
Revolutionary Gathering of Friends

**Title:** **The Revolt of the Fates** **Attractive Description:** In the tumultuous world of Weckoplay, two revolutionaries emerge from the shadows to challenge elite oppression. Frothy, an 18-year-old with a murderous look and a katana in hand, fights tirelessly to overturn the educational system that marginalizes failures and loners. Dressed in his iconic black and red hoodie, he is a symbol of resistance, determined to bring justice to those who have been forgotten. At the same time, Rumar, an heir to the powerful Heavenly Beast clan of Hell, emerges with his own vision of revolution. With the power to trap bullies in the hell of his heavenly beast, he quickly becomes a feared and respected figure. When the territories' leaders attempt to co-opt him for their own ends, Rumar demonstrates his unmatched strength, subduing them and consolidating his rule. Their fates become intertwined in an explosive confrontation.

Cineware · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
383 Chs


Well, I suppose I should ask you how you've been feeling," Maker says, a gleam in her eyes.

"I haven't noticed much change other than the intended effect," you say.

Maker nods. "These injections have been rigorously tested. I'd be surprised if you experienced any ill-effects. Nonetheless, I'd encourage you to stop by here from time to time if you're feeling unsure or you experience anything strange." She purses her lips and nods. "What else can I do for you today, Holstein?"

"We're just about to get to that, Holstein." Maker's hand suddenly snakes out and grabs hold of your arm. You try to pull away, but her grip is like iron. She turns your arm until the wrist faces up and then scrapes a pointed nail just deep enough to draw blood.

"What the hell?" you yell when she finally releases her grip. You fall back, a burning sensation flowing up your veins.

She waves a hand at you dismissively as she drips a small line of your blood from her fingernail into a test tube. "Quit whining. I need to get a good read on your genetic makeup compared to your father's. That's the main reason I brought you to see me back at the Nail. Most of Williams's tests were specifically coded to his genetic makeup, so I've been unable to replicate the results. Don't you want to unlock your full potential as a werewolf?"

"If it will benefit the pack, I suppose I can help you. But next time, ask first!"

"I'm so tired of being compared to my father. I'm my own wolf!"

"I'm not willing to risk endangering the pack to help your research. My father's experiments are wrong!"

I growl. "Touch me like that without my permission again and you'll regret it. I don't care about your experiments."


Maker flashes you an appreciating glance. "There's that animal spirit!" she says approvingly. "Many of us have become all too willing to be poked and prodded. The adults in Haven, the prisoners…where's that feral spark gone to?" She smirks. "I say it's been hidden all along." She places the vial inside a small centrifuge. The streaked red glass reminds you of your grisly discovery in the Haven military base. "Evolution has always been my chief fascination," she says softly, as though the very subject awes her. "Survival of the fittest. But our evolution has grown stagnant. We cater to the lowest common denominator and coddle those who could be great into complacency. You have the spark of brilliance—I can see it in your eyes. It's in your blood."

"What exactly are you doing here, anyway?" you ask. "Does Sonoma know that you're raking visitors with your claws to collect their blood?"

Maker tsks. "If you're that concerned, perhaps you should talk to Sonoma then. I didn't think you'd be so upset. Would an apology assuage your discomfort?"

"I'm not interested in your apologies."

"If you actually mean it, yes."

"You can take your apology and shove it up your ass."


Maker throws back her head and laughs. "I'm starting to expect these answers from you. It's liberating to speak to one who doesn't hide behind a veil of civility."

Maker shrugs backward with almost languid disinterest, dodging your punch by a matter of millimeters. "Is that the best you've got, Holstein?"

You lash out again, incensed, and she slides to the side, grabbing your fist and using your momentum to send you staggering forward.

"I'm embarrassed for you," she says, face painted with distaste. "You should have paid more attention to Haken and Bly if you wanted to lay a finger on me." She glides over to the lab door and ushers you outside. "I'm afraid our little meeting must conclude for now. I'll be in contact if I find anything interesting in that blood sample. You may be irritated about it now, but I have a feeling you'll find the results positively fascinating.

Maker seems taken aback at your suggestion. "And what might be your qualifications? While I appreciate the significance of your lineage, I'm not sure that qualifies you to work as my assistant."

I emphasize my education back in Haven, including scientific examples from Instructor Lonan's classroom.

Hmm, I might have to BS my way through this. I could try to convince her without going into specifics.

I tell her that working with me could help legitimize her prominent place here.


"An interesting proposal," Maker says, holding her chin between thumb and forefinger in contemplation. "I had noticed more than a few of Sonoma's wolves looking at me with a jealous eye. They don't like that I have my own workshop and living quarters, but they don't understand how important the work I do is. I'd thought Sonoma would set them straight, but she seems content to allow the rumors to run rampant. Having you here could help with that." She clicks her tongue distractedly. "Yes," she says finally. "I think I'll take you on. Nothing today, mind you, but I'll contact you soon. I have a new project planned, and an extra set of hands could prove beneficial."

Her agreement catches you off guard, but you cover for it well. "I can't wait to start!" you say enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes," Maker says dismissively, as though she's already forgotten what you were talking about. "Run along, Holstein. I'll send for you when the time comes."

It's getting later in the day now and the elders' barbecue is being packed up and carted off for cleanup. The sparring wolves also seem to be slowly losing their steam as the shadows grow long, and soon they'll probably be lounging in the shade of the small grove of trees by the edge of the green. If you have anyone else to visit, you should probably attend to it soon, before evening-proper sets in.

I'm still curious about Tayla, the prisoner. She might have something interesting to say now that she's had time to think.

Training or sparring seems like a good way to work off some steam. I could also talk with Bly or Inferi there if I want.

I'm interested in seeing what Kotori has to teach about the pack's available tech.

I'd like to talk to Dena about what happened with the prisoner, Tayla.

I want to look up Tiva and see how she's holding up.
