
Revolutionary Gathering of Friends

**Title:** **The Revolt of the Fates** **Attractive Description:** In the tumultuous world of Weckoplay, two revolutionaries emerge from the shadows to challenge elite oppression. Frothy, an 18-year-old with a murderous look and a katana in hand, fights tirelessly to overturn the educational system that marginalizes failures and loners. Dressed in his iconic black and red hoodie, he is a symbol of resistance, determined to bring justice to those who have been forgotten. At the same time, Rumar, an heir to the powerful Heavenly Beast clan of Hell, emerges with his own vision of revolution. With the power to trap bullies in the hell of his heavenly beast, he quickly becomes a feared and respected figure. When the territories' leaders attempt to co-opt him for their own ends, Rumar demonstrates his unmatched strength, subduing them and consolidating his rule. Their fates become intertwined in an explosive confrontation.

Cineware · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
383 Chs


Sleep comes almost immediately as your head hits the pillow and your dreams are fraught with nightmares. You see Tayla being injected with dozens of syringes, her face grimacing in pain as a leering Maker watches on and takes notes as spasms wrack the prisoner's body. Your dream-self can't seem to decide if this is horrific torture, or much-deserved punishment for joining the HSM and killing your kin. After seemingly endless experimentation, Tayla's chest bursts open, spraying Maker with a fountain of gore as she dances in glee beneath the droplets. She turns to face you, her hair now painted in dazzling crimson, and in the dream you're certain that you're next on the chopping block.


You wake suddenly, heart beating, sweat pouring down your face. Your pillow is soaked and you've thrown off your sheets during the night. You rush to the bathroom, bile building at the back of your throat, but by the time you're there, the feeling has passed. You breathe heavily and swallow several times as excess saliva tickles the back of your throat.

Just a dream. It was just a dream.

After several minutes, you're able to compose yourself well enough to return to the dorm, ignoring the concerned faces of the other wolves you'd rushed past on your way, certain that you were going to be sick. One of them asks if you're okay and you give a cursory response as you throw on a new set of clothes and stumble through the door into daylight. Judging by the position of the sun, it's already afternoon; you've slept through half the day.


You decide it's time to go see how Bly is doing. After all that's happened in the last twenty-four hours, you could use a little company. You find Bly exactly where you expect her to be—at the outskirts of the training field, tutoring Inferi's misfits. She's using slow, exaggerated motions to detail several types of hand-to-hand take-downs on Slayer while the others watch. You narrow your eyes—it looks like the boy might be enjoying himself a little too much. When Slayer's been put down in the dirt a third time, Bly notices you and waves you over. You wave back and pick up your pace, pleased to see her again after the events of last evening.

"Hey, Holstein," she says, wiping a cascade of sweat from her face before pulling you into what may be the grimiest kiss you've ever had. When she pulls back, you must have been making a face, because she nearly doubles over with laughter. "Sorry; that was mean. But I'll make it up to you, I promise." She directs her attention back over to Inferi's crew. "Okay guys and girls, we're done for now. Go grab some food, and make sure it's from the stock we've verified as safe to eat, okay? We don't want any more feral incidents." The others walk off and finally the two of you are alone.

"I swear," she says, shaking her head. "I've imprinted on them like something between a parental figure and a sensei. It's kinda gross, but it keeps me busy. Keeps me from thinking about the raid and Sonoma's bullshit. It's crazy how everything is still going on as though nothing happened. I just don't know what to do."

"Overthrow her in a coup?" I say with a chuckle. I'm only half joking.

"Keep maintaining checks and balances. We can watch her closely and keep her from ever trying that kind of thing again."

"Couldn't we report her to the elders? They should have the power to make her step down."


"You shouldn't say that out loud," Bly says with a frown. "I'm already on thin ice here. I reported her to the elders," Bly says to your surprise. "I know what you're thinking—I'm not the kind of wolf to go running to the elders every time a rule is broken, but Sonoma went too far. But as usual the elders are feeble and useless. Apparently Sonoma has too much influence over the pack, and unless I can prove my claim, the pack won't support elect another leader."

"I guess that's the plan, then. Keep a watch, maybe have a few of your students be your eyes and ears."

Bly kicks the sand in the practice pit sulkily. "Wanna blow off some steam?"

"Not now, Bly, sorry. I'm just not in the head-space for that kinda thing."

Bly pouts in disappointment. "You're lucky I love you so damn much, Holstein. There aren't many wolves I'd let reject me like that."

"It's not a rejection," you reply defensively. "It's just…we've been through so much lately…."

"Relax," she says sympathetically. "I understand, I'm just busting your balls. Wanna get lunch together later? I'll meet you at the dining hall."

"Where are you going?"

"This itch isn't gonna scratch itself," Bly says with a wink. "A girl's got needs and it looks like I'm gonna have to take care of myself."

"Seriously, Bly?"

She laughs. "You knew what you signed up for! Training always works up my appetite. See you at lunch, Holstein!"


You wander aimlessly for a minute, and you've just decided what to do with your day when you collide with another wolf, causing a cascade of paperwork and writing implements to fall to the ground with a clatter.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry, Holstein? You nearly ran me into the ground!" You uncover your eyes and squint against the brightness. It's Ahote—you've knocked him to his knees! The elder looks up at you, his face flush with irritation. "Help me off the ground this instant!" There's something odd in his voice, a note of barely-restrained fury that you've only seen in him once before—when his peaceful protest against Williams failed back in Haven. Your blood runs cold as some animal instinct screams for you to take precaution against an imminent threat.

I help him up and apologize profusely.

I help him up, but keep quiet. There's no need to poke the bear.

I ignore him and scoop up his papers. What's the old wolf up to?

I step back and watch him carefully.
