

i want to be the strongest

EGOKUNN · Fantasy
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52 Chs


As the battle raged on, Krata unleashed a relentless assault upon his opponent. His movements were swift and calculated, each strike delivered with unwavering precision. The clash of steel reverberated through the air as Krata's determination echoed in every swing of his weapon. As the devil rushed towards Kigra, slamming him through buildings of the town. As the bloodstream in Krata's body ran once more. The devil forced Krata's body to transcend time itself. After all, with the high stakes. It caused a forceful awakening in a singularity. The devil, Luko's. Singularity has shined bright. As a devil wing grew even more on Krata. One red eye on his left eye, separating from the green on the right.

Now crafting a sword made of pure darkness and death. "This is my power… The force of the nether is mine once more." Luko said, as Kigra got up. Looking at Luko with anger in his eyes, not for a second did Kigra give up, he wanted to win. He wanted to do better for the world. "You… And your kind, I don't care what you get. I'm going to crush you! Because not giving up… Is what matters in the end!" Kigra screamed with his might.

Kigra now rushed at the devil, creating a ball of space time that transformed into a slash like cut, forcing Krata's entire arm to disconnect from his body as if a separation occurred. As he screamed in pain from this, but the devil didn't care. Gaining control once more, Luko ran at Kigra and tried to slash him with the blade of darkness. As Kigra successfully teleported behind Luko. Because Luko missed, it caused a gigantic burst of death that drained even inorganic things to death, causing rotting and decay.

"You damn devils…" Kigra was angry, now. With a lift of his finger, teleporting everyone but him and Luko to a safe area, far from the entire country. "Ah… SHIT! WANNA BET?" Luko screamed loud and proud, trying to thrust his blade once more into Kigra but Kigra knew how powerful that was now, teleporting above the devil and shining a white light on Luko.

"Die by god's hand, I call upon it. The god of Zakred. I force you to abide!" Suddenly, as Luko looked up. A white beam that seemed like plasma shot into Luko, as the beam was full of angelic power. Crushing the demonic energy he was wielding like nothing. And because his soul is attached to Maku and the first soul, all of them individually and as a whole felt tremendous pain. Even to the point Luko lost control, removing the power up Krata gained.

This beam didn't end till all of the damage was purged from the devil, causing it to be rebuilt. As the city looked in peak condition once more, with Krata's shirt ripped off him. Steam around his body like an aura. Trying to get up was painful itself. "Damn… What… Did I do something wrong?" Krata asked, as Kigra. The winner approached him. "You, and the reincarnates will never do anything remotely good to this universe." Kigra stated calmly. Knowing he won the match.

Despite facing a formidable adversary, Krata remained resolute. He tapped into the depths of his inner strength, drawing upon his training and unwavering will. His senses heightened, allowing him to anticipate and counter some of his opponent's move.

The townspeople watched in awe and disbelief as Krata pushed himself beyond his limits

Just as the battle seemed to reach its peak, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught everyone's attention. The ground trembled beneath their feet as a powerful presence emanated from the horizon. The continent owners, the beings who governed over vast realms, had arrived.

With their arrival, the balance of power shifted. These mighty beings commanded unparalleled strength and knowledge, capable of shaping reality itself. Their presence alone sent a clear message to Krata's opponent, a message that the fight was no longer solely in the mortal realm.

As the dust settled, The Creator's voice echoed once more, free of the mischievous undertone that had accompanied it before. "Krata, you have proven yourself worthy. Your courage and resilience have earned you not only victory but also the admiration of those around you."

"Huh" Krata stated with a surprised expression

With a wave of the Creator's hand, Alex was released from his entwined fate. His consciousness returned to his own body, but the memories of his time as Krata remained vivid. He once again felt powerless in the face of the creator.

As the town of Koda Black celebrated their newfound peace, Alex reflected on the significance of the merging universes. It was a reminder that existence itself was a tapestry of interconnected stories, each weaving its own thread into the fabric of reality.

While his encounter with the Creator had been a another traumatic and annoying experience, It still thought him the vastness of the omniverse.

And so, the sun began to set over the peaceful town of Koda Black.

As the events took place after the fight with Kigra, Krata was rushed to a nearby hospital with Maruka too. As they were the main causes of trying to stop that universal threat, giving them some spotlight, as they rested on their individual beds. With Krata healing, as

He got out of bed. Leaving to go on top of the roof of the hospital, looking at the shooting stars in the sky. He wanted a time with himself, as he didn't like how despite everything… He still needed someone to help him, he thought in this life instead of just trying to

. find someone to lean on, he could do things himself. But that failed, he even with open hands wanted Maruka's help which nearly resulted in his death. He won, but the consequences of the universes being merged and his own emotions all because of one little thing,,

He was reincarnated into this world. Which is how this all happened. While trying to vent to his own mind of all the events that happened he could feel someone approach him, it was Alex. Looking at the man as he wiped the tears off his eyes.

Seeing him approach him as he opened his mouth to talk. "W-who are you?" said Krata, he was scared. He could tell Alex was very powerful. "Alex…" Short and sweet, as Krata replied: "I am… Krata Cray." Krata was obviously hiding his suffering, as he kept it all

As Alex took one last stare at krata, Immediately disappearing from his sight.