
Reviving the Uchiha Clan: Starting with a Legacy of Many Descendants

**Friendly Reminder: This Story is Outrageous** Xia Yu transmigrates into the ninja world as a Uchiha clan member, waking up in a beautiful woman's bedroom. After a sleepless night, he returns to find the Uchiha clan annihilated, with only young Sasuke and himself surviving the infamous massacre night. Unexpectedly, a progeny proliferation system appears, offering Xia Yu powerful rewards for revitalizing the Uchiha clan by having more offspring. Reluctantly embracing his fate, Xia Yu embarks on a mission to rebuild the clan, navigate political treachery, and confront threats from Konohagakure and beyond. Through his journey, he discovers the true meaning of family, loyalty, and sacrifice. This is a translation: raw: 重振宇智波,從瘋狂產子嗣開始 -The cover is not mine. Please let me know if you want me to remove it.-

Betek · Anime & Comics
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202 Chs

Chapter 6: Serendipitous Encounter

Having watched the anime, Xia Yu remembered Anko Mitarashi as a bold and charismatic tsundere, alternating between cute, mischievous, and intriguingly seductive. She was undoubtedly captivating!

Anko was a genuine and powerful ninja, radiating an aura that set her apart from those who only knew how to flaunt their charms.

"Could it be that I was with Anko last night?" Xia Yu thought as he stared blankly at her, mouth agape.

Seeing his dazed expression, Anko chuckled and brought the steaming breakfast closer to his mouth, teasing, "What? Haven't seen enough yet?"

Xia Yu, still bewildered, stammered, "Anko, I... wait! What exactly happened between us yesterday?"

"Hey! Xia Yu, don't tell me you've forgotten everything that happened!" Anko retorted.

"I... I didn't forget. It's just that... my memory is a bit hazy, thanks to the alcohol," he replied.

"Hmph, and you say you didn't forget! Look at your face, it's clear you don't remember a thing! Seems like the rumors about you being a playboy are true! I actually believed your sweet words!" Anko snapped.

"Anko, you've got it all wrong. I admit I used to be a bit of a playboy, but now I promise you, I won't be irresponsible! I'll take full responsibility!" Xia Yu declared earnestly.



"Alright then," Anko said, shoving a piece of bread into his mouth. "Eat it while it's hot, or it'll get cold!"

"Mm... Anko, that's too much... my throat!" Xia Yu choked, his mouth stuffed with the large piece of bread, causing him to gag.

Anko smirked, "Hmph, compared to you, I'm being very gentle. Now eat!"


Watching Anko's mixed expression of anger and embarrassment, Xia Yu scratched his head awkwardly. "Sorry about last night, I drank too much. It wasn't intentional..."

Anko lowered her head, her hands fidgeting as she said softly, "It's alright. Actually, I don't mind."

"My memory of last night only goes up to the dango shop. Can you tell me what happened next?" Xia Yu asked gently.

Anko pouted, flicked her fingers against Xia Yu's waist, and recounted the events of the previous night.

Listening to Anko's story, Xia Yu's foggy memory gradually cleared...

Late last night, Anko had just returned to Konoha after completing an external mission. She decided to treat herself to her favorite sweet dumplings and red bean paste at the dango shop.

As she entered, she saw the shop's female owner, a waitress, and another flamboyant woman sitting with Xia Yu at a table, persistently urging him to drink.

Having achieved his goal, Xia Yu had no intention of lingering, but the three women wouldn't let him leave, trying to get him drunk to keep him there all night.

Xia Yu's handsome appearance was well-known in Konoha. Anko immediately sensed the women's ulterior motives.

"Honestly, boys should know how to protect themselves!" she thought.

"People say Uchiha Xia Yu is a playboy, but it seems he's the one being coerced!"

"Sigh... Xia Yu, it's tough being so handsome. The Uchiha clan just faced a massacre, and now your reputation is being tarnished by these desperate women..."

Seeing Xia Yu's helpless, drunken state, Anko couldn't stand it anymore.

She decided to become his protector and save him from these women.

"You women, stop right there! Don't you dare take advantage of Xia Yu! Hey, shop owner, let him go!" Anko shouted.

Her outburst frightened the women, who recognized Anko Mitarashi, a distinguished special jonin known for her fiery temperament and her past as Orochimaru's disciple. Ordinary people wouldn't dare provoke her.

Anko walked to the table and coldly ordered, "Xia Yu, get up. I'm taking you home!"

"Is that... Anko? Are you here to drink with me too?" Xia Yu mumbled, his eyes glazed and face flushed.

"Tsk, how did they get you so drunk!"

"Xia Yu, I'm here to save you," Anko said, scolding the women as she helped him up and led him out.

"Where do you live? Show me the way," she asked.

"Hehe... home? Sorry... I don't have one anymore..." Xia Yu murmured.


Hearing this, Anko felt an unexpected pang of sadness.

"Fine, you can stay at my place for the night," she decided. Leaving Xia Yu out on the streets late at night, she feared other women might take advantage of him.

A few minutes later, they arrived at Anko's house.

Anko threw Xia Yu onto her bed and cleaned his face of the countless lipstick marks with a damp towel.

With each mark wiped away, his clean, handsome face became more apparent.

"Tsk tsk..."

"So handsome..."

"No wonder they... this man is truly captivating. Even I might fall for him..." 

It was the first time Anko had been so close to Xia Yu's face.

Usually indifferent to such feelings, she found herself wanting to kiss him.

Just as she was hesitating, Xia Yu suddenly opened his eyes, his breath reeking of alcohol, his mind clouded.

"Anko, for the revival of the Uchiha clan... I like you."

"Xia Yu, you...!"
