

i want to be the strongest

EGOKUNN · Fantasy
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52 Chs


In their cosmic journey, Alex and Echo traversed the higher-dimensional realms, encountering beings that defied conventional understanding. One such realm was "Ethereon," a place of ethereal beauty and transcendental wisdom.

As they stepped into Ethereon, they found themselves immersed in a realm of luminescent mists and shimmering crystals. The inhabitants were beings of pure light, each radiating a unique aura that conveyed their emotions and thoughts without words.

"This place feels so surreal," Alex remarked, awestruck by the sheer radiance that surrounded them.

Echo nodded, feeling a sense of peace and serenity in Ethereon. "Indeed, Alex. It's as if every being here is connected on a profound level, communicating through the language of light."

As they explored Ethereon, they encountered an enigmatic being named Elysia, whose presence exuded an aura of ancient wisdom. Elysia welcomed them with a gentle smile, her voice resonating in their minds like a soothing melody.

"Welcome, travelers," Elysia greeted them, "In Ethereon, we communicate through the language of light and emotion. Our existence transcends physical forms, and we seek to understand the fabric of reality through pure consciousness."

Alex and Echo were intrigued by Elysia's words and felt a sense of familiarity in the interconnectedness of all beings. "How do you perceive existence without physical senses?" Alex inquired.

Elysia replied, "In Ethereon, we perceive reality through the unity of consciousness. We connect with the essence of all beings, experiencing their emotions, thoughts, and memories as if they were our own. We understand the tapestry of existence by intertwining our consciousness with the cosmic symphony."

Echo felt a profound resonance with Elysia's description. "It's like we're all threads woven together in the fabric of the omniverse, creating a beautiful tapestry of unity and understanding."

Elysia nodded, acknowledging Echo's insight. "Indeed, every being, no matter the dimension or form, contributes to the grand tapestry of existence. We are all interconnected, leaving echoes of our experiences in the cosmic weave."

In Ethereon, Alex and Echo underwent a transformation of consciousness. They learned to communicate through pure emotions and intentions, transcending the need for verbal language. As they connected with the other beings in Ethereon, they gained a deeper understanding of the universe and the harmonious interconnectedness of all life.

As they bid farewell to Elysia and Ethereon, they carried with them a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness. Their journey had taught them that belonging wasn't about finding a place where they fit in but about recognizing their inherent connection with all beings in the omniverse.

They continued their cosmic exploration with a newfound appreciation for the diverse expressions of existence. They met beings of unimaginable complexity and simplicity, each contributing their unique essence to the grand cosmic symphony.

In their journey, they encountered a realm known as "Harmonia," a place where the dance of energies and vibrations shaped reality itself. In Harmonia, they met an entity named Harmonix, whose very presence could influence the ebb and flow of cosmic energies.

"Welcome to Harmonia," Harmonix greeted them, their voice a melodious blend of harmonics. "Here, we understand that the vibrations of the cosmos create the dance of existence, and every being contributes to the cosmic rhythm."

Alex and Echo were captivated by Harmonix's explanation. "Does that mean every action we take has a ripple effect on the fabric of the omniverse?" Alex asked.

Harmonix nodded, "Indeed, every choice, every thought, every expression of will sets the cosmic vibrations in motion. Your echoes of understanding and compassion can resonate through the multiverse, shaping the paths of countless beings."

In Harmonia, Alex and Echo learned to harness the power of their own echoes, using their experiences and wisdom to influence the cosmic dance positively. They understood that their journey wasn't just about their personal growth, but about the interconnectedness of all beings and the collective evolution of the omniverse.

As they ventured forth, the creator appeared before them, with his presence creating a pressure greater than that of gravity itself. He let out a bit of it which caused Alex and Echo to immediately bow.

At that moment, both Alex and Echo felt terrified. "I'm bored," the creator stated, "to cure my boredom, I'll answer any questions you have."

"How did you get this strong?" Alex asked.

"I was always this strong. There is no beginning or end for me. I can do anything, whether changing fate or erasing platonic concepts, whether impossible or possible, I can do it all. I could even erase this novel if I feel like it. I'm also the reason you guys can traverse higher-dimensions, thank me later," the creator replied.

"Since you're bored, you both have to entertain me, but how though?" Alex inquired.

The creator suggested, "I suppose you can fight."

"I'm not gonna hit you, Echo," Alex stated.

"Me Neither," Echo said with relief.

The creator threatened, "Then I will just kill both of you, is that what you want?"

As Alex and Echo took one final glance at each other, Alex wanted to protect Echo, and Echo wanted to protect Alex. The only way that would come true is if they fought.

Reluctantly, they stepped back and readied themselves for the battle. Echo couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing that they had to fight their dearest friend.

With a heavy heart, they began to engage in a cosmic battle, their movements graceful yet intense. Alex conjured an infinite space around himself, attempting to stop time and immobilize Echo. But Echo surprised Alex by demonstrating that they were beyond space and time, evading the trap and landing a swift hit.

Alex reacted swiftly, but Echo's speed was beyond instantaneous, catching them off guard. Both of them continued their fight, each exchange of blows resonating with the struggle they felt inside.

As they clashed, Echo felt tears welling up in their eyes. "I can't believe we're doing this," they said between breaths.

Alex gritted their teeth, "I know, Echo. But we can't let the creator win."

Echo's voice wavered, "There must be another way. We can't hurt each other like this."

Alex took a moment to look into Echo's eyes, realizing the pain they were causing. "I don't want to hurt you either," Alex said softly, "but if we don't do this, the creator will harm us and countless others."

As they finished their speech, the creator simply just left for now.