

The quest to find hope,dream and true love Accompany Xin to find answer to his question and find the path to become a god 2 chapters / days Cover not mine i will make cover later Grammar sometimes sucks but bear with it. Like vote to support me thx guys. http://bit.ly/XinXin10 https://www.p@treon.com/user?u=26285974

LittleApple · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Training With Zoro

Early in the morning, Xin get up on the bed he come to the bathroom and wash his face then walk outside.

He can see that it was still dark but he knows it's already dawn

He see Zoro already waiting after him.

Xin smiled and said, "Your early do you even sleep?"

Zoro said, "No I'm too excited that I only sleep for 3 hours"

Xin stun in what he heard.

Xin said, "Never mind let's go we first do 100 push-ups"

"But before that do you have weights here in your dojo?"

Zoro nod and get the weights inside of the dojo.

Seeing the weights Xin said to him, "You can try the 5 kg weights first"

Zoro pick the 5 kg weights and Xin pick the 1 tons of weights then they start training.

Xin push-ups are easy to do because he has done this many times.

But for Zoro, this kind of training is hard he was still a kid and he already using that kind of weight.

After a minute Xin finish he then start one hundred Sit-Ups and one hundred Squats after he was done he sit on the bench and wait for Zoro to finish.

After an hour Zoro finishes the first 3 training exercise he sits down in the ground and start to breathe hard seeing Xin do all of it easily he know that he has a long way to become strong.

After waiting for Zoro to catch his breath Xin start the 10-kilometer run.

While running Xin can see that Zoro is lagging so he slows down his running speed until Zoro cath to him.

Xin asks,"Are you okay?"

Zoro nod his head

Seeing Zoro is persisting to finish the training Xin start running fast while Zoro left behind.

After half an hour of running Xin come back at Dojo and start making breakfast, he cook a fried egg, Miso soup, and rice.

Then he come to Kuina room and knock,"

After while Kuina open the door she was still half asleep she stares at Xin then blink after seeing Xin smiling face she asks, "What?"

Xin said, "The breakfast is ready, let's eat"

Kuina absentminded nod

Seeing she was still half asleep Xin caught and said, "Umm .. Kuina i think you need to change your clothes before you open the door"

Then Xin run fast.

Kuina suddenly awake then she sees her clothes not properly arrange even though she was still a kid he knows that different between girls and boys so she understand what Xin means.

Kuina's face becomes red like a tomato and shout, "DAMN YOU KID!!!!!"

She hurried back to her room and change to her training clothes.


After 15 minutes Zoro comeback panting he can't even feel his legs then he comes into the dojo.

Xin seeing Zoro finish the training routine wave at him and point to the breakfast.

Zoro know that Xin already made breakfast so he carries his tired body in front of the table and start eating.

Then Xin sit on the other side and start eating too.

After a while, they both heard heavy steps coming closer in the dining hall they both know that Kuina is coming so they both continue to eat.

Kuina's face is red Zoro thought that she was angry again but she doesn't know why she was angry.

And the culprit is eating quietly in his front.

Seeing Zoro and Xin eating quietly, Kuina sit down in front of Xin then she stares him like she was going to eat him.

Xin notice that she was angry so he smile at her then said, "Kuina eat your breakfast so that you can grow fast"

Then he stared some part of Kuina's body for a second then continue to eat.

Kuina know what he was talking she can't help but to stand and point at him like an angry kitten, "YOU!!!!!"

Zoro suddenly asks her, "What's the matter Kuina why are you angry?"

Kuina's face becomes red then she stop pointing at him then sit.

She just kept staring at Xin in whole time while she was eating she holding the bowl and chopsticks tightly that even Zoro and Xin can hear some cracking sound.

After eating Xin continue his practice he get weights and training stick.

While Zoro get a wooden sword and follow him.

Zoro can't help but ask, "What are you going to do next?"

Xin smiled and said, "I thought you are not going to ask ... I'm going to practice my weapon"

Zoro stare the long stick that he get, "Are you using a long stick?"

Xi nod."Yes my main weapon is stuff that is why I'm using a training stick on my training"

Then Xin go to open space then do a horse stance while holding the stick on his both hand. Then he said, "By doing horse stance you can make your upper body and legs to become stronger then after this i need to start to practice my weapon."

Zoro copy Xin and do horse stance with him.

After a half-hour Zoro collapse, he can feel that his feet and hands trembling.

Then Xin advises him, "After you get enough rest you can start swinging your wooden sword."

After a while, Zoro start swinging his sword.

Seeing this Xin can't help but stop him.

"Zoro do you know the proper way in swinging a sword?

Zoro nod his head

Xin asks,"Then not use it?"

Zoro said, "I think it does not make me stronger, after all, I'm using 3 swords so swinging wildly make both my hand easily use sword"

Xin can't help but shake his head.

"Do you know what is the most powerful skill in the world?"

Zoro said proudly, "If the sword skill look cool i know it's powerful"

Xin lips twitches


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