
Chapter eight

Jake's P.O.V

After I had escorted Jacqueline to her house, I left for my house which was only an hour walk from her house. As I was going I sensed someone following me, I turned and saw nobody, I thought I was hallucinating. I continue walking and then I turned suddenly only to find Ian standing in front of me.

"What do you want?"I asked him.

Before I could utter another word, a blow landed on my face just below my eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?"I managed to say after the blow.

He collected my phone, went through it and sent Jacqueline's number to his phone. I don't know how he knew that I had her phone number.

"Make sure you stay away from Jacqueline"Ian said and stormed off.

"What sort of rubbish have I gotten myself into" I said to myself.

Jacqueline's P.O.V

The following day I went to school and it was like I just landed from planet Pluto, because as I walked through the hallway everyone was staring at me and some were whispering to each other. My experience in the class was even worse because the minute I entered the whole class became silent. I walked to my sit only to find Jake's sit empty. I looked around the class and my eyes locked with Ian but he was the first to look away, that only affirmed my fears that something has happened to Jake.

Jacqueline's P.O.V

I woke up from my bed and felt a sharp pain below my eyes.

"Ouch"I winced because of the pain. I got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw black spot below my eyes on the spot where Ian had punched me.

"Oh! I have a black eye"I muttered to myself. I had my bath and dressed for school. As I walked down the stairs my mum was already having breakfast. I tried to hide my injury behind my glasses but it was impossible.

"What happened to your face?"she asked as I joined her in the dinning room.

"Nothing, just a little bruise"I said.

She asked me if I had used anything for it and when I nodded a no she insisted that I apply the pain relieving ointment on my face before going to school. On my way to school I deliberately walked slowly even while knowing that if I arrive at school late, I would be punished.

I just couldn't stop thinking of what Ian did to me the previous day, I had my fears of what was going to happen next.

When I arrived at school it was recess period so I quietly walked into the compound without being noticed.

Everything happened real quick right????

Well that's the way I was inspired...

So what do you think is gonna happen I want your replies before my next update....

I love you guys ❤ so much because you inspire me...

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