
The awkward Gu Jingchen

Gu Jingchen stood up impatiently and returned the project to Jiang Zemin.

Do you think we can collaborate on such a flawed plan?

Jiangbei Jia's expression was complex, and she stood up in panic: "Mr. Gu, I... on our side..."

"It will take half a month to complete, and there is still a chance for fair competition between Jiang Group and Lin Group."

"Today's meeting has come to an end."

After Gu Jingchen finished speaking, he got up and left the conference room. Only the staff of the Jiang family looked embarrassed.

After Gu Jingchen left, Jiangbei Jia patted the table and said, "What happened? Hmm?"

Jiangbei Jia was just shocked by Gu Jingchen, and now he has expressed all his dissatisfaction to the staff of the Jiang family.

Seeing the crazy behavior of the Jiangbei family, several officials of the Jiang family couldn't help but pursed their lips and secretly complained in their hearts.

They are all elders of the Jiang family. If the Jiang Group had no face, they would not tolerate this young master.

A person in charge of the Jiang family said first, "Mr. Jiang, this is the plan of your chosen person. If it doesn't work, you'll need to find high-level talents to summon."

Upon hearing this sarcastic remark, Jiangbei Jia stepped forward and grabbed the man's collar.

"So wait and see how I can win this planning process."

Gu Jingchen walked out of the reception room and met He Hao, who was anxiously waiting.

"President, this young lady came with the young master."

Gu Jingchen paused for a moment. "Where are they?"

"In your office."

Gu Jingchen nodded coldly, but his heart was happy.

Gu Jingchen raised his hand and glanced at the clock. Jiang's troops were already very close, and unconsciously, it was already noon.

——I understand. You go rest first.

He Hao nodded and left.

As soon as Gu Jingchen entered the office, Mu Nansheng and Nan Zi instinctively looked at him.

Gu Jingchen's heart softened when he saw the sparkling eyes of the mother and son.

"Dad, Dad."

Nanzimu ran out of Nanshe's arms and headed towards Gu Jingchen. one

Gu Jingchen knelt down, picked up Nan Zai, and poked him in the face. Nanzai smiled and hugged Gu Jingchen's neck.

Mu Nansheng stood up and looked at Gu Jingchen with a smile. "Are you ready?"

Gu Jingchen still held his breath and nodded slightly.

Mu Nansheng was not surprised by Gu Jingchen's reaction, as this matter requires communication between the two.

Gu Jingchen saw Mu Nansheng standing quietly there, feeling both sad and angry.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Jingchen still didn't want to remain indifferent to Mu Nansheng, so he sighed and brought up the topic first.

-Dad, I'll bring you dinner.

Nanzi touched his stomach and spoke first.

Gu Jingchen was stunned for a moment, but when he saw the lunch box on the table, he believed it.

"Dad, Mom made it herself."

Nan pointed to the lunch box and looked at Gu Jingchen with a smile.

"Did you succeed?"

Gu Jingchen looked at Mu Nansheng with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Mu Nansheng was a bit nervous and clenched his hands tightly. "I did it."

The next second, Gu Jingchen said, "Can I eat this?"

Mu Nansheng:

Indeed, if you insult that ancestor once, he will be angry with you.

Mu Nan Snake's face turned red and depressed. He pinched his fingers and spoke awkwardly, "This is my first time cooking, you can give it a try."

Gu Jingchen held Nanzi and walked towards the dining table- My son, sit down, dad will give you a car seat.

Nanzi obediently sat down.

"What if you tell me where it is and I take it away?"

Mu Nansheng is particularly busy today. Gu Jingchen remained silent and said, "The seat is in the lobby."

Mu Nansheng scratched his head and looked at Gu Jingchen awkwardly, "I haven't been to your hall."

Gu Jingchen sighed- You prepare dinner first, I'll do it.

Mu Nansheng nodded and sat next to Nanzi, opening his lunch box.

Seeing the dazzling array of food, Nanzai nodded excitedly.

"Mom, I want to eat something."

Mu Nansheng took out a piece of cloth from his bag and said, "Nanzai, bring it over."

Nanzi obediently reached out her hand, and Mu Nansheng gently wiped it. Gu Jingchen left the hall and gave up his seat.

Mu Nansheng stood up, wiped the seat for Gu Jingchen, and then let Nan Zini sit on the seat. Gu Jingchen looked at Mu Nansheng quietly.

"Hurry up."

Mu Nansheng pulled out a wet towel and handed it to Gu Jingchen.

Gu Jingchen couldn't help but feel a trance as he looked at Mu Nansheng.

In the past few years of marriage, Gu Jingchen has fantasized countless times that Mu Nansheng can be so gentle and considerate, and live like an ordinary couple.

Fortunately, now I have finally waited for her like this.

These days, Gu Jingchen saw from Mu Nansheng that she was working hard to make up for her family. But as long as Mu Nansheng doesn't explain the phone call clearly to himself, Gu Jingchen will always have resentment in his heart.

"Why haven't you picked up yet? Aren't you hungry?"

Mu Nansheng shook the wet wipes in his hand, and Gu Jingchen took them with one hand.