
Revolution Era: Awakening

I had a boring life, around my teens I found something I really liked, worked hard to reach my goal, made money, helped my parents, created my own family, but when finally reached my goal... a damm terrorist atack?! Seriously?! Not even the truck-kun in legend?! I just wanted to create my perfect game!!! haaaa.... what will happens to me now...? I hope still be able to play my 'Revolution Era'

i_Like_pizzA · Fantasy
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18 Chs


1:30 AM in Ye family villa.

All windows are tightly closed with furniture and cloths, at this time of night any normal person seeing this will think that everyone is peacefully sleeping. However at this time everyone is completly awake waiting for the time to leave.

Every single person is with a backpack on them in case of any misfortune were to happen and they had to go in separated ways, afterwards meeting in a previously agreed place.

Looking at everyone already awake Su Song is completly satisfied, if everything goes well by the time the surveilance team discover anything strange they'll be at least on the second half of the passageway, with so many secondary tunnels he doubt very much that anyone other than the people being on the house will know how to pass.

There's also a interesting fact that regardless if the others know that they've already left, the tunnels will be destroyed on the same way. While doing so, the villa and any evidence that can give even the smallest chance to someone discover their tracks will be erased by fire and later will be buried underground.

Su Song, "Since everyone already finished the preparations let's start moving!"

All, "Yes!"

At this time everyone is slowly moving towards the basement. This basement was previously a wine cellar of father, however the biggest part of the wine already entered father's storage, unless it is a celebration he never touch those wines but yesterday he told that he would take 2 bottles to drink when we reach Xiangyang.

A pretty little girl with delicate features slowly approach me, "Brother Feng, it's true that we'll be able to live without those bad guys trying to catch us when we reach our new house?"

Ye Feng, "It is Qing'er, those bad people will never be able to do anything again and as we grow older we'll also be able to become awakened too, at that time we'll also be able to be strong."

Zhao Wanqing, "That's great brother Feng! I really don't want those bad guys hurt me and mommy again..." at this time she already has some tears on her eyes.

Ye Feng slowly hold her hands and giver her a bright smile, "Don't worry Qing'er, if those bad guys appear in the future then I'll protect you!"

What can I say? She was extremelly shy at first, specially after we took care of her fake 'father', she always gave me a feeling of wanting to protect her and stay by her side. No no no no, recite your mantra Ye Feng! I'm not a lolicon, I'm not a lolicon, I'm not a lolicon...

Looking at the 2 kids walking in front of them while holding hands, 2 women can be seen smiling at them.

A womam with mature charm and 32 years old says, "Sister, apparently the 2 of them really like each other. Ever since the dead of her father Qing'er never has smilled like that and only when she started playing with Feng'er she began to be herself again."

Su Mei, "That's true sister Yufei, I also see her as my own daughter sometimes, specially when she and my little Liang'er are playing together always calling her elder sister. I really don't mind if when they grow up they become a couple. However you must remember that with Feng'er intelligence it's almost impossible for her to be the only wife, his personality will be even more attractive when he's older."

Zhao Yufei, "That's also true but it doesn't matter, with his personality and with sister eyes on him, I doubt that any wife that he'll have in the future will be mistreated."

Su Mei, "I doubt that he would dare to do anything to my future daughters-in-law. I only hope that he can live happily."

Zhao Yufei, "He will."


2 AM

In the roofs around the Ye villa.

Major, "It's too quiet in the villa, 1st lieutenant go in and make reconnaissance!"

1st lieutenant, "Yes Sir!"

The lieutenant slowly moves inside the villa, after check around he soon discover an abnormality and quickly came back to report.

1st lieutenant, "Sir! All the windows and doors are blocked with furnitures and cloths it's impossible to look inside!"

Major, "WHAT!??! Immediately dispatch the troops to invade the villa! Regardless if they've done in purpose or not let's directly arrest them and ask latter, the higher ups are already impatient."

1st lieutenant, "Yes sir!"

Taking the radio he start to pass the orders, "All soldiers immediately invade the Ye villa and arrest all people inside, be careful of any traps, if anyone attempt to escape you can directly use force!"


2:15 AM

At this time at the tunnel everyone already crossed more than 4/5 of the passage.

Yu Yan raised her head and looked at the direction of the villa, "Old Song the army already discovered something strange and invaded the villa in large numbers, there's around 50 people."

Su Song sneered at their stupidity, "Since they wanted to arrest us them there's no need to be polite with them! you can directly activate the talismans to burn the villa, we'll be leaving the passage in another 10 minutes at that time you can also destroy the tunnel."

Yu Yan, "I understand, but it's really a hard world that we're living now. There isn't been even half year and the lives of people became so worthless..."

Su Song, "However this is the world that we are living now. All that we can count is our own family and those close to us and no one else."

She nods at his words and activate the talismans...


At this moment at the Ye villa already had become a hell of fire with screams everywhere. Without even knowing the reason, the soldiers were burning from the flames from talismans, together with oil and some others fuels that had been long ago spread in the villa it only stregthens the flames.

At this point even the major was already inside the villa in search for the family, he regrets, he regrets of his overconfidence that none of them can escape of his well trained men.


All people already left the tunnel, they're completly relieved for the fact that everything went well for them and now a completly free life without the meddling of the governament, army or people with evil intentions. A new start, where they will build together their own clan that will be able to survive this new era.