
Revolutionary Gathering of Friends

**Title:** **The Revolt of the Fates** **Attractive Description:** In the tumultuous world of Weckoplay, two revolutionaries emerge from the shadows to challenge elite oppression. Frothy, an 18-year-old with a murderous look and a katana in hand, fights tirelessly to overturn the educational system that marginalizes failures and loners. Dressed in his iconic black and red hoodie, he is a symbol of resistance, determined to bring justice to those who have been forgotten. At the same time, Rumar, an heir to the powerful Heavenly Beast clan of Hell, emerges with his own vision of revolution. With the power to trap bullies in the hell of his heavenly beast, he quickly becomes a feared and respected figure. When the territories' leaders attempt to co-opt him for their own ends, Rumar demonstrates his unmatched strength, subduing them and consolidating his rule. Their fates become intertwined in an explosive confrontation.

Cineware · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
423 Chs


More of this 'you won't hurt me' nonsense?" Tayla says, indicating Ahote with her eyes. "The old man said the same thing. You think I haven't seen the same videos that everyone else has? All of you in wolf form ravaging dozens of humans like they were nothing? Murderous, slavering beasts? What, didn't you know there was a documentary made on the Jackson incident? Where you tore up an entire city full of innocent civilians?" She shivers. "You know what's worse than being gutted? Watching you wolves pretend that you don't want to kill me, playing it nice in order to get the information you need. Waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"Innocent?" Tayla scoffs. "How many people did you kill just breaking out of that prison alone?"

"Many of us didn't even—"

"No, you. You specifically. How many did you kill?"

Ahote grumbles, finally brought to the point of snapping. "We did what the humans forced us to do, girl! I doubt you'd act any differently if your family and loved ones were locked away underground. We're not killers by nature any more than you are!"

"So I suppose the question now is, why should I give you any information now that I've been assured you won't kill me?"

You close your eyes and wince to stave off an incoming headache. Back by the door you hear Ahote groan. When you open your eyes again, Tayla is smirking.

"Maybe you are telling the truth after all. I expected you to lash out at me for that. Fine then. What do you want to know?"

"How did the HSM know where we would be exiting from the Nail?"

"What are the HSM's plans now? Did they have a backup plan if we got away?"

"What caused you to get involved in the Human Sovereignty Movement?"

"Are you certain that Williams is still alive? Do you know where he is?"


"Oh, he's alive. You should have seen the scars, though. I've seen a lot of bad shit, but I can't even imagine what could have done that to him."

You chew your lip. You don't have to imagine; the memories are as clear as if they happened yesterday. "Where is he now?"

Tayla shakes her head. "I don't think you're listening. I don't have that kind of info. Your father is highly organized and he has a chain of command. How high up that totem pole do you think I stand, anyway?"


"Is that everything?" Tayla asks, jerking her head back to sweep long braids out of her face, beads of sweat peppering her skin.

"You didn't tell us much," you say. Ahote nods in grim agreement. "Sonoma won't be happy."

"There's one more thing I can tell you," Tayla says, eyes darting toward the door. "Just don't leave me alone with that woman again. I wasn't going to bother since it won't make a difference anyway. Knowing won't help you though; the damage is done."

"Damage?" Ahote asks. "What do you mean? Out with it, girl!"

"Everyone in the HSM was outfitted with tracking chips. You've led us right to your door."


"You have to consider that she may be lying," Ahote says. "It would be smart. Keep us scared and off-balance, and then when we shift camp she might be able to slip away. We have a good, defensible position here."

Sonoma shakes her head. "We can have a good position elsewhere as easily as we can here. We shouldn't take the risk just to keep familiar terrain."

"You're both right," you say. It's hard to avoid looking at the ruin of her missing eye. "Either way it's risky, but it really depends on whether or not we believe her."

"I say we kill her and move on," Sonoma growls. "She won't be telling her comrades anything if she's dead."

Ahote shakes his head. "And prove her right?"

"She won't be in much of a position to be disappointed in us."

"No more talk of killing! She's unarmed and at our mercy. That's cold-blooded murder."

"We shouldn't kill her—she still might be of use to us if she knows more than she's letting on."

"I agree with Sonoma. This woman was shooting at us, aiming to kill. She deserves to die."

"I hate to say it, but the only way we'll be safe is if the prisoner dies. She knows too much."


You're both soft," Sonoma growls as she stalks away toward her quarters, leaving the fate of the prisoner up to you. "And it's going to get us killed!" she yells over her shoulder.

When she's gone, Ahote breathes a sigh of relief. "We may be too soft for her, but she's losing her humanity. She was always angry, but losing her eye the way she did…and losing her chance at revenge. The beast is eating away at her—I'm worried it's just a matter of time now."

Ahote squints into the distance, watching Sonoma throw open the door to her quarters. "I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking so," he says finally. "Best we keep this to ourselves for the moment though, okay, Holstein? We don't dare risk sowing distrust in our newly expanded pack." He looks back at the shack-turned-prison. "None of this should ever have happened," he mutters. "This violence is a cycle, and sooner or later it's going to catch up with us. For now, we'll have to take Tayla's claim seriously and radio our contacts in the military. They should have tech that can scan her. At least then we'd know if we need to find a new home." He turns his attention back to you. "I hope you'll excuse me, Holstein. I have some meditation to see to—proximity to Sonoma's beast has my own waking from its hibernation. I believe Dena is over on the green. I think you'll feel better having company from another wolf your age."


It's mid-day in Sonoma's camp, and a large group of wolves have gathered on the central green for a series of rough-and-tumble training exercises and sparring—you think you can see Bly and Inferi amongst them. Elders Hanska and Mitena have organized a communal barbecue and you unconsciously walk toward the tantalizing scent, stomach rumbling after the recent unpleasantries. As you walk, you overhear two wolves talking about an open demonstration of the pack's tech by Sonoma's IT lead, Kotori, that may also be interesting to attend if you find yourself technically inclined. You have the remainder of the day to train and socialize as you please.

The scent of the elders' barbecue proves impossible to resist, inexorably drawing you away from other activities that may be of interest. Elder Hanska greets you with a genuine smile, the first you've ever seen from him. Only days ago he was grimly welcoming your group of wolves to an eternity of imprisonment in the Nail, and now he's serving up a cornucopia of mouth-watering fare that could sate the cravings of even the pickiest wolves. Elder Mitena beams as she comes up beside Hanska, bearing a tray of meats in all shapes and sizes.

"It's a celebration, young Holstein!" Mitena says with obvious pride as she holds her tray out for you to sample from. Steaks, sausages, burgers, and even roasted skewers with green peppers, onions, and mushrooms radiate warmth as they tantalize your nose. "Have whatever you want; Sonoma had it brought in from her military contacts. Can't say I'm entirely comfortable with her choice of allies, but the food is good, and I haven't eaten like this for over a decade!"

Hanska grins and nudges her. "Everything tastes better when you're free."

Mitena sniffs. "Well anything would be better than prison slop, you silly old man, but this would be fabulous no matter where it was served." She waves you in. "Come on, don't be shy!"

I take a big juicy piece of steak.

I'm in more of a sausage mood.

Those veggie skewers smell amazing!

I'll have a burger. Because reasons.
