
Revival: Dark Paths / Tale: the Cursed Child

In a remote and secluded village where there was peace and harmony, there lived an ordinary boy. His life was smooth and carefree. Until one day, his house became the target of cruel demons. Overnight, the boy's entire world crumbles, and he becomes a victim of a dark ritual. On the brink of death, he comes face to face with his past, a past which his regrets will not allow his soul to fade. Against his fate, he returns to the world of the living. But what price is yet to be paid? Plunge into the dark world of dark fantasy and share with the protagonist his upcoming journey - full of exciting adventures and tough challenges.

KingOfEldrHRT · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The War

Once upon a time, when demons sought to conquer an entire continent, seeing us as their greatest threat, they set their sights on us and our sacred land, what we called our cradle-the place where the Elven Forest now stretches. That fateful day... was the most terrible day of all our lives. Most of the children died, many were taken captive, and we survivors were expelled from our home

Once upon a time, when demons sought to conquer an entire continent, seeing us as their greatest threat, they set their sights on us and our sacred land, what we called our cradle-the place where the Elven Forest now stretches.

That fateful day... was the most terrible day of all our lives. Most of the children died, many were taken captive, and we survivors were expelled from our home.

Some of the older angels tried to return to rescue the captives, but when they arrived, there was no one left to rescue them. In the end, they only fell prey to the cunning trap of the demons and met their sad end there.

Pursued mercilessly, we witnessed the deaths of our loved ones, our brothers and sisters. Day by day our strength inexorably dwindled like water from a cracked jug. And at the moment of greatest need, when there was nothing left, our elder was forced to make a decision - to ask for help from the dwarves.

We were reluctant to drag the poor people, who were forced to live underground because of their lack of power, into this carnage until the very last.

Besides, while none of us expected them to be of any help at all, we really had no hope.

With combat, however, we managed to lose the demons. Many of us were seriously wounded, but in the end, we managed to reach our destination.

It was a huge, long mountain, the peak of which was hidden somewhere far away in the clouds. With difficulty, but among its mountain slopes and rocks, we still managed to find the entrance to the underground kingdom.

When we were met by the guards, they listened to us and escorted us to the king.

However, when we met him, we bitterly regretted....

About how much we had underestimated them. Once inside, we found that the underground kingdom was much larger than we had imagined, and it looked very different from what we had imagined - many beautiful structures, a bright and clean world lit up like the sun, some miraculous object, which was for dwarves their main treasure.

It was incredible, despite all their weakness, the Dwarves were an amazingly advanced people, that they even managed to create a man-made sun. They used simply incomprehensible technology, tools, and weapons that we could never have imagined.

And when we told of our plight, the Dwarf King did not hesitate to agree to help. Which showed him to be a wise and judicious leader.

Thus, the Dwarves, whom we once thought to be a weak and helpless people, have now fought alongside us with remarkable courage and bravery. Their aid and weapons allowed us to reclaim our lands, and from that moment on the tide of war seemed to turn in our favor. We pushed the enemy farther and farther to the western lands.

But alas... our success was short-lived.

Realizing the key importance of the artifacts created by dwarves, the demons decided to destroy them and take possession of their weapons. On their way to destroy the dwarves, they suffered great losses, but in the end, they reached their goal. And when the dwarves were destroyed and their weapons ended up in the hands of the demons... they regained their advantage.

But we did not surrender, refusing to yield, we continued our resistance until the enemy finally retreated. However... it was only a temporary success. We sensed that the demons were preparing for another attack, and that our lives hung in the balance.

And our fears were justified-the demons regrouped and gathered their forces to strike a decisive blow against us, to exterminate us-our last survivors.

When we realized this, we knew that the next battle would be our last-we would be destroyed. Then we were faced with a choice: either surrender and perish under the oppression of these vile creatures, or fall in battle to defend this world and avenge our loved ones.

That day, every living angel took part in the battle that was to end this never-ending struggle.

Each one, crippled by war, went to the field to give his life for a brighter future... even if there was no place for us in it. Everyone understood that more than our lives depended on this battle - the future of the world depended on it.

Standing united, side by side with our brothers and sisters, at a moment when everyone's heart was beating in unison, we put all of ourselves into a single spell, and reinforcing it with the dwarf treasure, we struck our final collective blow.

As the demons attempted to deflect it with their dark magic, I saw two bright streaks of light, like wings of fire, thundering away from the core of the spell. The wave from the impact ripped across the continent, but they couldn't stop the attack, and with all the power they had, it reached its goal.

Then, already exhausted, falling to the ground, I closed my eyes and was sure that it was the last time, but after an unknown period of time, my untimely sleep was interrupted and one day I opened them again.

I woke up and could not believe my eyes, with my cloudy gaze I saw an angel, a real, living angel, standing right in front of me.

From him I learned that there were other survivors besides me, and surprisingly, none of us were more than fifty thousand years old.

But then..." He clenched his fists and then, as if awakened, continued, "I also learned that not all demons perished that day.

The world had changed, but the demons were still a threat he was not prepared for. And the only obstacle, for the demons, to a new war, was the forest, which had appeared, apparently while we were asleep, in the place where the wounds were destroyed their predecessors.

Even though we were weak after the awakening and could not destroy all the demons until the end, however, we could at least make sure that the dark forest, with its monsters, would remain, an insurmountable barrier for the demons, on their way to conquer the continent.

That was the idea...

In retrospect, it was such a big mistake for which we foolish youths later began to pay. -Sitting on a small rock, the old man bowed his head- We took a disproportionate burden, many died before we could even regain our strength. Without a plan, we gave our lives away. So, years later, I was the only living angel, with a mad oath to defend the whole damn forest by myself.