

i want to be the strongest

EGOKUNN · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Embracing the Abyss

In the aftermath of their unnerving encounter with "The Creator," a heavy cloud of despondency hung over Alex and Echo. The fear they had experienced lingered like a stubborn specter, refusing to dissipate with time. Their immortality, once a source of strength, felt like a double-edged sword, a reminder of the inescapable existence they were trapped in.

With each passing day, their sense of vulnerability deepened. The creator's intentions remained an inscrutable enigma, his actions shrouded in unpredictability. It was as though they were mere playthings in his grand scheme, subjected to his whims and caprices.

"His power is absolute," Alex murmured one evening, the weight of their shared despair evident in his voice.

Echo nodded gravely. "It's maddening. We're like insects trapped under a magnifying glass, waiting for the inevitable."

Their conversations often revolved around their grim predicament, as they sought to make sense of the unexplainable. But the more they delved into the mystery, the deeper the abyss of despair seemed to grow.

"We can't keep dwelling on this," Alex said, his voice tinged with frustration. "We need to find a way out of this nightmare."

Echo, typically more contemplative, considered their options. "But how? The creator's power is beyond anything we've ever known."

Their immortal existence had become a paradox, a cruel joke that they couldn't escape. The very essence of their being had been manipulated by the whims of a being who reveled in their suffering.

As they grappled with the hopelessness of their situation, the idea of a sparring session resurfaced in their minds. It was a glimmer of distraction from the omnipresent dread, a hint of purpose in their otherwise bleak existence.

"Perhaps," Alex mused, "we should go through with that sparring session. We need to remind ourselves of our capabilities."

Echo nodded, a faint spark of determination igniting within him. "It might be the only way to preserve our sanity and our sense of self."


In a whimsical departure from his cosmic responsibilities, the Creator decided to create a quaint anime merchandise shop within a domain. The shop appeared as a cozy little nook in a bustling city, filled with the colorful posters, figurines, and memorabilia of beloved anime series. It was a place he'd heard of through the whispers of his creations.

Stepping into the simulated shop, the Creator marveled at the array of anime merchandise lining the shelves. His eyes danced over the posters featuring iconic characters and the shelves adorned with figurines capturing the essence of beloved series.

He approached a display filled with manga volumes and, with a flick of his omnipotent fingers, summoned three classics: Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto.. He had moved on to One Piece, enthralled by the adventures of Luffy and his crew as they sailed the Grand Line in search of the ultimate treasure, the One Piece. These were the tales that had captured the hearts of countless fans across dimensions, and he felt an inexplicable curiosity about their appeal.

With the manga in hand, he proceeded to the cashier, where a holographic cashier greeted him with a cheerful, "Welcome! Will that be all for today?"

The Creator nodded, handing over a few conceptual tokens he'd generated for this experience. As the holographic cashier processed the transaction, he couldn't help but smile at the idea of immersing himself in these stories, just as his creations did.

Leaving the shop with the manga in a simple paper bag, the Creator felt a sense of excitement, a reminder that even in his limitless existence, there was room for the joy of discovering new stories and experiencing the simple pleasures of fandom.