

'Personality… It has a personality!' Calle exclaimed in his mind as he thought about the unknown and mysterious system that had pledged itself to be his guide.

[But instead of just using old and boring explanations, let's dive right into the practical lessons!]

Right after the system said that one of the 4 stone doors that were in the circular room opened itself wide and a human-sized circular portal appeared right in front of the stone door. The portal was light purple from top to bottom, and Calle couldn't see anything inside the portal.

[Just put your hand into the portal and you will be transported to the tutorial ground.]

'If they will be using a portal, why bother making doors in the first place?' Calle thought as he slowly touched the light purple portal with his hand, before the same dizzying feeling assaulted his head as he was transported to another unknown place, again.


A/N: If we reach 50 Collection(50 people added this book to their library) by the end of this week, I will post a bonus chapter for you guys~~ (34/50)