
Reviving Uzushio

James Arrons is sent to Naruto by the Sage of Six Paths as a Champion with gifts given to him and a mission; Make the World better. So that’s what he will do, to the best of his abilities of course.

Foxy_Skies · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Info Page

1. This is an Uzukage revives Uzushio type of fic, a hopefully medium-paced one.

2. Not a Harem fic, sorry peps!^^"

3. Cannon is slightly tweaked in many areas due to the main character, you have been warned!

4. Characters;

Main Character: James Arrons/Uzumaki Fusa(Sandaime Uzukage)

Side Characters: Uzumaki Yutane(Chunin), Utashi Yubi(Chunin), ???

Minor Characters;

Non-Affiliated: Sage of Six Paths,

Shitoro Village: Yasuyomi Tsusa, Shitoro Leader Yasuyomi, Arani Shuhiro(Chunin), Akaro Kogai(Tokubetsu Jonin), Muza Yatora(Chunin, Med-Nin), Riragi Hinri(Jonin, Med-Nin)

Foxes: Fox Village Leader Dai, Toshio(Fox Commander), Takako(Soldier Fox), Orata(Solider Fox),

Uzushiogakure: Uzumaki Aratsu(Genin), Uzumaki Mokko(Genin), Uzumaki Kino(ANBU Otter, Jonin), Uzumaki Raki(ANBU Bear, Tokubetsu Jonin), Uzumaki ???(ANBU Wolf, Jonin), Uzumaki Katsukko(Elite Jonin, Sensei), Uzumaki Geteru(Jonin, Sensei), Uzumaki Niko(Jonin, Sensei), Uzumaki Hasa (Tokubetsu Jonin, Sensei -Recent Promotion),

Konohagakure: ANBU Ox(Jonin), ANBU Cricket(Jonin), ANBU Boar(Jonin), ANBU Ferret(Elite Jonin), Shimura Danzo(Elder, Root Leader), Sarutobi Hiruzen(Sandaime Hokage), Toyoshi Hidekoto(Jonin), Hakama Sorai(Chunin), Uchiha Kedao(Elite Jonin), Yamanaka Mora(Jonin)

5. Arcs are separated into chapters, an Arc will be indicated at the top of the Chapter Page.

6. There will also be Regular Chapters and of course, Filler.

7. Fillers and Regulars along with Arcs and Chapters for those arcs and such will be listed here.

Regular Chapters: Worldly Transportation, Foxes, Sensei Assignment, Death, Unofficial Students, Preparation

Filler: Minato's Fascination & Kushina's Time, Uzukage Disciples, Kumo Pleasures

Arc 1: Shitoro Village

Chapters: Yasuyomi Tsusa, The Tavern, Uzukage, The Plan, Defense of Shitoro Village, Konoha Arrives, Konohagakure

Arc 2: Kumogakure

Chapters: Shan, Attack, Arrival, Deal, Storm Bridge, Alliance

Arc 3: Second Shinobi War

Chapters: To The Trenches, Battle At Fire Pass, Suna Attack, Kiri Betrayal, Dragons Of The Mist, Fusa's Defense, Iwa Attacks, In Command, The Great March, The Great Push, Suna Again, Shamon's Demise, Ame Campaign, Hanzo's White Peace, Campaign Of The Mist, The Grasslands, The Hundred Day Siege of Kirigakure Pt. 1, The Hundred Day Siege of Kirigakure Pt. 2, Return To The Western Front, The Final Push, The Great Battle of Mū Pass, The End of The Second Shinobi War

Arc 4: Land of Whirlpools

Chapters: Conference of Three, Gathering Workers, Marching Home, Materials, The Reconstruction of Uzushiogakure, Bastion Of Freedom

Arc 5: Sasori

Chapters: Suna's Diplomats, Assisting The Search, The Discovery, Manhunt, Sasori, Suna Friendship

Arc 6: Third Shinobi War

Chapters: Kiri Threats, The Entente Agreement, Uzushio's Great White Fleet, Uzushio's Officer Academies, Crystal Harbor, Murdered Neutrality, The Third Shinobi World War

Arc 7: Land of Waves


Arc 8: The Uzumaki-Kiri War of 36'


Arc 9: Kyubbi


Arc 10: Uchiha Massacre


Arc 11: The Uzu-Iwa Proxy War of 45'


Arc 12: The Second Kirigakure Civil War


Arc 13: Team 7


Arc 14: Land of Tides


Arc 15: Chunin Exams
