
Reviving the Uchiha Clan: Starting with a Legacy of Many Descendants

**Friendly Reminder: This Story is Outrageous** Xia Yu transmigrates into the ninja world as a Uchiha clan member, waking up in a beautiful woman's bedroom. After a sleepless night, he returns to find the Uchiha clan annihilated, with only young Sasuke and himself surviving the infamous massacre night. Unexpectedly, a progeny proliferation system appears, offering Xia Yu powerful rewards for revitalizing the Uchiha clan by having more offspring. Reluctantly embracing his fate, Xia Yu embarks on a mission to rebuild the clan, navigate political treachery, and confront threats from Konohagakure and beyond. Through his journey, he discovers the true meaning of family, loyalty, and sacrifice. This is a translation: raw: 重振宇智波,從瘋狂產子嗣開始 -The cover is not mine. Please let me know if you want me to remove it.-

Betek · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 29: Natsuhane, the Saviour of the Uchiha Clan

The day was drawing to a close, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the Uchiha clan's grounds. 

Today, over five hundred new women had been added to Natsuhane's family registry. In just over a year, his household had grown to nearly 2,000 members, including around 1,900 wives and nearly 100 newborn children. The Uchiha clan was flourishing like never before.

Natsuhane and Sasuke sat on a cliff overlooking the village, providing a clear view of the bustling Uchiha compound below. The once gloomy aftermath of the massacre had been replaced with a lively and bustling community, all thanks to the efforts of Natsuhane's many wives.

Women of all ages, some with visible baby bumps, moved about the compound, greeting each other like sisters. The air was filled with laughter and cheer.

"It's so lively down there," Sasuke remarked, watching the scene with a smile. "Even more so than before the massacre. There's no coldness or suspicion, just happiness and unity. This feels like a real family."

Natsuhane nodded, enjoying the warm scene. "Sasuke, do you prefer this lively atmosphere or being alone?"

"While it's nice for the clan to be lively, I prefer some solitude when I'm out. The girls at school always surround me, chattering away. It gets annoying," Sasuke admitted.

Natsuhane chuckled. "You know, all this liveliness stems from loneliness. If everyone enjoyed solitude, the streets wouldn't be as lively. But I understand your feelings. It's important to find a balance."

Sasuke seemed to ponder this. "Are you telling me to be nicer to the girls? But I'm really not interested in them. The only one who catches my eye is that blond boy in our class..."

"You mean Naruto?" Natsuhane asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, that's him! He's always doing crazy things and getting scolded for it. There's something special about him," Sasuke explained.

"Do you want to protect him?" Natsuhane teased.

"No, it's not like that!" Sasuke quickly clarified, blushing. "He's just different, that's all."

Natsuhane laughed. "Don't worry, Sasuke. Whatever you choose to do, I'll support you. You don't have to worry about keeping the clan lively. That's my job. My responsibilities may be challenging, but they are meaningful. You don't have to bear that burden."

Sasuke's eyes filled with gratitude. "Natsuhane, you're amazing. The Uchiha clan is lucky to have you. Let me treat you to dinner tonight!"

"Dinner, huh?" Natsuhane smiled. "Alright, let's go to that izakaya I like. But are you planning something?"

Sasuke grinned sheepishly. "Well, I was thinking there are still many women in the village who aren't part of the clan yet. Maybe I could help you find more wives."

Natsuhane laughed heartily. "I appreciate the thought, Sasuke, but today has been exhausting. Let's just enjoy dinner tonight and save the matchmaking for another time."

"Deal! Thank you, Natsuhane. I want to feel useful to the clan too," Sasuke said earnestly.

"You always have been, Sasuke," Natsuhane assured him.

The two stood up, dusting off their clothes, and headed towards the izakaya.


Meanwhile, in the women's restroom on the third floor of Konoha Hospital, Kurenai was sitting on the toilet, trembling with despair. In her hand was a pregnancy test, showing two red lines.

"Pregnant... I'm really pregnant..."

Every test, whether by medical ninja chakra detection, machine, or home test, confirmed the same result. Kurenai was devastated.

She couldn't understand it. She hadn't been intimate with anyone, not even Asuma. How could she be pregnant?

Her father's words from her childhood echoed in her mind. "Never kiss or hold hands with boys. You'll have babies."

She had believed him until she learned about biology in school. Now, she doubted everything again.

"Was my father right? Is everything I learned a lie?"

But deep down, she knew the truth. The biological facts were accurate. For pregnancy to occur, there needed to be a physical union, which she had never experienced. So how?

With no answers and her relationship with Asuma in shambles, Kurenai was at a loss. Asuma had called her a harlot, and she had no explanation that he would believe.

"Dad, what should I do? Should I keep this baby?" she wept silently, feeling utterly alone.

After what felt like an eternity, Kurenai left the restroom, her steps unsteady. She wandered aimlessly, eventually heading towards a secluded izakaya.

In her current state, she couldn't bring herself to care about her safety or the baby's. She only wanted to escape her reality, even if just for a night.

All she wanted was to drown her sorrows and forget the world's troubles, if only temporarily.